Brian M. Giebel, Ph.D.

2011 Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry (Marine) University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Sciences, Analytical Chemistry
"Brian Giebel"


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Daniel D. Riemer grad student 2011 University of Miami
 (Advancement and application of gas chromatography isotope ratio mass spectrometry techniques for atmospheric trace gas analysis.)
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Giebel BM, Swart PK, Riemer DD. (2011) New insights to the use of ethanol in automotive fuels: A stable isotopic tracer for fossil- and bio-fuel combustion inputs to the atmosphere Environmental Science and Technology. 45: 6661-6669
Oikawa PY, Giebel BM, da Silveira Lobo O'Reilly Sternberg L, et al. (2011) Leaf and root pectin methylesterase activity and 13C/ 12C stable isotopic ratio measurements of methanol emissions give insight into methanol production in Lycopersicon esculentum New Phytologist. 191: 1031-1040
Giebel BM, Swart PK, Riemer DD. (2010) Delta13C stable isotope analysis of atmospheric oxygenated volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 82: 6797-806
Giebel BM, Swart PK, Riemer DD. (2010) δ13C stable isotope analysis of atmospheric oxygenated volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry Analytical Chemistry. 82: 6797-6806
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