Steven L. Yaffee

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Environmental Sciences, General
"Steven Yaffee"
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Sievanen L, Leslie HM, Wondolleck JM, et al. (2011) Linking top-down and bottom-up processes through the new U.S. National Ocean Policy Conservation Letters. 4: 298-303
Yaffee SL, Wondolleck JM. (2000) Making Collaboration Work: Lessons from a comprehensive assessment of over 200 wideranging cases of collaboration in environmental management Conservation in Practice. 1: 17-24
Yaffee SL. (1999) Three Faces of Ecosystem Management Conservation Biology. 13: 713-725
Yaffee SL. (1997) Why Environmental Policy Nightmares Recur Conservation Biology. 11: 328-337
Yaffee SL. (1996) Ecosystem Management in Practice: The Importance of Human Institutions Ecological Applications. 6: 724-727
Elmore RF, Yaffee SL. (1982) Prohibitive Policy: Implementing the Federal Endangered Species Act. Political Science Quarterly. 97: 715
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