People with institution matching "Stanford University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Donald Putnam Abbott (Info) Stanford Invertebrate Zoology AlanHolyoak 2009‑11‑09
Isabella Abbott (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Phycology jensmith 2009‑11‑11
Susan E. Alter (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑19
Sean Sumner Anderson (Info) California State University Channel Islands, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford ecological restoration, sustainable fisheries, ecological fragmentation DrPongo 2010‑08‑29
Katie K. Arkema (Info) Stanford community ecology, marine ecosystem services, kelp forest ecology arkema 2009‑10‑16
Bryan Thomas Barney (Info) Stanford Population Genomics BTBarney 2011‑11‑07
Rodrigo Beas-Luna (Info) Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Quantitative marine ecologist rbeas 2017‑08‑11
Joanna Bernhardt (Info) UBC maryo 2012‑09‑26
Lawrence R. Blinks (Info) Stanford electrophysiology, photosynthesis pmatson 2009‑11‑08
Rolf Ling Bolin (Info) Stanford jandh 2018‑08‑09
Caren Elizabeth Braby (Info) Stanford david 2015‑08‑05
Susan Brawley (Info) University of Maine faosa 2009‑10‑21
Peter F. Brussard (Info) Cornell, Montana State, University of Nevada, Reno Kzelnio 2010‑08‑04
Emily Carrington (Info) University of Washington Biomechanics, intertidal ecology mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Kai M A Chan (Info) UBC ecosystem services, ecosystem-based management, invasive species kaichan 2009‑10‑16
James J. Childress (Info) UC Santa Barbara Kzelnio 2009‑11‑03
Marissa Childs (Info) Stanford MartaShocket 2023‑06‑29
John H. Christy (Info) Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute behavioral ecology, crustacean biology marlover 2009‑12‑01
James W. Collinson (Info) Ohio State livingpastnpresent 2016‑11‑14
Brendan Cornwell (Info) UC Davis damalichthys 2016‑12‑13
Edwin A. Cowen (Info) Cornell Civil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering pq 2016‑05‑11
Larry B. Crowder (Info) Duke Marine Biology pq 2016‑05‑23
Barnabas Daru (Info) Stanford, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi phylogenetic ecology, species distributions, climate change biology, plant biology damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Mark W. Denny (Info) Stanford Biomechanics, intertidal ecology mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Maxwell Stanford Doty (Info) University of Hawaii phycology jebyrnes 2009‑11‑07
Wes Dowd (Info) Loyola Marymount University, WSU ecophysiology; sharks; invertebrates; proteomics wd 2010‑03‑08
Paul N. Edwards (Info) Stanford mshea28 2024‑03‑11
David H. Evans (Info) UF Gainesville Osmoregulation, Fish Physiology dgerman 2011‑09‑06
Tyler Evans (Info) California State University-East Bay pcy 2012‑07‑08
Denis Llewellyn Fox (Info) Scripps Oceanography slman 2015‑12‑22
Francois Galgani (Info) IFREMER Ecotoxicology, marine ecology jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Heather M. Galindo (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑19
Brian Gaylord (Info) Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis, UC Davis Ecological biomechanics and biological physical coupling in coastal marine systems millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Michael Tenant Ghiselin (Info) Stanford, Marine Biological Laboratory, UC Berkeley, University of Utah, California Academy of Sciences evolution, history of biology, philosophy muddynat 2023‑12‑08
Arthur C. Giese (Info) Stanford Biology wbsimey 2009‑09‑26
Charles Henry Gilbert (Info) Stanford Ichthyology AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑20
Sarah E. Gilman (Info) Claremont McKenna, Scripps, and Pitzer Colleges scheng87 2010‑10‑13
Malvern Gilmartin (Info) University of Hawaii phytoplankton, oceanography matthewabirk 2015‑03‑22
Peter Glynn (Info) University of Miami cjstarger 2010‑10‑14
Collin P. Gross (Info) UC Davis colling 2017‑09‑15
Ana Sofia Guerra (Info) UC Santa Barbara community ecology, behavioral ecology asguerra 2018‑11‑12
Benjamin Brown Hale (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Christopher D. Harley (Info) UBC mooseo 2009‑10‑14
John Arthur Harrison (Info) WSU Vancouver jeanl 2016‑11‑05
Danielle Haulsee (Info) Stanford movement ecology, species distribution modeling, biological oceanography dhaulsee 2021‑12‑08
