Cyrus D. Agarabi | Pharmacy | | | 2008 | Thomas E. Needham (grad student) |
Oleg A. Andreev | Applied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science | | | | |
Michael J. Arciero | Mathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | 2001 | Lewis Pakula (grad student) |
Steven F. Babbin | Psychometrics Psychology, Public Health | Psychology | | 2014 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
James Baglama | Mathematics | | | | |
Sukanya Basu | Mathematics | | | 2009 | Orlando Merino (grad student) |
Ann M. Brett | Mathematics | | | 2010 | Mustafa Kulenovic (grad student) |
William J. Briden | Mathematics | | | 2000 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Marjorie Caldwell | Nutrition, Oncology, Statistics, Public Health | | | | |
Esha Chatterjee | Mathematics | | | 2005 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Cathy A. Clark | Mathematics | | | 2004 | M R. S. Kulenovic (grad student) |
Jarred T. Collins | Mathematics | | | 2005 | Norman J. Finizio (grad student) |
Christian J. Convey | Computer Science, Mathematics | Computer Science | | 2013 | Lutz Hamel (grad student) |
Stephanie A. Costa | Mathematics | | | 2003 | Norman J. Finizio (grad student) |
Kathleen M. Cullinen | Nutrition, Oncology, Statistics, Public Health | | | 2005 | Marjorie Caldwell (grad student) |
Lisa DiPippo | Applied Mathematics, Computer Science | | | | |
Emmanouil Drymonis | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2012 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Nancy Eaton | Mathematics | | | | |
Glenn E. Faubert | Mathematics | | | 2005 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Norman J. Finizio | Mathematics | | | | |
Angela Frolov | Computer Science | Computer Science | | 2014 | Lisa DiPippo (grad student) |
Carol H. Gibbons | Mathematics | | | 2003 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Adam J. Gilbert | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Kye M. Gilder | Statistics, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | | 2003 | R Choudary Hanamura (grad student) |
Edward A. Grove | Mathematics | | | | |
Lutz Hamel | Computer Science, Mathematics | | | | |
R Choudary Hanamura | Statistics, Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | | | |
R Choudary Hanumara | Mathematics, Statistics, Finance | | | | |
Magdalena A. Harrington | Statistics, Behavioral Psychology | Psychology | | 2013 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
Bettina B. Hoeppner | Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Statistics | | | 2007 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
Jeffrey Jarrett | Management Business Administration, Statistics, Banking Business Administration, Industrial Engineering | | | | |
Shaun N. Joseph | Applied Mathematics, Computer Science | Applied Mathematical Sciences | | 2011 | Lisa DiPippo (grad student) |
Nina Kajiji | Mathematics, Statistics, Finance | | | 2001 | R Choudary Hanumara (grad student) |
Alexander G. Karabadzhak | General Biophysics | Physics | | 2011 | Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student) |
Woong Kook | Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Higher Education | | | | |
Michael E. Krul | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Lubos Thoma (grad student) |
Mustafa Kulenovic | Mathematics | | | | |
Gerasimos Gerry Ladas | Mathematics | | | | |
Gerry Ladas | Mathematics | | | | |
Ed Lamagna | Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics | | | | |
Evelina G. Lapierre | Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Gabriel Lugo | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Chris D. Lynd | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2012 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Stephanie M. Marchand | Nutrition, General Psychology | | | 2007 | Marjorie Caldwell (grad student) |
Rosemarie A. Martin | Experimental Psychology | | | 2003 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
Lynn C. McGrath | Mathematics | | | 2002 | Edward A. Grove (grad student) |
Kenneth J. McPhillips | Mathematics | | | 2007 | Orlando Merino (grad student) |
Suzanne I. Mello | Computer Science | Computer Science | | 2011 | Ed Lamagna (grad student) |
Orlando Merino | Mathematics | | | | |
Thomas E. Needham | Pharmacy, Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Sol Neeman | Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Statistics | | | 2000 | Bala Ravikumar (grad student) |
Carol B. Overdeep | Mathematics | | | 2003 | M R. S. Kulenovic (grad student) |
Lewis Pakula | Mathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering | | | | |
Suresh Palaniswamy | Pharmacy, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2000 | Thomas E. Needham (grad student) |
Frank J. Palladino | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2012 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Xia Pan | Management Business Administration, Statistics, Banking Business Administration, Industrial Engineering | | | 2003 | Jeffrey Jarrett (grad student) |
Caitlin R. Phifer | Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Higher Education | Mathematics | | 2014 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Jeffrey S. Plouffe | Management Business Administration | | | 2005 | Jeffrey Jarrett (grad student) |
Brett A. Plummer | Psychometrics Psychology, Experimental Psychology | | | 2000 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
Mihaela Predescu | Mathematics | | | 2003 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Norman R. Prokup | Mathematics | | | 2000 | Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Cynthia N. Prudence | Applied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science | Applied Mathematical Sciences | | 2013 | Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student) |
Eugene P. Quinn | Mathematics | | | 2006 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Michael A. Radin | Mathematics | | | 2001 | Edward A. Grove (grad student) |
Bala Ravikumar | Computer Science, Mathematics | | | | |
Yana K. Reshetnyak | Applied Mathematics, General Biophysics, Computer Science | | | | |
Daniel J. Richmond | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2014 | James Baglama (grad student) |
Mustafa R. S. Kulenovic | Mathematics | | | | |
M R. S. Kulenovic | Mathematics | | | | |
Mary A. Saadi | Mathematics | | | 2001 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Marimer Santiago Rivas | General Psychology, General, Statistics, Behavioral Psychology | Psychology | | 2012 | Wayne F. Velicer (grad student) |
James J. Segala | Medical Biophysics, General Biophysics | | | 2009 | Oleg A. Andreev (grad student) |
Diana L. Smith | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2014 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Rebecca L. Sparks | Mathematics | | | 2001 | Orlando Merino (grad student) |
Christopher T. Teixeira | Mathematics | | | 2000 | Gerasimos Gerry Ladas (grad student) |
Lubos Thoma | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | | | | |
Gary F. Tiner | Mathematics | | | 2007 | Nancy Eaton (grad student) |
Brian J. Travers | Mathematics | | | 2004 | Norman J. Finizio (grad student) |
Shweta Ugaonkar | Pharmacy | | | 2008 | Thomas E. Needham (grad student) |
Wayne F. Velicer | Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Statistics | | | | |
Chandra S. Vemavarapu | Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy | | | 2002 | Thomas E. Needham (grad student) |
Dhammika Weerakkody | General Physics, General Biophysics | Physics | | 2013 | Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student) |
Dayanjali D. Wijesinghe | General Biophysics | Physics | | 2011 | Yana K. Reshetnyak (grad student) |
John Yanusas | Pharmacy, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology | Pharmaceutical Sciences | | 2012 | Thomas E. Needham (grad student) |