People with institution matching "Oregon State University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Mark R Abbott (Info) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Oregon State rmletelier 2019‑01‑29
Mark A. Albins (Info) Oregon State Coral-reef fish ecology, invasive species jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Glenn R. Almany (Info) James Cook University hixon 2009‑11‑09
Marine Andriot (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Silke M Bachhuber (Info) Oregon State Ecology bachhubs 2018‑05‑10
Rebecca E. Baldwin (Info) Oregon State Population Genetics pq 2015‑11‑14
Michael A. Banks (Info) Oregon State Population Genetics mlj062777 2012‑10‑01
Allison Barner (Info) Oregon State akbarner 2011‑08‑08
Cheryl L Barnes (Info) University of Washington, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San Diego State University fisheries ecology, fisheries biology, quantitative fisheries, marine science, groundfishes, climate change cheryl.barnes 2022‑08‑09
Felipe S. Barreto (Info) Oregon State, Scripps Oceanography Marine biology, speciation, sexual selection, mating systems FelipeBarreto 2010‑08‑19
Kristofer Bauer (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Mark F. Baumgartner (Info) Oregon State Oceanography Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology pq 2016‑07‑03
Christopher J. Bayne (Info) Oregon State Comparative immunology, parasitology sbuddenb 2014‑08‑07
Cassandra Benkwitt (Info) Oregon State hixonm 2017‑10‑23
Eric L Berlow (Info) Vibrant Data, UC Merced Ecology, Networks, Food Webs, Sierra Nevada, Biodiversity jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Carol Blanchette (Info) UC Santa Barbara marine ecology blanchet 2010‑04‑17
David John Booth (Info) University of Technology Sydney hixon 2009‑11‑09
Emily L. Boring (Info) Yale Divinity , Oregon State, Yale damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Lauren K Borland (Info) Oregon State lkborland 2022‑12‑01
Emmanuel Boss (Info) University of Maine Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Optics Physics pq 2016‑05‑13
Matthew E. S. Bracken (Info) UC Irvine Marine ecology mebracken 2009‑10‑14
Angela J. Brandt (Info) Oregon State pq 2015‑10‑19
Gary J. Brusca (Info) Cal Poly Humboldt Invertebrate zoology tissotb 2009‑11‑10
Jennifer Burnaford (Info) CSU Fullerton pmatson 2009‑11‑08
Andrea Burton (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Tom Calvanese (Info) Oregon State Acoustic Telemetry ralphlarson 2009‑11‑07
Mark Carr (Info) UC Santa Cruz phillevin 2009‑10‑16
Gonzalo C. Castillo (Info) Oregon State Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Oceanography Biology pq 2019‑01‑19
Elizabeth B. Cerny-Chipman (Info) Oregon State lizcchip 2011‑04‑29
Mark R. Christie (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Lorenzo Ciannelli (Info) University of Washington pq 2015‑10‑19
Sarah Close (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Kyle E. Coblentz (Info) Oregon State Community Ecology, Species Interactions Kcoblentz 2014‑06‑10
Cameron Crowder (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Jeffrey M. Dambacher (Info) Oregon State Ecology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture pq 2019‑01‑19
Benjamin Norha Daniels (Info) Oregon State -omics bndaniel 2023‑11‑13
Maureen H. Davies (Info) Oregon State Marine Geology, Paleoclimate Science, Sedimentary Geology pq 2016‑05‑13
Alexandra CD Davis (Info) CSU Monterey Bay, University of Alberta, UCLA, CSU Northridge Marine conservation ecology, invasion ecology, MPA management, Rippled Scour Depressions davi9740 2011‑09‑21
Dafne I. Eerkes-Medrano (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Laurel C. Field (Info) PISCO, Oregon State University PISCO, Intertidal ecology, Sea star wasting syndrome LaurelField 2018‑10‑07
Bruce Finney (Info) Idaho State University woodsp 2012‑08‑12
Melissa M. Foley (Info) UC Santa Cruz Marine ecology, biogeochemistry foleyme 2009‑11‑07
Tess Leilani Freidenburg (Info) Oregon State david 2015‑07‑06
