Erik E. Sotka

Biology College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, United States 
evolutionary ecology
"Erik Sotka"
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Mark E. Hay grad student 1995-2001 UNC Chapel Hill
 (The causes and consequences of intraspecific variation in the feeding preferences of a marine herbivore.)
Stephen R. Palumbi post-doc Stanford
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Krueger-Hadfield SA, Oetterer AP, Lees LE, et al. (2023) Phenology and thallus size in a non-native population of Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Journal of Phycology. 59: 926-938
Sotka EE, Bell T, Berke S. (2023) Cryptic mtDNA Diversity of (Onuphidae, Annelida) in the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Biology. 12
Duffy JE, Stachowicz JJ, Reynolds PL, et al. (2022) A Pleistocene legacy structures variation in modern seagrass ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2121425119
Gross CP, Duffy JE, Hovel KA, et al. (2022) The biogeography of community assembly: latitude and predation drive variation in community trait distribution in a guild of epifaunal crustaceans. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20211762
Zerebecki RA, Sotka EE, Hanley TC, et al. (2021) Repeated Genetic and Adaptive Phenotypic Divergence across Tidal Elevation in a Foundation Plant Species. The American Naturalist. 198: E152-E169
Krueger-Hadfield SA, Byers JE, Bonthond G, et al. (2021) Intraspecific diversity and genetic structure in the widespread macroalga Agarophyton vermiculophyllum. Journal of Phycology
Krueger-Hadfield SA, Byers JE, Bonthond G, et al. (2021) Intraspecific diversity and genetic structure in the widespread macroalga Agarophyton vermiculophyllum. Journal of Phycology
Flanagan BA, Krueger-Hadfield SA, Murren CJ, et al. (2021) Founder effects shape linkage disequilibrium and genomic diversity of a partially clonal invader. Molecular Ecology
Haram L, Sotka E, Byers J. (2020) Effects of novel, non-native detritus on decomposition and invertebrate community assemblage Marine Ecology Progress Series. 643: 49-61
Staats DAv, Hanley TC, Hays CG, et al. (2020) Intra-Meadow Variation in Seagrass Flowering Phenology Across Depths Estuaries and Coasts. 1-14
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