Sal J. Jorgensen
Affiliations: | Biology | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Marine Ecology, Shark EcologyGoogle:
"Sal Jorgensen"Parents
Sign in to add mentorLouis (Loo) W. Botsford | grad student | 2006 | UC Davis | |
(Movement rates of marine fishes and the implication of dispersal for population persistence in marine reserves.) |
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Tanaka KR, Van Houtan KS, Mailander E, et al. (2021) North Pacific warming shifts the juvenile range of a marine apex predator. Scientific Reports. 11: 3373 |
Le Croizier G, Lorrain A, Sonke JE, et al. (2020) The Twilight Zone as a Major Foraging Habitat and Mercury Source for the Great White Shark. Environmental Science & Technology |
Van Houtan KS, Gagné TO, Reygondeau G, et al. (2020) Coastal sharks supply the global shark fin trade. Biology Letters. 16: 20200609 |
Queiroz N, Humphries NE, Couto A, et al. (2019) Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature |
Moxley JH, Nicholson TE, Van Houtan KS, et al. (2019) Non-trophic impacts from white sharks complicate population recovery for sea otters. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 6378-6388 |
White CF, Lyons K, Jorgensen SJ, et al. (2019) Quantifying habitat selection and variability in habitat suitability for juvenile white sharks. Plos One. 14: e0214642 |
Harrison AL, Costa DP, Winship AJ, et al. (2018) The political biogeography of migratory marine predators. Nature Ecology & Evolution |
Jorgensen SJ, Klimley AP, Muhlia-Melo A, et al. (2016) Seasonal changes in fish assemblage structure at a shallow seamount in the Gulf of California. Peerj. 4: e2357 |
Block BA, Jonsen ID, Jorgensen SJ, et al. (2011) Tracking apex marine predator movements in a dynamic ocean. Nature. 475: 86-90 |
Chapple TK, Jorgensen SJ, Anderson SD, et al. (2011) A first estimate of white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, abundance off Central California. Biology Letters. 7: 581-3 |