Sign in to add mentorJohn W. McManus | grad student | 2007 | University of Miami | |
(Spatial dynamics in the growth and spread of Halimeda and Dictyota in Florida reefs: A simulation modeling approach.) |
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Yñiguez AT, Lim PT, Leaw CP, et al. (2021) Over 30 years of HABs in the Philippines and Malaysia: What have we learned? Harmful Algae. 102: 101776 |
Benico G, Takahashi K, Lum WM, et al. (2020) The harmful unarmored dinoflagellate Karlodinium in Japan and Philippines, with reference to ultrastructure and micropredation of Karlodinium azanzae sp. nov. (Kareniaceae, Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology |
Yñiguez AT, Ottong ZJ. (2020) Predicting fish kills and toxic blooms in an intensive mariculture site in the Philippines using a machine learning model. The Science of the Total Environment. 707: 136173 |
Benjamin CS, Cadeliña PLP, Yñiguez AT, et al. (2019) Development and application of a low-cost rapid assessment system for coastal benthic habitats. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 191: 633 |
Andres JK, Yñiguez AT, Maister JM, et al. (2019) Paralytic Shellfish Toxin Uptake, Assimilation, Depuration, and Transformation in the Southeast Asian Green-Lipped Mussel (). Toxins. 11 |
Pata PR, Yñiguez AT. (2019) Larval connectivity patterns of the North Indo-West Pacific coral reefs. Plos One. 14: e0219913 |
Yñiguez AT, Maister J, Villanoy CL, et al. (2018) Insights into the dynamics of harmful algal blooms in a tropical estuary through an integrated hydrodynamic-Pyrodinium-shellfish model. Harmful Algae. 80: 1-14 |
Gajigan AP, Yñiguez AT, Villanoy CL, et al. (2018) Diversity and community structure of marine microbes around the Benham Rise underwater plateau, northeastern Philippines. Peerj. 6: e4781 |
Yñiguez AT, McManus JW, Collado-Vides L. (2015) Consequences of morphological plasticity and fragmentation on space occupation of coral reef macroalgae Ecological Modelling. 309: 128-142 |
Yñiguez AT, Cayetano A, Villanoy CL, et al. (2012) Investigating the roles of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in the blooms of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum using an individual-based model Procedia Environmental Sciences. 13: 1462-1476 |