Heather K. Fulton-Bennett (Info) Moss Landing Marine Labs, Oregon State Phycology, Intertidal Ecology hfbennett 2013‑09‑30
Steven D. Gaines (Info) UC Santa Barbara Coastal ecology millerlp 2009‑10‑14
Brian Gaylord (Info) Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis, UC Davis Ecological biomechanics and biological physical coupling in coastal marine systems millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Daniel Gomez-Uchida (Info) Oregon State Population Genetics pq 2015‑11‑14
Elise F. Granek (Info) Oregon State land-sea connectivity, mangrove ecology, marine ecosystem function/services; effects of emerging contaminants on marine species and communities david 2015‑07‑06
Sarah Amelia Gravem (Info) Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis Intertidal Community Ecology, Behavioral Ecology sgravem 2009‑10‑15
Stephanie Green (Info) Oregon State hixonm 2017‑10‑23
Stanley Gregory (Info) Oregon State katmag 2019‑12‑08
Kirsten A. Grorud-Colvert (Info) Oregon State Fish ecology, marine reserves kgc 2009‑11‑09
Anne D. Guerry (Info) Oregon State david 2015‑07‑06
Sally Hacker (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
James D Hall (Info) University of Michigan Stream ecology katmag 2019‑12‑08
Patricia M. Halpin (Info) UCLA marine ecology, rocky shores, fisheries, disturbance ecology, halpin 2010‑11‑03
Kin-Lan Han (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Steven C. Hand (Info) Louisiana State elizabethhoaglund 2009‑10‑14
Jeffrey Harding (Info) National Marine Fisheries Service hixon 2009‑11‑09
Sarah Hardisty (Info) Oregon State 2022‑10‑02
Tina Hartney (Info) CSU Pomona kgc 2009‑11‑09
James T. Harvey (Info) Moss Landing Marine Labs Marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles emp11 2015‑02‑24
G Ross Heath (Info) University of Washington woodsp 2012‑08‑12
Joel Walker Hedgpeth (Info) Oregon State Marine arthropods tissotb 2009‑11‑10
Kimberly W. Heiman (Info) Muhlenberg College Community Ecology, Invasive Species, Natural Resource Management kheiman 2009‑10‑16
Brian Helmuth (Info) Northeastern University Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Sarah K. Henkel (Info) Oregon State kelp, benthic communities, population genetics, gene expression, human impacts wmshenk 2009‑10‑14
Shannon Hennessey (Info) Oregon State mnovak 2019‑12‑27
Margot Hessing-Lewis (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Annaliese Hettinger (Info) Oregon State climate change, biomechanics, larval biology, ocean acidification ahettinger 2009‑10‑17
Mark Anthony Hixon (Info) Oregon State Ecology of Fishes AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Paul A. Hohenlohe (Info) University of Washington pq 2015‑10‑19
Robert A. Holman (Info) Oregon State Marine Geology, Sedimentary Geology pq 2016‑05‑12
Grace Annabel Hunt (Info) Oregon State huntgr 2023‑11‑21
Alison C. Iles (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Kurt Ingeman (Info) Oregon State hixonm 2017‑10‑23
Cheyenne Jarman (Info) Oregon State mnovak 2021‑04‑08
Mattias L. Johansson (Info) Oregon State ralphlarson 2009‑11‑07
Darren Johnson (Info) NCEAS jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Steven Mana'oakamai Johnson (Info) Oregon State, Arizona State Univerisity, Cornell, University of Guam smjohnson670 2018‑03‑21
Lydia Kapsenberg (Info) UC Santa Barbara pcy 2012‑07‑08
Maria T. Kavanaugh (Info) Oregon State University, COAS macroecology, remote sensing mtk 2010‑06‑05
Kamron Kayhani (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Adam Kent (Info) Oregon State Petrology, Geochemistry, Marine Geology pq 2016‑05‑12
Tye Kindinger (Info) Oregon State hixonm 2017‑10‑23
Sheila A. Kitchen (Info) Caltech Genomics, coral, symbiosis Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Alison M. Koleszar (Info) Oregon State Geology, Geochemistry, Petrology pq 2016‑05‑12
Timothy S. Lee (Info) East Carolina University Marine Ecology lst 2014‑02‑04
Heather M. Leslie (Info) Brown, University of Maine marine ecology, coupled social-ecological systems science, design and evaluation of marine management strategies hleslie 2009‑11‑12
