Northwestern University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Dor AbrahamsonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education2004 Karen C. Fuson (grad student)
Alp AkonurMechanical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics2001 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Marco AldiMathematics2007 Eric Zaslow (grad student)
Gary C. AlexanderMathematics Mathematics2008 Boris Tsygan (grad student)
Beth AndrewsStatistics
Bruce E. AnkenmanIndustrial Engineering, Statistics
Daniel W. ApleyIndustrial Engineering, Statistics
Paul Arendt Mechanical Engineering2012 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Shehla ArifMechanical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering2010 Sascha Hilgenfeldt (grad student)
Igor AronsonApplied Mathematics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Artur AvilaMathematics
Ana I. AvilesIndustrial Engineering, Statistics2001 Bruce E. Ankenman (grad student)
Scott M. BaileyMathematics Mathematics2008 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Aaron E. BallewElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (grad student)
George S. BankoffMathematics, Mechanical Engineering
Kevin E. BasslerGeneral Physics, Statistics, Finance19901991 Monica Olvera de la Cruz (post-doc)
Agnes BeaudryMathematics Mathematics2013 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Adi Ben-IsraelOperations Research, Mathematics1962 Abraham Charnes (grad student)
Harold P. BensonOperations Research, Mathematics Industrial Engineering1976 Thomas L. Morin (grad student)
Arie BeresteanuGeneral Economics, Commerce-Business Economics2001 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Joanna A. BieriApplied Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Applied Mathematics2009 Moshe Matalon (grad student)
Irina BobkovaMathematics Mathematics2014 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Simone BorghesiMathematics2000 Mark Mahowald (grad student)
Dennis BorisovMathematics2007 Yuri Ivanovich Manin (grad student)
Ramin Bostanabad2019 Daniel W. Apley (grad student), Wei Chen (grad student)
Rosemary I. Brauncomputational biology, complex systems, biostatistics, bioinformatics, biophysics
Richard BraunApplied Mathematics Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics19871991 Stephen H. Davis (grad student)
Dirk BrockmannApplied Mathematics, Transportation
Anh Bui2019 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Keith H. BurnsMathematics, Applied Mathematics
Elizabeth A. BurslemMathematics2002 Amie Wilkinson (grad student)
Abraham Charnes
Charles Y. CheMathematics2002 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Pengfei ChenChemical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Gui-Qiang ChenMathematics
Jiening ChenStatistics Statistics2015 Beth Andrews (grad student)
Chuangxun ChengMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2011 Matthew Emerton (grad student)
Gillian M. ChinIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research, Mathematics Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2013 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
David ChoppMathematics
Cynthia L. Christensen PedersonMechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering2005 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Ivan C. ChristovApplied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering Applied Mathematics2011 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Chenghao ChuMathematics Mathematics2008 Eric Friedlander (grad student)
Stephen E. CisarChemical Engineering2006 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Shannon CistonChemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Donna M. ComissiongMathematics, Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2005 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Leslie John Comriecomputing techniques
Jessica M. ConwayMathematics Applied Mathematics2008 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Kevin CostelloMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics
Catherine CrawfordMathematics2000 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Changrong CuiMechanical Engineering2003 Moshe Matalon (grad student)
Frank E. CurtisIndustrial Engineering2007 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Adeline DelavandeLabor Economics2004 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Leiwen DengInformation Technology, Computer Science, Web Studies Computer Science2010 Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (grad student)
Divya E. DevadossMathematics, Chemical Engineering2004 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Vivek DhandMathematics Mathematics2007 Kari Vilonen (grad student)
Xiaoping DuMechanical Engineering, Design and Decorative Arts, Statistics Wei Chen (grad student)
Weitao DuanIndustrial Engineering, Statistics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2014 Bruce E. Ankenman (grad student)
David DubbeldamComputational Chemistry20062008 Randall Q. Snurr (post-doc)
Matthew EmertonMathematics
Bohan FangMathematics Mathematics2010 Eric Zaslow (grad student)
James Farr
Renjie FengMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Steven M. Zelditch (grad student)
Stanley J. FiedorChemical Engineering2006 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Lael S. FisherApplied Mechanics2006 Alexander A. Golovin (grad student)
Todd FisherMathematics2004 Amie Wilkinson (grad student)