Francis T. Haxo (Info) Scripps Oceanography pmatson 2009‑11‑07
Joel Walker Hedgpeth (Info) Oregon State Marine arthropods tissotb 2009‑11‑10
Kimbely Wagner Heiman (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Kimberly W. Heiman (Info) Muhlenberg College Community Ecology, Invasive Species, Natural Resource Management kheiman 2009‑10‑16
Brian Helmuth (Info) Northeastern University Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Gretchen E. Hofmann (Info) UC Santa Barbara pmatson 2009‑10‑14
Kristen T. Honey (Info) Stanford marine ecology, fisheries khoney 2009‑10‑15
Carl Leavitt Hubbs (Info) University of Michigan, UC San Diego/ SIO Icthyology AndrewJBrooks 2009‑10‑15
Luke John Hunt (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Yuzuru Ikeda (Info) University of the Ryukus Cephalopoda Biology and Marine Aquaculture jcshenk 2008‑08‑20
Priya L. Iyer (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑19
Ladd Erik Johnson (Info) Université Laval Benthic ecology laddqc 2009‑11‑07
David Starr Jordan (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Stanford Icthyology, Evolution ramb 2008‑03‑25
Sal J. Jorgensen (Info) Stanford Marine Ecology, Shark Ecology clogan 2009‑11‑06
Carrie V. Kappel (Info) UC Santa Barbara marine community ecology, marine conservation biology, cumulative impacts of human activities, ecosystem based management, marine spatial planning ckappel 2009‑10‑15
Peter M. Kareiva (Info) Cornell, Brown, University of Washington, The Nature Conservancy, UCLA ecology, conservation biology lrgerbe 2009‑10‑15
Taewon Kim (Info) Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University behavioral ecology, community ecology marlover 2009‑12‑01
Courtney Nicole Klepac (Info) Stanford Coral thermal tolerance courtney.klepac 2023‑05‑29
Chris Knight (Info) San Diego State University ChrisKnight 2016‑10‑08
Matthew Knope (Info) Stanford ralphlarson 2009‑11‑07
Matthew Leo Knope (Info) Stanford Ichthyology, Phylogenetics, Adaptive Radiation knope 2009‑11‑07
Jeffrey R. Koseff (Info) Stanford Physical Oceanography, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture pq 2016‑05‑11
Kristy Jean Kroeker (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University community ecology, cumulative impacts, species interactions kkroeker 2009‑10‑16
Jason T. Ladner (Info) Stanford ecological genetics, coral reefs jtladner 2009‑11‑07
Paul R. Leary (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University nlow 2014‑02‑02
Jim Leichter (Info) Scripps Oceanography ltcarney 2009‑10‑14
Ricardo M. Letelier (Info) Oregon State Microbial Oceanography, Ecology, Elemental Cycles, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Fixation, Bio-optics pq 2016‑04‑18
Sol Felty Light (Info) UC Berkeley zoology david 2006‑11‑30
Brent Lockwood (Info) Stanford Ecophysiology, biochemical adaptation clogan 2009‑11‑06
Cheryl A. Logan (Info) Stanford Ecophysiology clogan 2009‑11‑06
Natalie H. N. Low (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University nlow 2014‑02‑02
Ryan J. Lowe (Info) Stanford, University of Western Australia rogersjs77 2017‑08‑18
Marina Dewinara Luccioni (Info) Stanford Marine Chemical Ecology, Fisheries Management, Community-engaged research agar6 2023‑01‑07
Sarah Campbell Lummis (Info) UC Santa Cruz, Stanford marine ecology geochemist234U 2018‑07‑01
Katharine J. Mach (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University intertidal biomechanics mach 2009‑10‑15
Betsy Mansfield (Info) Stanford small-scale fisheries, ecology, social networks, climate change ejmansfield 2019‑10‑14
Patrick T. Martone (Info) UBC, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Biomechanics, Phycology pmartone 2009‑09‑18
Rebecca Goldman Martone (Info) UBC Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology RebeccaMartone 2009‑10‑15
Margaret M. Mayfield (Info) Stanford conservation biology, population ecology pq 2015‑11‑01
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin (Info) Stanford community ecology jmcirwin 2018‑10‑10
Fiorenza Micheli (Info) Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University marine community ecology ckappel 2009‑10‑15
Kevin Miklasz (Info) Stanford Biomechanics millerlp 2013‑01‑16
Luke P. Miller (Info) San Diego State University ecomechanics, ecophysiology millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Erin A. Mordecai (Info) UC Santa Barbara Infectious disease, conservation pq 2015‑10‑19
