Mark A. McPeek, Ph.D.

Zoology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
 Biological Sciences Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
freshwater ecology, insect ecology, evolutionary biology, community ecology
""Mark Alan OR A. McPeek Dartmouth""


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Earl E. Werner grad student 1989 Michigan State
 (The determination of species composition in the Enallagma damselfly assemblages (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) of permanent lakes)


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Jean M. L. Richardson grad student 1999 Dartmouth (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Nicholas A. Friedenberg grad student 2002 Dartmouth (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Ryan A. Thum grad student 2006 Dartmouth (Evolution Tree)


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Michael R. Dietrich collaborator Dartmouth (FlyTree)
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McPeek MA, Resetarits WJ, Holt RD. (2024) The evolution of passive dispersal versus habitat selection have differing emergent consequences in metacommunities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 379: 20230126
Gómez-Llano M, Germain RM, Kyogoku D, et al. (2021) When Ecology Fails: How Reproductive Interactions Promote Species Coexistence. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
McPeek MA, Siepielski AM. (2019) Disentangling Ecologically Equivalent from Neutral Species: The Mechanisms of Population Regulation Matter. The Journal of Animal Ecology
Barnard AA, Fincke OM, McPeek MA, et al. (2017) Mechanical and tactile incompatibilities cause reproductive isolation between two young damselfly species. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
McPeek MA. (2017) The Ecological Dynamics of Natural Selection: Traits and the Coevolution of Community Structure. The American Naturalist. 189: E91-E117
Swaegers J, Janssens SB, Ferreira S, et al. (2014) Ecological and evolutionary drivers of range size in Coenagrion damselflies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27: 2386-95
McPeek MA. (2014) Limiting factors, competitive exclusion, and a more expansive view of species coexistence. The American Naturalist. 183: iii-iv
Bourret A, McPeek MA, Turgeon J. (2012) Regional divergence and mosaic spatial distribution of two closely related damselfly species (Enallagma hageni and Enallagma ebrium). Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25: 196-209
Siepielski AM, Mertens AN, Wilkinson BL, et al. (2011) Signature of ecological partitioning in the maintenance of damselfly diversity. The Journal of Animal Ecology. 80: 1163-73
McPeek MA, Symes LB, Zong DM, et al. (2011) Species recognition and patterns of population variation in the reproductive structures of a damselfly genus. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 65: 419-28
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