People with institution matching "Northeastern University":
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Carolina Aguila (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Marine ecology |
mebracken |
2009‑10‑15 |
Andrew H. Altieri (Info) |
Brown |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2009‑10‑14 |
Matthew Baker (Info) |
Northeastern University |
marine ecology |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2020‑12‑01 |
Kylla M. Benes (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Marine ecology, phycology |
mebracken |
2009‑10‑15 |
Jennifer L. Bowen (Info) |
Boston University |
pq |
2015‑11‑23 |
Matthew E. S. Bracken (Info) |
UC Irvine |
Marine ecology |
mebracken |
2009‑10‑14 |
Andrew J. Brooks (Info) |
UC Santa Barbara |
Population and Community Ecology |
AndrewJBrooks |
2009‑10‑15 |
Elizabeth S. Bryson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2013‑07‑11 |
Ashley Bulseco (Info) |
Northeastern University |
jennifer.bowen |
2021‑09‑29 |
Emily Carson (Info) |
Northeastern University |
AndrewJBrooks |
2009‑10‑15 |
Rebecca Certner (Info) |
Northeastern University |
f.choi |
2020‑09‑16 |
Helen Cheng (Info) |
Northeastern University |
marine ecology, coastal resilience, fisheries biology, marine policy |
hecheng |
2021‑05‑19 |
Francis Choi (Info) |
f.choi |
2020‑09‑16 |
Nicholas Colvard (Info) |
Northeastern University |
brianhelmuth |
2016‑11‑23 |
David J. Combosch (Info) |
Northeastern University |
evolutionary ecology |
pq |
2015‑10‑19 |
James Corbett (Info) |
Northeastern University |
| |
2022‑04‑06 |
Ashley Cryan (Info) |
Northeastern University |
brianhelmuth |
2016‑11‑23 |
Renee E. Dolecal (Info) |
San Diego State University |
Chemical Ecology, Benthic Ecology |
rdolecal |
2009‑10‑16 |
Sarah Donelan (Info) |
Northeastern University |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2016‑05‑05 |
Amanda M Dwyer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Coral Reef Ecology, Plankton, Coral Physiology |
Sdwilliams |
2019‑09‑18 |
Jennifer Elliott (Info) |
College of William and Mary/Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Northeastern University |
Sdwilliams |
2019‑09‑18 |
Katie Field (Info) |
Northeastern University |
AndrewJBrooks |
2009‑10‑15 |
Rebeca Focht (Info) |
Northeastern University |
AndrewJBrooks |
2009‑10‑15 |
Aubrey Foulk (Info) |
Northeastern University |
f.choi |
2020‑09‑16 |
Salvatore J. Genovese (Info) |
Northeastern University |
aaltieri |
2009‑10‑28 |
Brendan C. Gillis (Info) |
Northeastern University |
marine ecology |
mebracken |
2012‑01‑06 |
Rachel K. Gittman (Info) |
UNC Chapel Hill, East Carolina University, Northeastern University |
Coastal ecology; human impacts; mangrove ecology |
Rgittman |
2012‑03‑24 |
Tarik Gouhier (Info) |
Northeastern University |
spieckerb |
2015‑07‑06 |
Jon Grabowski (Info) |
Gulf of Maine Research Institute |
arandallhughes |
2009‑10‑14 |
Jonathan H. Grabowski (Info) |
UNC Chapel Hill |
Community ecology |
pq |
2015‑10‑19 |
Marcella R Heineke (Info) |
Northeastern University |
mrheineke |
2023‑11‑15 |
Brian Helmuth (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics |
millerlp |
2009‑09‑18 |
Randall R. Hughes (Info) |
Northeastern University |
biodiversity and ecosystem function, seagrass ecology, genetic diversity, food web ecology |
jebyrnes |
2009‑10‑14 |
Pat Kearns (Info) |
Northeastern University |
jennifer.bowen |
2021‑09‑29 |
David L. Kimbro (Info) |
Northeastern University |
alchang |
2009‑10‑18 |
Jeremy D. Long (Info) |
San Diego State University |
Algae/herbivore interactions |
millerlp |
2009‑10‑14 |
Emily Longman (Info) |
Northeastern University |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2016‑05‑05 |
Katie E. Lotterhos (Info) |
Wake Forest |
dlevitan |
2013‑10‑01 |
Natalie H. N. Low (Info) |
Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University |
nlow |
2014‑02‑02 |
Christopher Marks (Info) |
Northeastern University |
nlow |
2014‑03‑08 |
Andrea Unzueta Martinez (Info) |
Northeastern University |
jennifer.bowen |
2021‑09‑29 |
Catherine M. Matassa (Info) |
University of Connecticut |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2009‑11‑04 |
Allison Matzelle (Info) |
Northeastern University |
brianhelmuth |
2016‑11‑23 |
Kate McClure (Info) |
Northeastern University |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2013‑07‑11 |
Luke P. Miller (Info) |
San Diego State University |
ecomechanics, ecophysiology |
millerlp |
2009‑09‑18 |
Althea Moore (Info) |
Northeastern University |
tlrogers |
2014‑05‑23 |
Christine Newton (Info) |
University of Rhode Island |
marine ecology |
emjones |
2009‑10‑14 |
Mark R. Patterson (Info) |
William and Mary |
Underwater robotics, marine ecophysiology, coral reef ecology, shallow water hydrothermal vents |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2009‑10‑14 |
Valerie Perini (Info) |
Northeastern University |
marine ecology |
mebracken |
2012‑01‑06 |
Jonathan B. Puritz (Info) |
University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
Population Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology |
jpuritz |
2009‑11‑17 |
Tanya L. Rogers (Info) |
Northeastern University |
tlrogers |
2014‑05‑23 |
Grace Schwartz (Info) |
Northeastern University |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2013‑07‑11 |
Kenneth Sebens (Info) |
University of Washington |
subtidal ecology, coral reef ecology |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2009‑10‑14 |
Ben Shanafelt (Info) |
Northeastern University, Boston |
Coastal Ecology, Seagrass, Marine invertebrates, Fisheries, Public Education |
Shanafelt_Ben |
2024‑09‑05 |
Brianna K Shaughnessy (Info) |
The University of Massachusetts Boston |
aquaculture, kelp, seaweed, seafood farming, science communication |
BriannaKS |
2022‑02‑02 |
Barbara Spiecker (Info) |
Oregon State |
community ecology, bottom-up, intertidal |
spieckerb |
2015‑07‑06 |
Clare Wormald Steele (Info) |
California State University, Channel Islands |
Fish population ecology, conservation biology, marine resource management |
clarewormald |
2009‑11‑07 |
Jessica Torossian (Info) |
Northeastern University |
brianhelmuth |
2016‑11‑23 |
Geoffrey C. Trussell (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Marine ecology |
GeoffreyTrussell |
2009‑10‑14 |
Steven V. Vollmer (Info) |
Northeastern University |
evolutionary ecology |
mebracken |
2009‑11‑09 |
Henry O. Werntz (Info) |
Northeastern University |
osmoregulation |
mebracken |
2009‑10‑20 |
Danielle N Whalen (Info) |
Oregon State |
community ecology |
daniellewhalen |
2019‑10‑11 |
Sara D Williams (Info) |
Northeastern University |
Global Change Biology, Ecological Networks, Coral Reef Ecology, Marine Biomechanics |
Sdwilliams |
2019‑09‑18 |
Mallarie E. Yeager (Info) |
San Diego State University, Northeastern University, UC Santa Cruz |
Marine Ecology |
myeager |
2013‑09‑27 |
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