Karen Porter
Affiliations: | Odum School of Ecology | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States |
Limnology, Planktonic Food Webs, Microbial Loop, Microbial EcologyGoogle:
"Karen Porter"
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Debiase AE, Sanders RW, Porter KG. (2013) Relative nutritional value of ciliate protozoa and algae as food forDaphnia. Microbial Ecology. 19: 199-210 |
Sanders RW, Porter KG. (1990) Bacterivorous flagellates as food resources for the freshwater crustacean zooplankter Daphnia ambigua Limnology and Oceanography. 35: 188-191 |
Porter KG. (1988) Phagotrophic phytoflagellates in microbial food webs Hydrobiologia. 159: 89-97 |
Porter KG, Sherr EB, Sherr BF, et al. (1985) Protozoa in Planktonic Food Webs1,2 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 32: 409-415 |
Orcutt JD, Porter KG. (1984) The synergistic effects of temperature and food concentration of life history parameters of Daphnia. Oecologia. 63: 300-306 |
Pace ML, Porter K, Feig YS. (1984) Life history variation within a parthenogenetic population of Daphnia parvula (Crustacea: Cladocera). Oecologia. 63: 43-51 |
Pace ML, Porter KG, Feig YS. (1983) Species‐ and Age‐Specific Differences in Bacterial Resource Utilization by Two Co‐Occurring Cladocerans Ecology. 64: 1145-1156 |
Porter KG, Pace ML, Battey JF. (1979) Ciliate protozoans as links in freshwater planktonic food chains Nature. 277: 563-565 |