Ryan C. Moffet, Ph.D. - Publications

2007 Chemistry University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
gas/particle processes of tropospheric significance; mass spectrometry; laser-based analysis techniques

45 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Peterson BN, Morales AC, Tomlin JM, Gorman CGW, Christ PE, Sharpe SAL, Huston SM, Rivera-Adorno FA, O'Callahan BT, Fraund M, Noh Y, Pahari P, Whelton AJ, El-Khoury PZ, Moffet RC, et al. Chemical characterization of microplastic particles formed in airborne waste discharged from sewer pipe repairs. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts. PMID 37781874 DOI: 10.1039/d3em00193h  0.545
2022 Alpert PA, Kilthau WP, O'Brien RE, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Wang B, Laskin A, Aller JY, Knopf DA. Ice-nucleating agents in sea spray aerosol identified and quantified with a holistic multimodal freezing model. Science Advances. 8: eabq6842. PMID 36322651 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq6842  0.485
2022 Morales AC, Tomlin JM, West CP, Rivera-Adorno FA, Peterson BN, Sharpe SAL, Noh Y, Sendesi SMT, Boor BE, Howarter JA, Moffet RC, China S, O'Callahan BT, El-Khoury PZ, Whelton AJ, et al. Atmospheric emission of nanoplastics from sewer pipe repairs. Nature Nanotechnology. PMID 36203091 DOI: 10.1038/s41565-022-01219-9  0.426
2022 Kirpes RM, Lei Z, Fraund M, Gunsch MJ, May NW, Barrett TE, Moffett CE, Schauer AJ, Alexander B, Upchurch LM, China S, Quinn PK, Moffet RC, Laskin A, Sheesley RJ, et al. Solid organic-coated ammonium sulfate particles at high relative humidity in the summertime Arctic atmosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2104496119. PMID 35344428 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2104496119  0.842
2020 Fraund M, Bonanno DJ, China S, Pham DQ, Veghte D, Weis J, Kulkarni G, Teske K, Gilles MK, Laskin A, Moffet RC. Optical properties and composition of viscous organic particles found in the Southern Great Plains Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 1-21. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-2020-255  0.621
2019 Kirpes RM, Bonanno D, May NW, Fraund M, Barget AJ, Moffet RC, Ault AP, Pratt KA. Wintertime Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Composition Controlled by Sea Ice Lead Microbiology. Acs Central Science. 5: 1760-1767. PMID 31807677 DOI: 10.1021/Acscentsci.9B00541  0.749
2019 Laskin A, Moffet RC, Gilles MK. Chemical Imaging of Atmospheric Particles. Accounts of Chemical Research. PMID 31714061 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Accounts.9B00396  0.677
2019 Fraund M, Park T, Yao L, Bonanno D, Pham DQ, Moffet RC. Quantitative capabilities of STXM to measure spatially resolved organic volume fractions of mixed organic ∕ inorganic particles Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 12: 1619-1633. DOI: 10.5194/Amt-12-1619-2019  0.543
2018 Kirpes RM, Bondy AL, Bonanno D, Moffet RC, Wang B, Laskin A, Ault AP, Pratt KA. Secondary sulfate is internally mixed with sea spray aerosol and organic aerosol in the winter Arctic Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 3937-3949. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-18-3937-2018  0.846
2018 Bondy AL, Bonanno D, Moffet RC, Wang B, Laskin A, Ault AP. The diverse chemical mixing state of aerosol particles in the southeastern United States Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 18: 12595-12612. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-18-12595-2018  0.812
2017 Charnawskas JC, Alpert PA, Lambe AT, Berkemeier T, O'Brien RE, Massoli P, Onasch TB, Shiraiwa M, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Davidovits P, Worsnop DR, Knopf DA. Condensed-phase biogenic-anthropogenic interactions with implications for cold cloud formation. Faraday Discussions. PMID 28574555 DOI: 10.1039/C7Fd00010C  0.637
