Yuntian T. Zhu
Affiliations: | 2012-2020 | Materials Science and Engineering | North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC |
2020- | City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Materials ScienceWebsite:
"Yuntian Zhu"Bio:
Cross-listing: E-Tree - Chemistry Tree
Sign in to add mentorArumugam Manthiram | grad student | 1991-1994 | UT Austin (E-Tree) | |
(Low temperature synthesis and characterization of some ceramic oxides and composites) |
Sign in to add traineeXiaolong Ma | grad student | NCSU (E-Tree) | |
Philip D. Bradford | grad student | 2010 | NCSU (E-Tree) |
Haibo Zhao | grad student | 2010 | NCSU (E-Tree) |
Weiwei Jian | grad student | 2012 | NCSU (E-Tree) |
Waraporn Piyawit | grad student | 2014 | NCSU (E-Tree) |
Lei Fu | post-doc | 2006-2007 | LANL (Chemistry Tree) |
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Zhang L, Kowalik M, Mao Q, et al. (2023) Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study of Stress Graphitization in Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Carbon Matrix Composites. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces |
Zhang L, Ma X, Zhang Y, et al. (2021) Length-Dependent Carbon Nanotube Film Structures and Mechanical Properties. Nanotechnology |
Gao B, Lai Q, Cao Y, et al. (2020) Ultrastrong low-carbon nanosteel produced by heterostructure and interstitial mediated warm rolling. Science Advances. 6 |
Wu X, Zhu Y, Lu K. (2020) Ductility and strain hardening in gradient and lamellar structured materials Scripta Materialia. 186: 321-325 |
Nie J, Lu F, Huang Z, et al. (2020) Improving the high-temperature ductility of Al composites by tailoring the nanoparticle network Materialia. 9: 100523 |
Liu S, Zhang J, Chen X, et al. (2020) Improving mechanical properties of heterogeneous Mg-Gd alloy laminate via accumulated extrusion bonding Materials Science and Engineering: A. 785: 139324 |
Wang Y, Huang C, Li Y, et al. (2020) Dense dispersed shear bands in gradient-structured Ni International Journal of Plasticity. 124: 186-198 |
Liu Y, Cao Y, Mao Q, et al. (2020) Critical microstructures and defects in heterostructured materials and their effects on mechanical properties Acta Materialia. 189: 129-144 |
Liu Y, Cao Y, Zhou H, et al. (2020) Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Commercial‐Purity Aluminum Processed by Rotational Accelerated Shot Peening Plus Cold Rolling Advanced Engineering Materials. 22: 1900478 |
Chen X, Huang G, Liu S, et al. (2019) Grain refinement and mechanical properties of pure aluminum processed by accumulative extrusion bonding Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 29: 437-447 |