Arthur C. Gleason, Ph.D.

2009 University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
Remote Sensing, Geology, Ecology Biology
"Arthur Gleason"


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Pamela Reid grad student 2009 University of Miami
 (Single-beam acoustic seabed classification in coral reef environments with application to the assessment of grouper and snapper habitat in the upper Florida Keys, USA.)
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Kelley C, Carton G, Tomlinson M, et al. (2016) Analysis of towed camera images to determine the effects of disposed mustard-filled bombs on the deep water benthic community off south Oahu Deep-Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 128: 34-42
Gracias N, Mahoor M, Negahdaripour S, et al. (2009) Fast image blending using watersheds and graph cuts Image and Vision Computing. 27: 597-607
Lirman D, Gracias NR, Gintert BE, et al. (2007) Development and application of a video-mosaic survey technology to document the status of coral reef communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 125: 59-73
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