G. A. FordMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Jared Wunsch (grad student)
Gerald O. FountainChemical Engineering2001 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
John M. FranksMathematics
Eric FriedlanderMathematics
Avner FriedmanPartial differential equations, mathematical biology, stochastic differential equations, control theory, free boundary problems
Karen C. FusonElementary Education, Mathematics Education
Yang GeStatistics Statistics2008 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Darren R GergleHuman-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Computer-Mediated Communication
Alexander GetmanenkoMathematics Mathematics2008 Boris Tsygan (grad student)
James F. GilchristChemical Engineering2003 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Pamela GiustinelliGeneral Economics, Individual and Family Studies, Administration Education Economics2010 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Paul G. GoerssMathematics
Alexander A. GolovinMathematics, Materials Science Engineering
Jiangtao GouStatistics Statistics2014 Ajit C. Tamhane (grad student)
Daniel GradyApplied Mathematics, Transportation Applied Mathematics2012 Dirk Brockmann (grad student)
Glen D. Granzow1997 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Margaret M. Gullickdevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, reading, mathematics2012 James R. Booth (post-doc)
Sam GunninghamMathematics Mathematics2013 Kevin Costello (grad student)
Gary I. GutmanMathematics2000 Eric Friedlander (grad student)
Owen GwilliamMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2012 Kevin Costello (grad student)
Jason M. Habermanvision, ensembles, summary statistics20012004 Mark Beeman (research assistant)
Shelby J. HabermanStatistics
Samantha L. HansenApplied Mathematics, Information Science Applied Mathematics2014 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Gary HantsbargerStatistics2002 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Heping HeStatistics2004 Thomas A. Severini (grad student)
Long HeiIndustrial Engineering2007 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Jeremiah B. HellerMathematics2006 Eric Friedlander (grad student)
Graham HerrickMathematics2005 Matthew Emerton (grad student)
Joseph E. HibdonApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2011 Moshe Matalon (grad student)
Sascha HilgenfeldtMathematics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Marc HornerChemical Engineering2002 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Marc HoyoisMathematics Mathematics2014 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Elton HsuMathematics
Yongxia HuaMathematics Mathematics2009 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Shuguang HuangStatistics2001 Thomas A. Severini (grad student)
Joon-Ku Im Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2012 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Marta Iwanaszko Biostatistics Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Rosemary I. Braun (post-doc), Ali Shilatifard (research scientist)
Nitin JainChemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2004 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Robert J. JeskeArchaeology Anthropology, Geophysics Anthropology James A Brown (grad student)
Wenxin JiangStatistics
Zhen Jiang2015 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Travis C. JohnsonApplied Mathematics, Operations Research Applied Mathematics2013 Andreas Waechter (grad student)
Valentina JoukhovitskiMathematics2006 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Vsevolod JoukhovitskiMathematics2002 Andrei Suslin (grad student)
Mikhail KapranovMathematics
Alan Kellner Political Science James Farr (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models
Kenneth O. KortanekMathematics1964 Abraham Charnes (grad student)
Vladimir KotovMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2013 Kevin Costello (grad student)
Bryna KraMathematics
Richard A. KublikApplied Mathematics, Neuroscience Biology Applied Mathematics2011 David Chopp (grad student)
Scott R. KukuckMathematics2002 Moshe Matalon (grad student)
Nathan KutzApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics1994 William L. Kath (grad student)
Aleksandar KuzmanovicElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics
General LeeComputational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury James R. Booth (research assistant), James Bartolotti (collaborator)
Margo S. LevineMathematics, Materials Science Engineering Applied Mathematics2007 Alexander A. Golovin (grad student)
Elmer E. LewisNuclear Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering
Juanjuan LiStatistics Statistics2012 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Lingyun LiuStatistics Statistics2009 Ajit C. Tamhane (grad student)
Brent R. LoganStatistics2001 Ajit C. Tamhane (grad student)
Gabriel Lopez-CalvaIndustrial Engineering, Operations Research2005 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Richard M. LueptowApplied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering
Shihan MaApplied Mathematics, Finance Mathematics2010 Elton Hsu (grad student)
Mark MahowaldMathematics
R. Dean MalmgrenOrganizational, General Physics Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Julio M. Ottino (grad student), Luís A. Nunes Amaral (grad student)
Yuri Ivanovich ManinMathematics
Charles F. ManskiGeneral Economics, Statistics
