Misty Paig-Tran, Ph.D.

2014- California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, United States 
"Misty Paig-Tran"


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Chelsea Bowers grad student 2019- CSU Fullerton
Julia Teeple grad student 2019- CSU Fullerton
Madison Wilson grad student 2019- CSU Fullerton
Jahnita DeMoranville grad student 2021- CSU Fullerton
Kaitlyn Kern grad student 2021- CSU Fullerton
Nicole Steplewski grad student 2021- CSU Fullerton
Jordyn Neal grad student 2022- CSU Fullerton
Andrew Barrios grad student 2014-2017 CSU Fullerton
Andrew Lowe grad student 2016-2019 CSU Fullerton
Venkatadheeraj (Raj) Divi grad student 2014-2020 CSU Fullerton
Karly E. Cohen post-doc CSU Fullerton
Samantha C. Leigh post-doc 2019-2020 CSU Fullerton (Marine Ecology Tree)
Shirel Kahane-Rapport post-doc 2021-2024 CSU Fullerton
Justin Hertel research scientist 2021- CSU Fullerton
Caitlin Stapp research scientist 2016-2018 CSU Fullerton
Jacob Javier research scientist 2017-2020 CSU Fullerton
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