Ricardo M. Letelier (Info) Oregon State Microbial Oceanography, Ecology, Elemental Cycles, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Fixation, Bio-optics pq 2016‑04‑18
Hiram W. Li (Info) Oregon State Fish Behavior, freshwater fish ecology, energetic jandh 2018‑10‑27
Jane Lubchenco (Info) Oregon State Marine ecology and conservation mebracken 2009‑10‑14
Luis F. Madrinan (Info) Oregon State Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture pq 2019‑01‑19
Caitlin L Magel (Info) Oregon State, University of Washington Tacoma, UNC Chapel Hill smjohnson670 2018‑11‑07
Bruce Mate (Info) Oregon State ctclark 2016‑07‑02
Bruce A. Mcintosh (Info) Oregon State jandh 2018‑10‑27
Dwayne Meadows (Info) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hixon 2009‑11‑09
Bruce A. Menge (Info) Oregon State Marine ecology mebracken 2009‑10‑14
Kristen Drewes Milligan (Info) Oregon State Coastal ecosystems KMilligan 2011‑05‑25
Alan C. Mix (Info) Oregon State Marine Geology, Paleoclimate Science, Sedimentary Geology pq 2016‑05‑13
Gabriela Montano Moctezuma (Info) Oregon State Ecology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Oceanography Biology pq 2019‑01‑19
Sergio Navarrete (Info) Estación Costera de Investigaciones Marinas - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile kjnielsen 2009‑10‑15
Karina J. Nielsen (Info) Sonoma State University Marine Community Ecology, Biological Oceanography, Conservation Biology, Physiological Ecology kjnielsen 2009‑10‑15
Keiko Nomura (Info) Oregon State smjohnson670 2019‑05‑16
Mark Novak (Info) Oregon State Community ecology, food webs mnovak 2009‑11‑07
Annette M. Olson (Info) Oregon State Marine algae, herbivory, life histories, environmental stress models lottia 2013‑09‑06
Karen L. Overholtzer-McLeod (Info) COMPASS hixon 2009‑11‑09
H Tuba Ozkan Haller (Info) Oregon State Physical Oceanography, Marine Geology pq 2016‑05‑14
Dianna K. Padilla (Info) SUNY Stony Brook Limpet radular function and morphology rich.palmer 2009‑10‑12
Kimberly Norah Page-Albins (Info) Oregon State Phycology, coral reef ecology, physical oceanography pageki 2009‑11‑13
Margaret L. Palmsten (Info) Oregon State Marine Geology, Sedimentary Geology pq 2016‑05‑13
Laura E. Petes (Info) AAAS Fellow; NOAA Climate Program Office physiological ecology, climate change lpetes 2009‑10‑14
Catherine Pfister (Info) Chicago oshelton 2009‑10‑15
Angela Z. Poole (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Matthew J. Powers (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Tim Pusack (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Zachary Randell (Info) Oregon State mnovak 2019‑12‑27
Wendel W. Raymond (Info) University of Alaska Fairbanks community ecology, trophic ecology, eelgrass, kelp wraymond 2015‑10‑15
Jessica N. Reimer (Info) Oregon State marine ecology, marine conservation jessicareimer 2015‑11‑04
Alissa J. Rickborn (Info) Oregon State community ecology, intertidal, sponges arickborn 2015‑07‑06
Gil Rilov (Info) National Institute of Oceanography, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Marine Ecology, rocky shores, benthic-pelagic coupling, recruitment, species interactions, predation rilovg 2009‑11‑07
Neil H. Ringler (Info) SUNY ESF Aquatic ecology, fish behavior, fisheries science loycvdk 2020‑04‑28
Matt Robart (Info) UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab, Occidental College fisheries science, kelp forest ecology, nearshore transport, community subsidies mjrobart 2009‑10‑15
Jonathan Robinson (Info) Oregon State Intertidal Ecology, Marine Biology jwrobins 2014‑11‑03
Guritno Roesijadi (Info) Oregon State Marine Biotechnology, Bimolecular Materials, Toxicology Vigyaanik 2021‑11‑16
Jeremy M. Rose (Info) Oregon State ocean acidification, community ecology jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Brenna J. Rothman (Info) University of Washington brenrothman 2024‑09‑21
Roland B. Russell (Info) Oregon State david 2015‑07‑06
