Marianny Y Combariza, Ph.D.

1998-2003 Chemistry University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Mass spectrometry, Materials Science
"MY Combariza"
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Richard W. Vachet grad student 1998-2003 U Mass Amherst (Chemistry Tree)
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Oñate-Gutiérrez JA, Ramírez-Pradilla JS, Pinzón JR, et al. (2020) Asphaltene Structure Modifiers as a Novel Approach for Viscosity Reduction in Heavy Crude Oils Energy & Fuels. 34: 5251-5257
Villada JD, Carmona-Vargas CC, Ellena J, et al. (2020) Synthesis, characterization, and redox potential properties of a new double-stranded Ni-bis(hydrazone)-based helicate Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 292: 121692
Ramírez-Pradilla JS, Blanco-Tirado C, Combariza MY. (2019) Electron-Transfer Ionization of Nanoparticles, Polymers, Porphyrins, and Fullerenes Using Synthetically Tunable α-Cyanophenylenevinylenes as UV MALDI-MS Matrices. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 11: 10975-10987
Ramírez-Pradilla JS, Blanco-Tirado C, Hubert-Roux M, et al. (2019) Comprehensive Petroporphyrin Identification in Crude Oils Using Highly Selective Electron Transfer Reactions in MALDI-FTICR-MS Energy & Fuels. 33: 3899-3907
Ovalle-Serrano SA, Gómez FN, Blanco-Tirado C, et al. (2018) Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanofibrils from Colombian Fique decortication by-products. Carbohydrate Polymers. 189: 169-177
Giraldo-Dávila D, Chacón-Patiño ML, McKenna AM, et al. (2018) Correlations between Molecular Composition and Adsorption, Aggregation, and Emulsifying Behaviors of PetroPhase 2017 Asphaltenes and Their Thin-Layer Chromatography Fractions Energy & Fuels
Valencia-Dávila JA, Witt M, Blanco-Tirado C, et al. (2018) Molecular characterization of naphthenic acids from heavy crude oils using MALDI FT-ICR mass spectrometry Fuel. 231: 126-133
Giraldo-Dávila D, Chacón-Patiño ML, Ramirez-Pradilla JS, et al. (2018) Selective ionization by electron-transfer MALDI-MS of vanadyl porphyrins from crude oils Fuel. 226: 103-111
Castellanos-García LJ, Agudelo BC, Rosales HF, et al. (2017) Oligo p-Phenylenevinylene Derivatives as Electron Transfer Matrices for UV-MALDI. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry
Valencia-Dávila JA, Blanco-Tirado C, Combariza MY. (2017) Analysis of naphthenic acids by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry Fuel. 193: 168-177
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