Christoph Helo, Ph.D.

2011 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Geochemistry, Marine Geology
"Christoph Helo"


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John Stix grad student 2011 McGill
 (Pyroclastic eruptions in mid-ocean ridge settings: insights from Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge, and analogue experiments.)
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Portner RA, Clague DA, Helo C, et al. (2015) Contrasting styles of deep-marine pyroclastic eruptions revealed from Axial Seamount push core records Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 423: 219-231
Helo C, Hegner E, Kröner A, et al. (2006) Geochemical signature of Paleozoic accretionary complexes of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in South Mongolia: Constraints on arc environments and crustal growth Chemical Geology. 227: 236-257
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