2017 Fraund M, Pham D, Bonanno D, Harder T, Wang B, Brito J, de Sá S, Carbone S, China S, Artaxo P, Martin S, Pöhlker C, Andreae M, Laskin A, Gilles M, ... Moffet R, et al. Elemental Mixing State of Aerosol Particles Collected in Central Amazonia during GoAmazon2014/15 Atmosphere. 8: 173. DOI: 10.3390/Atmos8090173  0.575
2017 Pham DQ, O’Brien R, Fraund M, Bonanno D, Laskina O, Beall C, Moore KA, Forestieri S, Wang X, Lee C, Sultana C, Grassian V, Cappa CD, Prather KA, Moffet RC. Biological Impacts on Carbon Speciation and Morphology of Sea Spray Aerosol Acs Earth and Space Chemistry. 1: 551-561. DOI: 10.1021/Acsearthspacechem.7B00069  0.747
2016 Moffet RC, O'Brien RE, Alpert PA, Kelly ST, Pham DQ, Gilles MK, Knopf DA, Laskin A. Morphology and mixing of black carbon particles collected in central California during the CARES field study Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 16: 14515-14525. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-16-14515-2016  0.639
2015 Wang B, O'Brien RE, Kelly ST, Shilling JE, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Laskin A. Reactivity of liquid and semisolid secondary organic carbon with chloride and nitrate in atmospheric aerosols. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 119: 4498-508. PMID 25386912 DOI: 10.1021/Jp510336Q  0.602
2015 O'Brien RE, Wang B, Laskin A, Riemer N, West M, Zhang Q, Sun Y, Yu XY, Alpert P, Knopf DA, Gilles MK, Moffet RC. Chemical imaging of ambient aerosol particles: Observational constraints on mixing state parameterization Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 120: 9591-9605. DOI: 10.1002/2015Jd023480  0.628
2014 Moffet RC, Rödel TC, Kelly ST, Yu XY, Carroll GT, Fast J, Zaveri RA, Laskin A, Gilles MK. Corrigendum to "Spectro-microscopic measurements of carbonaceous aerosol aging in Central California" published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 10445–10459, 2013 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 14: 6343-6344. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-14-6343-2014  0.327
2014 Knopf DA, Alpert PA, Wang B, O'Brien RE, Kelly ST, Laskin A, Gilles MK, Moffet RC. Microspectroscopic imaging and characterization of individually identified ice nucleating particles from a case field study Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 119: 10,365-10,381. DOI: 10.1002/2014Jd021866  0.684
2014 O'Brien RE, Neu A, Epstein SA, MacMillan AC, Wang B, Kelly ST, Nizkorodov SA, Laskin A, Moffet RC, Gilles MK. Physical properties of ambient and laboratorygenerated secondary organic aerosol Geophysical Research Letters. 41: 4347-4353. DOI: 10.1002/2014Gl060219  0.659
2013 Ault AP, Moffet RC, Baltrusaitis J, Collins DB, Ruppel MJ, Cuadra-Rodriguez LA, Zhao D, Guasco TL, Ebben CJ, Geiger FM, Bertram TH, Prather KA, Grassian VH. Size-dependent changes in sea spray aerosol composition and properties with different seawater conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 47: 5603-12. PMID 23638996 DOI: 10.1021/Es400416G  0.84
2013 Prather KA, Bertram TH, Grassian VH, Deane GB, Stokes MD, Demott PJ, Aluwihare LI, Palenik BP, Azam F, Seinfeld JH, Moffet RC, Molina MJ, Cappa CD, Geiger FM, Roberts GC, et al. Bringing the ocean into the laboratory to probe the chemical complexity of sea spray aerosol. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 7550-5. PMID 23620519 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1300262110  0.799