Marcelo MarazziIndustrial Engineering2001 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Moshe MatalonApplied Mechanics, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Bernard J. MatkowskyApplied Mathematics
Takuo MatsuokaMathematics Mathematics2014 Kevin Costello (grad student)
Lane C. McConnellApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2013 Michael J. Miksis (grad student)
Vadim MeleshukMathematics2002 John M. Franks (grad student)
Eduardo F. MendesStatistics, Computer Science Statistics2012 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Brian V. MerkeyMathematics, Microbiology Biology, Environmental Sciences Applied Mathematics2008 David Chopp (grad student)
Matthew P. MikliusApplied Mathematics, Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology Applied Mathematics2011 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Michael J. MiksisApplied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Loring Goodwin Mitten
Scott G. MoarMathematics2001 John M. Franks (grad student)
Francesca MolinariGeneral Economics, Theory Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations2003 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Amit MondalComputer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering2010 Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (grad student)
Vadim V. MorozFluid and Plasma Physics2004 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Aki MurataElementary Education, Mathematics Education2002 Karen C. Fuson (grad student)
David NadlerGeometric representation theory, symplectic geometry
Kalman M. NanesMathematics Mathematics2009 Anne M. Wilkinson (grad student)
George L. NemhauserIndustrial Engineering, Statistics, Applied Mechanics, Transportation1961 Loring Goodwin Mitten (grad student)
Robert A. NendorfMathematics Mathematics2012 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Claudia NeriGeneral Economics Economics2010 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Phan Nguyen ESAM2018 Rosemary I. Braun (grad student)
Jorge NocedalApplied Mathematics, Information Science
Don Normancognitive science, computer science, design
Christopher NovakMathematics Mathematics2008 John M. Franks (grad student)
Mary J. OndrechenComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology, Biostatistics Biology1978 Mark A. Ratner (grad student)
Julio M. OttinoApplied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering
Liwen Ouyang2016 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Jang H. ParkMathematics, Materials Science Engineering2006 Bernard J. Matkowsky (grad student)
Kiran ParkheMathematics Mathematics2013 John M. Franks (grad student)
Kamlesh ParwaniMathematics2003 John M. Franks (grad student)
Paul T. PearsonMathematics2006 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Julia PevtsovaMathematics2002 Eric Friedlander (grad student)
Kathleen M. PhelpsMathematics2003 Mark Mahowald (grad student)
David L. PietApplied Mathematics, Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Applied Mathematics2013 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Vera PlessMathematics, Applied Mathematics1957 Alex F. T. W. Rosenberg (grad student)
Oleg PodkopaevMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Andrei Suslin (grad student)
Nicholas A. PohlmanMechanical Engineering2006 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Amanda PottsMathematics Mathematics2010 Bryna Kra (grad student)
Ethan PribbleMathematics2004 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Stewart PriddyMathematics
Oleg PushinMathematics2001 Andrei Suslin (grad student)
Tifei QianMathematics2000 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Randy Z. QianMathematics, Theory Physics Mathematics2009 Jared Wunsch (grad student)
Dingxi QiuIndustrial Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2007 Bruce E. Ankenman (grad student)
David Raitt1994 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Christopher S. RaymondMathematics, Applied Mechanics, Materials Science Engineering2000 Bernard J. Matkowsky (grad student)
Michael J. RempeMathematics, Bioinformatics Biology2006 David Chopp (grad student)
John RenzeMathematics2004 Kari Vilonen (grad student)
Christopher M. RetfordMaterials Science Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics2006 Michael J. Miksis (grad student)
Hermann RieckeMathematics
Adam M. RosenGeneral Economics2006 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Alexander C. RoxinMathematics, Neuroscience Biology2003 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Jerome Sacks
Radu SaghinMathematics2005 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Filip D. SainMathematics2000 Hermann Riecke (grad student)
Maria SalgadoGeneral Economics2006 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Matthew D. SalomoneMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2006 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Christine SampleMathematics Applied Mathematics2008 Alexander A. Golovin (grad student)
Kristen J. SchemmerhornMathematics2004 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Conor P. SchlickApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2014 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Jonathan T. SchwalbeApplied Mathematics, Biochemistry, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Applied Mathematics2010 Michael J. Miksis (grad student)
