University of Rhode Island

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Cyrus D. AgarabiPharmacy2008 Thomas E. Needham (grad student)
Oleg A. AndreevApplied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science
Michael J. ArcieroMathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Lewis Pakula (grad student)
Steven F. BabbinPsychometrics Psychology, Public Health Psychology2014 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
James BaglamaMathematics
Sukanya BasuMathematics2009 Orlando Merino (grad student)
Ann M. BrettMathematics2010 Mustafa Kulenovic (grad student)
William J. BridenMathematics2000 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Marjorie CaldwellNutrition, Oncology, Statistics, Public Health
Esha ChatterjeeMathematics2005 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Cathy A. ClarkMathematics2004 M R. S. Kulenovic (grad student)
Jarred T. CollinsMathematics2005 Norman J. Finizio (grad student)
Christian J. ConveyComputer Science, Mathematics Computer Science2013 Lutz Hamel (grad student)
Stephanie A. CostaMathematics2003 Norman J. Finizio (grad student)
Kathleen M. CullinenNutrition, Oncology, Statistics, Public Health2005 Marjorie Caldwell (grad student)
Lisa DiPippoApplied Mathematics, Computer Science
Emmanouil DrymonisMathematics Mathematics2012 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Nancy EatonMathematics
Glenn E. FaubertMathematics2005 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Norman J. FinizioMathematics
Angela FrolovComputer Science Computer Science2014 Lisa DiPippo (grad student)
Carol H. GibbonsMathematics2003 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Adam J. GilbertMathematics Mathematics2013 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Kye M. GilderStatistics, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2003 R Choudary Hanamura (grad student)
Edward A. GroveMathematics
Lutz HamelComputer Science, Mathematics
R Choudary HanamuraStatistics, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
R Choudary HanumaraMathematics, Statistics, Finance
Magdalena A. HarringtonStatistics, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2013 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
Bettina B. HoeppnerBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Statistics2007 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
Jeffrey JarrettManagement Business Administration, Statistics, Banking Business Administration, Industrial Engineering
Shaun N. JosephApplied Mathematics, Computer Science Applied Mathematical Sciences2011 Lisa DiPippo (grad student)
Nina KajijiMathematics, Statistics, Finance2001 R Choudary Hanumara (grad student)
Alexander G. KarabadzhakGeneral Biophysics Physics2011 Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student)
Woong KookMathematics, Mathematics Education, Higher Education
Michael E. KrulMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2013 Lubos Thoma (grad student)
Mustafa KulenovicMathematics
Gerasimos Gerry LadasMathematics
Gerry LadasMathematics
Ed LamagnaMathematics, Computer Science, Statistics
Evelina G. LapierreMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2013 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Gabriel LugoMathematics Mathematics2013 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Chris D. LyndMathematics Mathematics2012 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Stephanie M. MarchandNutrition, General Psychology2007 Marjorie Caldwell (grad student)
Rosemarie A. MartinExperimental Psychology2003 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
Lynn C. McGrathMathematics2002 Edward A. Grove (grad student)
Kenneth J. McPhillipsMathematics2007 Orlando Merino (grad student)
Suzanne I. MelloComputer Science Computer Science2011 Ed Lamagna (grad student)
Orlando MerinoMathematics
Thomas E. NeedhamPharmacy, Biostatistics Biology
Sol NeemanComputer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Statistics2000 Bala Ravikumar (grad student)
Carol B. OverdeepMathematics2003 M R. S. Kulenovic (grad student)
Lewis PakulaMathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Suresh PalaniswamyPharmacy, Biostatistics Biology2000 Thomas E. Needham (grad student)
Frank J. PalladinoMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2012 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Xia PanManagement Business Administration, Statistics, Banking Business Administration, Industrial Engineering2003 Jeffrey Jarrett (grad student)
Caitlin R. PhiferMathematics, Mathematics Education, Higher Education Mathematics2014 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Jeffrey S. PlouffeManagement Business Administration2005 Jeffrey Jarrett (grad student)
Brett A. PlummerPsychometrics Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
Mihaela PredescuMathematics2003 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Norman R. ProkupMathematics2000 Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Cynthia N. PrudenceApplied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science Applied Mathematical Sciences2013 Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student)
Eugene P. QuinnMathematics2006 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Michael A. RadinMathematics2001 Edward A. Grove (grad student)
Bala RavikumarComputer Science, Mathematics
Yana K. ReshetnyakApplied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science
Daniel J. RichmondMathematics Mathematics2014 James Baglama (grad student)
Mustafa R. S. KulenovicMathematics
M R. S. KulenovicMathematics
Mary A. SaadiMathematics2001 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Marimer Santiago RivasGeneral Psychology, General, Statistics, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2012 Wayne F. Velicer (grad student)
James J. SegalaMedical Biophysics, General Biophysics2009 Oleg A. Andreev (grad student)
Diana L. SmithMathematics Mathematics2014 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Rebecca L. SparksMathematics2001 Orlando Merino (grad student)
Christopher T. TeixeiraMathematics2000 Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student)
Lubos ThomaMathematics, Applied Mathematics
Gary F. TinerMathematics2007 Nancy Eaton (grad student)
Brian J. TraversMathematics2004 Norman J. Finizio (grad student)
Shweta UgaonkarPharmacy2008 Thomas E. Needham (grad student)
Wayne F. VelicerBehavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Statistics
Chandra S. VemavarapuPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy2002 Thomas E. Needham (grad student)
Dhammika WeerakkodyGeneral Physics, General Biophysics Physics2013 Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student)
Dayanjali D. WijesingheGeneral Biophysics Physics2011 Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student)
John YanusasPharmacy, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Thomas E. Needham (grad student)