Benjamin I. Ruttenberg (Info) Cal Poly State University, SLO Larval ecology, reef fish ecology, biogeography benrutt 2009‑11‑09
Solomon C. S. Yim (Info) Oregon State Civil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering pq 2016‑05‑11
Morgan J. Salisbury (Info) Oregon State Petrology, Continental Dynamics pq 2016‑05‑12
Rhea D. Sanders (Info) UBC Coastal Ecological biogeochemistry RheaDS 2016‑08‑01
Eric Sanford (Info) UC Davis Marine ecology, climate change mebracken 2009‑10‑15
Emily R Schmeltzer (Info) Oregon State, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories marine ecology, microbial ecology, invertebrate zoology, coral ecology, bioinformatics eschmeltzer 2017‑09‑26
Emily R Schmeltzer (Info) Oregon State, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories marine ecology, microbial ecology, invertebrate zoology, coral ecology, bioinformatics eschmeltzer 2017‑09‑26
Dan Schneck (Info) Oregon State damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Christy Schnitzler (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Jodi Schwarz (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Leah Segui (Info) Oregon State LSegui 2015‑10‑24
Chenchen Shen (Info) Oregon State chenchenocean 2011‑02‑27
Paul Sikkel (Info) Arkansas State University hixon 2009‑11‑09
Barbara Spiecker (Info) Oregon State community ecology, bottom-up, intertidal spieckerb 2015‑07‑06
Christopher D. Stallings (Info) University of South Florida marine ecology stallinc 2009‑10‑14
Hilary F. Stockdon (Info) Oregon State Physical Oceanography, Geology pq 2016‑05‑13
Joseph S. Stoner (Info) Oregon State Marine Geology, Paleoclimate Science, Sedimentary Geology pq 2016‑05‑13
Andrew R. Szabo (Info) Oregon State Conservation Biology, Ecology Biology pq 2016‑07‑03
Sarah Ann Thompson (Info) Farallon Institute for Advanced Ecosystem Research Marine Ecology kjnielsen 2009‑10‑15
Andrew R. Thurber (Info) Oregon State Benthic ecology, Biological oceanography athurber 2009‑10‑15
Rebecca Vega Thurber (Info) Oregon State microbial ecology rvegathurber 2009‑10‑14
Brian N. Tissot (Info) Cal Poly Humboldt Marine invertebrate and fish ecology tissotb 2009‑11‑08
Trevor Tivey (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Christian E. Torgersen (Info) Oregon State Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences, Remote Sensing pq 2019‑01‑19
Lillian Tuttle (Info) Oregon State Reef Fish Ecology, Parasite Ecology lillianjtuttle 2012‑05‑04
Joe A. Tyburczy (Info) Oregon State marine ecology, biological oceanography jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
Albert Vincent Tyler (Info) University of Toronto muddynat 2024‑09‑14
Ciera Villegas (Info) Oregon State smjohnson670 2019‑05‑16
Luis R. Vinueza (Info) Oregon State jeremymrose 2009‑11‑07
James R. Watson (Info) UC Santa Barbara Connectivity, network theory, oceanography, mathematical biology watsonjr 2009‑11‑07
Michael S. Webster (Info) Moore Foundation hixon 2009‑11‑09
Allison B. Weinsteiger (Info) Oregon State Petrology, Geochemistry, Marine Geology pq 2016‑05‑12
Virginia Weis (Info) Oregon State Sheila-kitchen 2020‑03‑06
Danielle N Whalen (Info) Oregon State community ecology daniellewhalen 2019‑10‑11
Patricia Ann Wheeler (Info) UC Irvine, Oregon State mikerice 2020‑12‑28
Seth M. White (Info) Oregon State Ecology Biology pq 2019‑01‑19
Will W. White (Info) UNC Wilmington predator-prey interactions, foraging behavior of fishes, larval dispersal, metapopulation dynamics, spatial management of marine fisheries matthewabirk 2014‑02‑28
Margaret A. Wilzbach (Info) Oregon State katmag 2019‑12‑08
Spencer A. Wood (Info) University of Washington woodsp 2009‑11‑07
Sylvia Behrens Yamada (Info) Oregon State JeffGoddard 2010‑04‑28
Mallarie E. Yeager (Info) San Diego State University, Northeastern University, UC Santa Cruz Marine Ecology myeager 2013‑09‑27
Phoebe L. Zarnetske (Info) Oregon State pq 2015‑10‑19
Angelina N Zuelow (Info) Oregon State Marine Ecology, Phycology azuelow 2024‑05‑26
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