John A. SchwilleMechanical Engineering2004 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Alexander ScorichenkoMathematics2000 Andrei Suslin (grad student)
Richard F. SerfozoOperations Research, Mathematics1969 Erhan Cinlar (grad student)
Thomas A. SeveriniStatistics
Sahil D. Shah Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics2019 Rosemary I. Braun (grad student)
Xuemei Shan Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2010 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
David T. SheppardMechanical Engineering2002 Richard M. Lueptow (grad student)
Jiaxiao ShiStatistics, Biostatistics Biology2006 Ajit C. Tamhane (grad student)
Kunyang ShiStatistics, Biostatistics Biology, Pharmacology Statistics2010 Ajit C. Tamhane (grad student)
Edwin Shi2015 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Evgeny ShinderMathematics Mathematics2011 Andrei Suslin (grad student)
Nicolo SibillaMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2012 Eric Zaslow (grad student)
Gogi K. SinghMathematics2005 Alexander A. Golovin (grad student)
Ashley G. SmartChemical Engineering, Cell Biology, Mechanical Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2007 Julio M. Ottino (grad student)
Aaron J. SojournerLabor Economics, General Economics, Theory Economics Economics2009 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Cynthia A. SpadeMathematics, Chemical Engineering2000 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Clifford H. SpiegelmanStatistics1976 Jerome Sacks (grad student)
Liam G. StantonApplied Mathematics, Condensed Matter Physics Applied Mathematics2009 Alexander A. Golovin (grad student)
John Amsden StarkweatherComputer-based language processing1955 Carl Porter Duncan (grad student)
Malgorzata S. StawiskaMathematics2001 John M. Franks (grad student)
Vesna StojanoskaMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2011 Paul G. Goerss (grad student)
Magdalena A. StolarskaMathematics, Mechanical Engineering2002 David Chopp (grad student)
Jorg StoyeGeneral Economics2005 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Ao-Jan SuComputer Science Computer Science2011 Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (grad student)
Zhiping SunStatistics, Biostatistics Biology2005 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Andrei SuslinMathematics
Sumanth SwaminathanTheory Physics, Molecular Physics, Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2009 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Ajit C. TamhaneStatistics
Aleksey TetenovGeneral Economics, Statistics Economics2008 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Scott L. ThatcherMathematics2000 Mikhail Kapranov (grad student)
Tanya TickelMechanical Engineering2006 Moshe Matalon (grad student)
Anna TikhomirovMathematics, General Biophysics Applied Mathematics2007 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Mustafa H. TongarlakIndustrial Engineering Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2011 Bruce E. Ankenman (grad student)
Anthony L. TongenMathematics2002 David Chopp (grad student)
Ionut TrestianComputer Science Computer Science2012 Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (grad student)
Konstantina Trivisa
Boris TsyganMathematics
Justin C. TzouApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2012 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Esteban UrdialesApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2010 Vladimir A. Volpert (grad student)
Serge Van CriekingenNuclear Engineering2004 Elmer E. Lewis (grad student)
Benjamin L. VaughanMathematics Applied Mathematics2007 David Chopp (grad student)
Kari VilonenMathematics
Daniel A. VisscherMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Anne M. Wilkinson (grad student)
Mircea A. VoineaguMathematics2007 Eric Friedlander (grad student)
Vladimir A. VolpertMathematics, General Biophysics
Andreas WaechterApplied Mathematics, Operations Research
Richard A. WaltzMathematics, Computer Science2002 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Huanhuan WangStatistics Statistics2012 Beth Andrews (grad student)
Shuyi Wengcomputational geometry, dynamical systems Mathematics20162020 Laura G. DeMarco (grad student)
Gary Wilk Chemical & Biological Engineering2018 Rosemary I. Braun (grad student)
Amie WilkinsonMathematics
Anne M. WilkinsonMathematics
Olivia R. Woolley MezaMathematics, Epidemiology, General Biophysics, Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics2013 Dirk Brockmann (grad student)
Yuchen WuComputer Science, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics Electrical and Computer Engineering2010 Jorge Nocedal (grad student)
Jared WunschMathematics
Zhihong XiaMathematics
Zaiyong YangMathematics2005 Zhihong Xia (grad student)
Ming Yangcomputer vision EECS2008 Ying Wu (grad student)
Ran Yang2018 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Lili YaoStatistics Statistics2011 Wenxin Jiang (grad student)
Drew C. YoungrenMathematics2006 Jared Wunsch (grad student)
Basit ZafarLabor Economics, General Economics, Theory Economics Economics2008 Charles F. Manski (grad student)
Eric ZaslowMathematics
Steven M. ZelditchMathematics, Applied Mathematics
Zhenghe ZhangMathematics Mathematics2014 Anne M. Wilkinson (grad student)
Ning Zhang Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences2013 Daniel W. Apley (grad student)
Zhenyu ZhaoStatistics, Biostatistics Biology Statistics2014 Thomas A. Severini (grad student)
S ZlobecMathematics1970 Adi Ben-Israel (grad student)