Jennifer Burnaford
Affiliations: | California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, United States |
"Jennifer Burnaford"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJane Lubchenco | grad student | Oregon State | |
Bruce A. Menge | grad student | Oregon State | |
Gretchen E. Hofmann | post-doc | UC Santa Barbara |
Sign in to add traineeLaura Elsberry | grad student | CSU Fullerton | |
Eric Fan | grad student | 2011-2017 | CSU Fullerton |
Angelina N Zuelow | grad student | 2018-2021 | CSU Fullerton |
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Zuelow AN, Roberts KT, Burnaford JL, et al. (2024) Freezing And Mechanical Failure of A Habitat-forming Kelp in The Rocky Intertidal Zone. Integrative and Comparative Biology |
Miner CM, Burnaford JL, Ammann K, et al. (2021) Latitudinal variation in long-term stability of North American rocky intertidal communities. The Journal of Animal Ecology |
Pound RJ, Miller LP, King FA, et al. (2020) Temperature affects susceptibility of intertidal limpets to bird predation. The Journal of Experimental Biology |
Miner CM, Burnaford JL, Ambrose RF, et al. (2018) Large-scale impacts of sea star wasting disease (SSWD) on intertidal sea stars and implications for recovery. Plos One. 13: e0192870 |
Murray SN, Weisberg SB, Raimondi PT, et al. (2016) Evaluating ecological states of rocky intertidal communities: A Best Professional Judgment exercise Ecological Indicators. 60: 802-814 |
Burnaford JL, Nielsen KJ, Williams SL. (2014) Celestial mechanics affects emersion time and cover patterns of an ecosystem engineer, the intertidal kelp Saccharina sessilis Marine Ecology Progress Series. 509: 127-136 |
Hofmann GE, Burnaford JL, Fielman KT. (2005) Genomics-fueled approaches to current challenges in marine ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 20: 305-11 |
Folt CL, Chen CY, Moore MV, et al. (1999) Synergism and antagonism among multiple stressors Limnology and Oceanography. 44: 864-877 |
Menge BA, Daley BA, Lubchenco J, et al. (1999) Top-down and bottom-up regulation of New Zealand rocky intertidal communities Ecological Monographs. 69: 297-330 |