2013 Moffet RC, Rödel TC, Kelly ST, Yu XY, Carroll GT, Fast J, Zaveri RA, Laskin A, Gilles MK. Spectro-microscopic measurements of carbonaceous aerosol aging in Central California Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13: 10445-10459. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-13-10445-2013  0.64
2013 Wang B, Kelly ST, Sellon R, Shilling J, Tivanski AV, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Laskin A. Field and laboratory studies of reactions between atmospheric water soluble organic acids and inorganic particles Aip Conference Proceedings. 1527: 465-467. DOI: 10.1063/1.4803305  0.435
2013 Collins DB, Ault AP, Moffet RC, Ruppel MJ, Cuadra-Rodriguez LA, Guasco TL, Corrigan CE, Pedler BE, Azam F, Aluwihare LI, Bertram TH, Roberts GC, Grassian VH, Prather KA. Impact of marine biogeochemistry on the chemical mixing state and cloud forming ability of nascent sea spray aerosol Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118: 8553-8565. DOI: 10.1002/Jgrd.50598  0.831
2013 Hiranuma N, Brooks SD, Moffet RC, Glen A, Laskin A, Gilles MK, Liu P, MacDonald AM, Strapp JW, McFarquhar GM. Chemical characterization of individual particles and residuals of cloud droplets and ice crystals collected on board research aircraft in the ISDAC 2008 study Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 118: 6564-6579. DOI: 10.1002/Jgrd.50484  0.694
2012 Pöhlker C, Wiedemann KT, Sinha B, Shiraiwa M, Gunthe SS, Smith M, Su H, Artaxo P, Chen Q, Cheng Y, Elbert W, Gilles MK, Kilcoyne AL, Moffet RC, Weigand M, et al. Biogenic potassium salt particles as seeds for secondary organic aerosol in the Amazon. Science (New York, N.Y.). 337: 1075-8. PMID 22936773 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1223264  0.694
2012 Zaveri RA, Shaw WJ, Cziczo DJ, Schmid B, Ferrare RA, Alexander ML, Alexandrov M, Alvarez RJ, Arnott WP, Atkinson DB, Baidar S, Banta RM, Barnard JC, Beranek J, Berg LK, ... ... Moffet RC, et al. Overview of the 2010 Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study (CARES) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 12: 7647-7687. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-12-7647-2012  0.634
2012 Laskin A, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Fast JD, Zaveri RA, Wang B, Nigge P, Shutthanandan J. Tropospheric chemistry of internally mixed sea salt and organic particles: Surprising reactivity of NaCl with weak organic acids Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 117. DOI: 10.1029/2012Jd017743  0.675
2012 Wang B, Laskin A, Roedel T, Gilles MK, Moffet RC, Tivanski AV, Knopf DA. Heterogeneous ice nucleation and water uptake by field-collected atmospheric particles below 273 K Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 117. DOI: 10.1029/2012Jd017446  0.661
2012 Moffet RC, Furutani H, Rödel TC, Henn TR, Sprau PO, Laskin A, Uematsu M, Gilles MK. Iron speciation and mixing in single aerosol particles from the Asian continental outflow Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 117. DOI: 10.1029/2011Jd016746  0.532
2011 McFarquhar GM, Ghan S, Verlinde J, Korolev A, Strapp JW, Schmid B, Tomlinson JM, Wolde M, Brooks SD, Cziczo D, Dubey MK, Fan J, Flynn C, Gultepe I, Hubbe J, ... ... Moffet RC, et al. Indirect and semi-direct aerosol campaign: The impact of arctic aerosols on clouds Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 92: 183-201. DOI: 10.1175/2010Bams2935.1  0.467
2011 Moore MJK, Furutani H, Roberts GC, Moffet RC, Gilles MK, Palenik B, Prather KA. Effect of organic compounds on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of sea spray aerosol produced by bubble bursting Atmospheric Environment. 45: 7462-7469. DOI: 10.1016/J.Atmosenv.2011.04.034  0.786
