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Lisa A. Levin

Integrative Oceanography Division Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, California 
Benthic ecology
"Lisa Levin"


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Natalya D. Gallo grad student
Lillian R McCormick grad student Scripps Oceanography
Jeffrey A. Crooks grad student 1992-1998 Scripps Oceanography
Jana L. Davis grad student 2000 UCSD
Drew M. Talley grad student 1994-2000 UCSD
Lesley E. Blankenship grad student 2005 UCSD
Bonnie J. Becker grad student 1998-2005 UCSD
Chris N. Janousek grad student 1999-2005 UCSD
Fredrick J. Fodrie grad student 2006 UCSD
Christine R. Whitcraft grad student 2007 UCSD
Serena M. Moseman grad student 2008 UCSD
Andrew R. Thurber grad student 2005-2010 UCSD
Geoffrey S. Cook grad student 2005-2011 UCSD
Christina A. Tanner grad student 2007-2013 UCSD
Michael O. Navarro grad student 2014 UCSD
Benjamin M. Grupe grad student 2008-2014 Scripps Oceanography
Kirk Sato grad student 2011-2017 Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California at San Diego
Benjamin I. Ruttenberg post-doc 2007-2008 Scripps Institute
Henry S. Carson post-doc 2008-2010 Scripps Oceanography
Marie C. Nordström post-doc 2011-2012 Scripps Oceanography
Shelly M Walther research scientist 2000-2001 Scripps Oceanography


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Carly Strasser collaborator United States
Moriaki Yasuhara collaborator 2013- (Evolution Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Danovaro R, Levin LA, Fanelli G, et al. (2024) Microbes as marine habitat formers and ecosystem engineers. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Levin LA, Alfaro-Lucas JM, Colaço A, et al. (2023) Deep-sea impacts of climate interventions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 379: 978-981
Woods HA, Moran AL, Atkinson D, et al. (2022) Integrative Approaches to Understanding Organismal Responses to Aquatic Deoxygenation. The Biological Bulletin. 243: 85-103
McCormick LR, Levin LA, Oesch NW. (2022) Reduced Oxygen Impairs Photobehavior in Marine Invertebrate Larvae. The Biological Bulletin. 243: 255-271
Queirós AM, Talbot E, Beaumont NJ, et al. (2021) Bright spots as climate-smart marine spatial planning tools for conservation and blue growth. Global Change Biology
Ashford OS, Guan S, Capone D, et al. (2021) Relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning proxies strengthen when approaching chemosynthetic deep-sea methane seeps. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 288: 20210950
Howell KL, Hilário A, Allcock AL, et al. (2020) A decade to study deep-sea life. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Danovaro R, Fanelli E, Aguzzi J, et al. (2020) Reply to: Ecological variables for deep-ocean monitoring must include microbiota and meiofauna for effective conservation. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Smith CR, Tunnicliffe V, Colaço A, et al. (2020) Deep-Sea Misconceptions Cause Underestimation of Seabed-Mining Impacts. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Levin LA, Wei CL, Dunn DC, et al. (2020) Climate Change Considerations are Fundamental to Management of Deep-Sea Resource Extraction. Global Change Biology
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