Santosh KC, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009-2014 | University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States |
Computational condensed matter, materials scienceWebsite:
"Santosh KC"Cross-listing: Physics Tree
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Lee G, Shan B, Svizhenko A, et al. (2020) Transport gaps in ideal zigzag-edge graphene nanoribbons with chemical edge disorder Applied Surface Science. 512: 144714 |
Ievlev AV, Kc S, Vasudevan RK, et al. (2019) Non-conventional mechanism of ferroelectric fatigue via cation migration. Nature Communications. 10: 3064 |
Herklotz A, Rus SF, Balke N, et al. (2019) Designing Morphotropic Phase Composition in BiFeO. Nano Letters |
Kc S, Longo RC, Wallace RM, et al. (2017) Computational Study of MoS/HfO Defective Interfaces for Nanometer-Scale Electronics. Acs Omega. 2: 2827-2834 |
McGuire MA, Garlea VO, KC S, et al. (2017) Antiferromagnetism in the van der Waals layered spin-lozenge semiconductor CrTe3 Physical Review B. 95 |
Li X, Puretzky AA, Sang X, et al. (2017) Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Suppression of Defects and Deep Levels Using Isoelectronic Tungsten Substitution in Monolayer MoSe2 (Adv. Funct. Mater. 19/2017) Advanced Functional Materials. 27 |
Zhang C, Kc S, Nie Y, et al. (2016) Charge Mediated Reversible Metal-Insulator Transition in Monolayer MoTe2 and WxMo1-xTe2 Alloy. Acs Nano |
Ryou J, Kim YS, Kc S, et al. (2016) Monolayer MoS2 Bandgap Modulation by Dielectric Environments and Tunable Bandgap Transistors. Scientific Reports. 6: 29184 |
Huang J, Zhang H, Lucero A, et al. (2016) Organic-inorganic hybrid semiconductor thin films deposited using molecular-atomic layer deposition (MALD) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4: 2382-2389 |
Li X, Puretzky AA, Sang X, et al. (2016) Suppression of Defects and Deep Levels Using Isoelectronic Tungsten Substitution in Monolayer MoSe2 Advanced Functional Materials. 27: 1603850 |