2010 Moffet RC, Henn T, Laskin A, Gilles MK. Automated chemical analysis of internally mixed aerosol particles using X-ray spectromicroscopy at the carbon K-edge. Analytical Chemistry. 82: 7906-14. PMID 20879799 DOI: 10.1021/Ac1012909  0.511
2010 Moffet RC, Henn TR, Tivanski AV, Hopkins RJ, Desyaterik Y, Kilcoyne ALD, Tyliszczak T, Fast J, Barnard J, Shutthanandan V, Cliff SS, Perry KD, Laskin A, Gilles MK. Microscopic characterization of carbonaceous aerosol particle aging in the outflow from Mexico City Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 10: 961-976. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-10-961-2010  0.621
2010 Knopf DA, Wang B, Laskin A, Moffet RC, Gilles MK. Heterogeneous nucleation of ice on anthropogenic organic particles collected in Mexico City Geophysical Research Letters. 37. DOI: 10.1029/2010Gl043362  0.681
2010 Pratt KA, Twohy CH, Murphy SM, Moffet RC, Heymsfield AJ, Gaston CJ, Demott PJ, Field PR, Henn TR, Rogers DC, Gilles MK, Seinfeld JH, Prather KA. Observation of playa salts as nuclei in orographic wave clouds Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 115. DOI: 10.1029/2009Jd013606  0.791
2009 Moffet RC, Prather KA. In-situ measurements of the mixing state and optical properties of soot with implications for radiative forcing estimates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 11872-7. PMID 19581581 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0900040106  0.691
2009 Pratt KA, Mayer JE, Holecek JC, Moffet RC, Sanchez RO, Rebotier TP, Furutani H, Gonin M, Fuhrer K, Su Y, Guazzotti S, Prather KA. Development and characterization of an aircraft aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry. 81: 1792-800. PMID 19175329 DOI: 10.1021/Ac801942R  0.825
2008 Moffet RC, Desyaterik Y, Hopkins RJ, Tivanski AV, Gilles MK, Wang Y, Shutthanandan V, Molina LT, Abraham RG, Johnson KS, Mugica V, Molina MJ, Laskin A, Prather KA. Characterization of aerosols containing Zn, Pb, and Cl from an industrial region of Mexico City. Environmental Science & Technology. 42: 7091-7. PMID 18939531 DOI: 10.1021/Es7030483  0.75
2008 Moffet RC, De Foy B, Molina LT, Molina MJ, Prather KA. Measurement of ambient aerosols in northern Mexico City by single particle mass spectrometry Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8: 4499-4516. DOI: 10.5194/Acp-8-4499-2008  0.755
2008 Moffet RC, Qin X, Rebotier T, Furutani H, Prather KA. Chemically segregated optical and microphysical properties of ambient aerosols measured in a single-particle mass spectrometer Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 113. DOI: 10.1029/2007Jd009393  0.798
2007 Denkenberger KA, Moffet RC, Holecek JC, Rebotier TP, Prather KA. Real-time, single-particle measurements of oligomers in aged ambient aerosol particles. Environmental Science & Technology. 41: 5439-46. PMID 17822114 DOI: 10.1021/Es070329L  0.763
2006 Su Y, Sipin MF, Spencer MT, Qin X, Moffet RC, Shields LG, Prather KA, Venkatachari P, Jeong CH, Kim E, Hopke PK, Gelein RM, Utell MJ, Oberdörster G, Berntsen J, et al. Real-time characterization of the composition of individual particles emitted from ultrafine particle concentrators Aerosol Science and Technology. 40: 437-455. DOI: 10.1080/02786820600660887  0.816
2005 Moffet RC, Prather KA. Extending ATOFMS measurements to include refractive index and density. Analytical Chemistry. 77: 6535-41. PMID 16223237 DOI: 10.1021/Ac0503097  0.716
2004 Moffet RC, Shields LG, Berntsen J, Devlin RB, Prather KA. Characterization of an ambient coarse particle concentrator used for human exposure studies: Aerosol size distributions, chemical composition, and concentration enrichment Aerosol Science and Technology. 38: 1123-1137. DOI: 10.1080/027868290890344  0.822
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