Angela J. Colbert, Ph.D.

2013 Meteorology and Physical Oceanography (Marine) University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change
"Angela Colbert"
Cross-listing: Meteorology Tree


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Brian J. Soden grad student 2013 University of Miami
 (The impact of natural and anthropogenic climate variability on tropical cyclone tracks.)
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Colbert AJ, Soden BJ, Kirtman BP. (2015) The impact of natural and anthropogenic climate change on western North Pacific tropical cyclone tracks Journal of Climate. 28: 1806-1823
Colbert AJ, Soden BJ, Vecchi GA, et al. (2013) The impact of anthropogenic climate change on North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks Journal of Climate. 26: 4088-4095
Colbert AJ, Soden BJ. (2012) Climatological variations in North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks Journal of Climate. 25: 657-673
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