Megan Morikawa (Info) Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University nlow 2014‑02‑02
Elizabeth K. Nelson (Info) LabKey Software Open source, data integration/sharing eknelson 2011‑12‑26
Nicole Nova (Info) Stanford MartaShocket 2023‑06‑29
Michael (Moose) J. O'Donnell (Info) UC Berkeley, UC Davis Biomechanics, intertidal ecology, ocean acidification, translational medicine, health innovation mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Jennifer K. O'Leary (Info) Stanford Community ecology jkoleary 2012‑10‑19
Thomas A. Oliver (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑19
Stephen Wilson Pacala (Info) Princeton jameal 2009‑10‑16
Robert T. Paine (Info) University of Washington millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Stephen R. Palumbi (Info) Stanford mpinsky 2009‑10‑15
John S. Pearse (Info) UC Santa Cruz marine ecology pearse 2012‑10‑07
Henrique M. Pereira (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑10‑19
Melissa H. Pespeni (Info) University of Vermont, Stanford blockwoo 2009‑11‑07
Charles Henry Peterson (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Community ecology HSLenihan 2009‑10‑15
Malin L. Pinsky (Info) Stanford, Princeton, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, UC Santa Cruz Marine ecology, molecular ecology, climate change, conservation biology mpinsky 2009‑10‑15
William Taylor Windle Potts (Info) Stanford muddynat 2024‑07‑24
Jai V. Ranganathan (Info) Stanford conservation biology, population ecology pq 2015‑11‑01
Dixy Lee Ray (Info) University of Washington marine biology jandh 2018‑08‑09
Rachael Ann Ream (Info) Stanford david 2015‑08‑05
Christian R L Reilly (Info) The Santa Catalina School Sensory ecology, Low-light vision, Thermal noise heron 2009‑10‑15
Taylor H. Ricketts (Info) Stanford conservation biology, population ecology pq 2015‑11‑01
Loretta Marie Roberson (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑07
Johanna Rosman (Info) Stanford Physical Oceanography pq 2016‑05‑11
Joan Roughgarden (Info) Stanford elizabethhoaglund 2009‑10‑14
Mary Ruckelshaus (Info) Stanford marine ecology, ecosystem services MaryRuckelshaus 2010‑09‑17
Jon G. Sanders (Info) Harvard symbiosis, evolution jonsan 2009‑11‑07
Eric Sanford (Info) UC Davis Marine ecology, climate change mebracken 2009‑10‑15
Bianca Santos (Info) Stanford Marine policy, fisheries science, marine endangered species, environmental decision-making, sea turtles bsantos9 2020‑11‑03
Meghan M. Shea (Info) Stanford intertidal environmental DNA mshea28 2024‑03‑11
Lucinda H. Shih (Info) Stanford Environmental Engineering pq 2016‑05‑11
Marta Shocket (Info) Indiana University Bloomington, Stanford, UCLA, UF Gainesville, Lancaster University Disease ecology, thermal biology, global change aramesh 2021‑11‑11
Paul C. Silva (Info) UC Berkeley phycology pcy 2011‑07‑19
Tage Skogsberg (Info) Stanford jandh 2018‑08‑09
Celia Smith (Info) University of Hawaii Phycology jensmith 2009‑11‑11
Gilbert Morgan Smith (Info) Stanford Botany jebyrnes 2009‑11‑07
George N. Somero (Info) Stanford biochemical adaptation; ecophysiology SornDascuk 2007‑04‑17
Erik E. Sotka (Info) College of Charleston evolutionary ecology eriksotka 2009‑11‑07
Andres Plata Stapper (Info) Stanford dlevitan 2013‑10‑01
Jonathon Stillman (Info) San Francisco State, UC Berkeley Marine Environmental Physiology NateMiller 2009‑10‑15
William Francis Thompson (Info) University of Washington Fisheries jandh 2019‑11‑22
Rebecca Vega Thurber (Info) Oregon State microbial ecology rvegathurber 2009‑10‑14
Cary D. Troy (Info) Stanford Civil Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Physical Oceanography pq 2016‑05‑11
Juan Carlos Villaseñor-Derbez (Info) Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California Santa Barbara Marine ecology, marine conservation, fisheries JuanCarlos 2018‑10‑01
Victoria Watson-Zink (Info) Cornell, UC Davis, Stanford damalichthys 2016‑12‑12
Lucie Weis (Info) Chicago, Stanford twootton 2020‑09‑20
Amanda Whitmire (Info) Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station letelier 2019‑01‑29
Chelsea L. Wood (Info) Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station CLWood 2009‑10‑15
Spencer A. Wood (Info) University of Washington woodsp 2009‑11‑07
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