Matt Ferner, Ph.D.

Romberg Tiburon Center 
"Matt Ferner"
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Hodin J, Ferner MC, Gaylord B. (2020) Choosing the right home: settlement responses by larvae of six sea urchin species align with hydrodynamic traits of their contrasting adult habitats Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 190: 737-756
Hodin J, Ferner MC, Ng G, et al. (2015) Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 150114
Cheng BS, Bible JM, Chang AL, et al. (2015) Testing local and global stressor impacts on a coastal foundation species using an ecologically realistic framework. Global Change Biology
Gaylord B, Hodin J, Ferner MC. (2013) Turbulent shear spurs settlement in larval sea urchins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 6901-6
Smee DL, Ferner MC, Weissburg MJ. (2010) Hydrodynamic sensory stressors produce nonlinear predation patterns. Ecology. 91: 1391-400
Ferner MC, Smee DL, Weissburg MJ. (2009) Habitat complexity alters lethal and non-lethal olfactory interactions between predators and prey Marine Ecology Progress Series. 374: 13-22
Ferner MC, Gaylord B. (2008) Flexibility foils filter function: structural limitations on suspension feeding. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 3563-72
Smee DL, Ferner MC, Weissburg MJ. (2008) Alteration of sensory abilities regulates the spatial scale of nonlethal predator effects. Oecologia. 156: 399-409
Weissburg MJ, Ferner MC, Pisut DP, et al. (2002) Ecological consequences of chemically mediated prey perception. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 28: 1953-70
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