People with institution matching "Northeastern University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Carolina Aguila (Info) Northeastern University Marine ecology mebracken 2009‑10‑15
Andrew H. Altieri (Info) Brown GeoffreyTrussell 2009‑10‑14
Matthew Baker (Info) Northeastern University marine ecology GeoffreyTrussell 2020‑12‑01
Kylla M. Benes (Info) Northeastern University Marine ecology, phycology mebracken 2009‑10‑15
Jennifer L. Bowen (Info) Boston University pq 2015‑11‑23
Matthew E. S. Bracken (Info) UC Irvine Marine ecology mebracken 2009‑10‑14
Andrew J. Brooks (Info) UC Santa Barbara Population and Community Ecology AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Elizabeth S. Bryson (Info) Northeastern University GeoffreyTrussell 2013‑07‑11
Ashley Bulseco (Info) Northeastern University jennifer.bowen 2021‑09‑29
Emily Carson (Info) Northeastern University AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Rebecca Certner (Info) Northeastern University f.choi 2020‑09‑16
Helen Cheng (Info) Northeastern University marine ecology, coastal resilience, fisheries biology, marine policy hecheng 2021‑05‑19
Francis Choi (Info) UBC f.choi 2020‑09‑16
Nicholas Colvard (Info) Northeastern University brianhelmuth 2016‑11‑23
David J. Combosch (Info) Northeastern University evolutionary ecology pq 2015‑10‑19
James Corbett (Info) Northeastern University 2022‑04‑06
Ashley Cryan (Info) Northeastern University brianhelmuth 2016‑11‑23
Renee E. Dolecal (Info) San Diego State University Chemical Ecology, Benthic Ecology rdolecal 2009‑10‑16
Sarah Donelan (Info) Northeastern University GeoffreyTrussell 2016‑05‑05
Amanda M Dwyer (Info) Northeastern University Coral Reef Ecology, Plankton, Coral Physiology Sdwilliams 2019‑09‑18
Jennifer Elliott (Info) College of William and Mary/Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Northeastern University Sdwilliams 2019‑09‑18
Katie Field (Info) Northeastern University AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Rebeca Focht (Info) Northeastern University AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Aubrey Foulk (Info) Northeastern University f.choi 2020‑09‑16
Salvatore J. Genovese (Info) Northeastern University aaltieri 2009‑10‑28
Brendan C. Gillis (Info) Northeastern University marine ecology mebracken 2012‑01‑06
Rachel K. Gittman (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, East Carolina University, Northeastern University Coastal ecology; human impacts; mangrove ecology Rgittman 2012‑03‑24
Tarik Gouhier (Info) Northeastern University spieckerb 2015‑07‑06
Jon Grabowski (Info) Gulf of Maine Research Institute arandallhughes 2009‑10‑14
Jonathan H. Grabowski (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Community ecology pq 2015‑10‑19
Marcella R Heineke (Info) Northeastern University mrheineke 2023‑11‑15
Brian Helmuth (Info) Northeastern University Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Randall R. Hughes (Info) Northeastern University biodiversity and ecosystem function, seagrass ecology, genetic diversity, food web ecology jebyrnes 2009‑10‑14
Pat Kearns (Info) Northeastern University jennifer.bowen 2021‑09‑29
David L. Kimbro (Info) Northeastern University alchang 2009‑10‑18
Jeremy D. Long (Info) San Diego State University Algae/herbivore interactions millerlp 2009‑10‑14
Emily Longman (Info) Northeastern University GeoffreyTrussell 2016‑05‑05
Katie E. Lotterhos (Info) Wake Forest dlevitan 2013‑10‑01
Natalie H. N. Low (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University nlow 2014‑02‑02
Christopher Marks (Info) Northeastern University nlow 2014‑03‑08
Andrea Unzueta Martinez (Info) Northeastern University jennifer.bowen 2021‑09‑29
Catherine M. Matassa (Info) University of Connecticut GeoffreyTrussell 2009‑11‑04
Allison Matzelle (Info) Northeastern University brianhelmuth 2016‑11‑23
Kate McClure (Info) Northeastern University GeoffreyTrussell 2013‑07‑11
Luke P. Miller (Info) San Diego State University ecomechanics, ecophysiology millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Althea Moore (Info) Northeastern University tlrogers 2014‑05‑23
Christine Newton (Info) University of Rhode Island marine ecology emjones 2009‑10‑14
Mark R. Patterson (Info) William and Mary Underwater robotics, marine ecophysiology, coral reef ecology, shallow water hydrothermal vents GeoffreyTrussell 2009‑10‑14
Valerie Perini (Info) Northeastern University marine ecology mebracken 2012‑01‑06
Jonathan B. Puritz (Info) University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Population Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology jpuritz 2009‑11‑17
Tanya L. Rogers (Info) Northeastern University tlrogers 2014‑05‑23
Grace Schwartz (Info) Northeastern University GeoffreyTrussell 2013‑07‑11
Kenneth Sebens (Info) University of Washington subtidal ecology, coral reef ecology GeoffreyTrussell 2009‑10‑14
Ben Shanafelt (Info) Northeastern University, Boston Coastal Ecology, Seagrass, Marine invertebrates, Fisheries, Public Education Shanafelt_Ben 2024‑09‑05
Brianna K Shaughnessy (Info) The University of Massachusetts Boston aquaculture, kelp, seaweed, seafood farming, science communication BriannaKS 2022‑02‑02
Barbara Spiecker (Info) Oregon State community ecology, bottom-up, intertidal spieckerb 2015‑07‑06
Clare Wormald Steele (Info) California State University, Channel Islands Fish population ecology, conservation biology, marine resource management clarewormald 2009‑11‑07
Jessica Torossian (Info) Northeastern University brianhelmuth 2016‑11‑23
Geoffrey C. Trussell (Info) Northeastern University Marine ecology GeoffreyTrussell 2009‑10‑14
Steven V. Vollmer (Info) Northeastern University evolutionary ecology mebracken 2009‑11‑09
Henry O. Werntz (Info) Northeastern University osmoregulation mebracken 2009‑10‑20
Danielle N Whalen (Info) Oregon State community ecology daniellewhalen 2019‑10‑11
Sara D Williams (Info) Northeastern University Global Change Biology, Ecological Networks, Coral Reef Ecology, Marine Biomechanics Sdwilliams 2019‑09‑18
Mallarie E. Yeager (Info) San Diego State University, Northeastern University, UC Santa Cruz Marine Ecology myeager 2013‑09‑27
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