Brooke L Weigel
Affiliations: | University of Chicago, Chicago, IL |
marine ecology, microbial ecology, nutrient cycling, invertebratesGoogle:
"Brooke Weigel"Cross-listing: UNCW Tree
Sign in to add mentorJohn D. Schade | research assistant | 2010-2013 | St. Olaf College (Terrestrial Ecology Tree) |
Catherine Pfister | grad student | 2016- | Chicago |
Patrick M. Erwin | grad student | 2014-2016 | UNC Wilmington (Microtree) |
Sign in to add traineeNaomi Hiʻiaka Vliet | research assistant | 2022-2022 | University of Washington - Friday Harbor |
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Miranda K, Weigel BL, Fogarty EC, et al. (2022) The Diversity and Functional Capacity of Microbes Associated with Coastal Macrophytes. Msystems. e0059222 |
Weigel BL, Miranda KK, Fogarty EC, et al. (2022) Functional Insights into the Kelp Microbiome from Metagenome-Assembled Genomes. Msystems. e0142221 |
Ramírez-Puebla ST, Weigel BL, Jack L, et al. (2022) Spatial organization of the kelp microbiome at micron scales. Microbiome. 10: 52 |
Miranda KK, Weigel BL, McCoy SJ, et al. (2021) Differential impacts of alternate primary producers on carbon cycling. Ecology. e03455 |
Weigel BL, Pfister CA. (2020) Oxygen metabolism shapes microbial settlement on photosynthetic kelp blades compared to artificial kelp substrates. Environmental Microbiology Reports |
Weigel BL, Pfister CA. (2020) The dynamics and stoichiometry of dissolved organic carbon release by kelp. Ecology. e03221 |
Weigel BL. (2020) Sea cucumber intestinal regeneration reveals deterministic assembly of the gut microbiome. Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
Weigel BL, Welter JR, Furey PC. (2020) Invertebrate grazing and epilithon assemblages control benthic nitrogen fixation in an N-limited river network Freshwater Science. 39: 508-520 |
Pfister CA, Altabet MA, Weigel BL. (2019) Kelp beds and their local effects on seawater chemistry, productivity, and microbial communities. Ecology. e02798 |
Weigel BL, Pfister CA. (2019) Successional Dynamics and Seascape-Level Patterns of Microbial Communities on the Canopy-Forming Kelps and . Frontiers in Microbiology. 10: 346 |