Vibhanshu Abhishek | Commerce-Business Economics, Marketing Business Administration | Operations and Information Management | | 2012 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Omar Abuzzahab | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Kursat Aker | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2004 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Sivan Aldor-Noiman | Statistics | Statistics | | 2012 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Per Alexandersson | Representation theory and combinatorics | | | | |
Sathyanarayan Anand | Statistics | Statistics | | 2012 | Robert A. Stine (grad student) |
Matias Atria | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | 2002 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
Seunghee Baek | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics | Biostatistics and Epidemiology | | 2010 | Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student), Scarlett L. Bellamy (grad student) |
Thomas Baileys | Mathematics Education | | | 2011 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Anthony Bak | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2007 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Deborah S. Bakan | Elementary Education, Language and Literature Education, Mathematics Education | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Gergely Bana | Logic, Information Assurance | | | 2004 | Andre Scedrov (grad student) |
Clark Barwick | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2005 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Laurel A. Bastone | Biostatistics Biology, Genetics | | | 2007 | Mary Putt (grad student) |
Jeffrey Beh | Mathematics | | | 2003 | Percy Deift (grad student) |
Cengiz Y. Belentepe | Statistics | | | 2005 | Abraham Wyner (grad student) |
Scarlett L. Bellamy | Biostatistics, Statistics | | | | |
Oren Ben-Bassat | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2006 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Jesse Berlin | Biostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics | | | | |
Renato G. Bettiol | Differential geometry, Global analysis | | | | |
Karthikeyan Bhargavan | Computer Science | | | 2003 | Carl A. Gunter (grad student) |
Subhrajit Bhattacharya | Application of algebraic & differential topology and Riemannian geometry to problems of robot motion planning, coverage and exploration | Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics | | 2012 | Maxim Likhachev (grad student) |
Simon J. Billinge | Molecular Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Statistics | | | | Takeshi Egami (grad student) |
Jonathan Block | K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras | | | | |
Alexei Borodin | Group Representations, Lie Groups | | | 2001 | Alexandre Kirillov (grad student) |
Morton Botel | Elementary Education, Language and Literature Education, Mathematics Education | | | | |
Broderick L. Boxley | Teacher Training Education, Mathematics Education | | | 2006 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Eric T. Bradlow | Marketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics | | | | |
Michael Braun | Marketing Business Administration, Statistics, General Economics | | | 2006 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Andrew E. Bressler | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | | | 2009 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Lawrence D. Brown | Statistics | | | | |
Andreas Buja | Statistics | | | | |
Frederick M. Butler | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | 2004 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Jungyoon Byun | Algebraic Deformation Theory, Structure of Algebras, Quantum Groups, Probabilistic Inference in Law | | | 2005 | Murray Gerstenhaber (grad student) |
Yiqing Cai | Topological Methods in Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | | 2013 | Robert Ghrist (grad student) |
Tony Cai | Statistics | | | | |
Bing Cai | Biostatistics Biology, Epidemiology, Statistics | | | 2010 | Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student) |
Eugenio Calabi | Differential Geometry, Non-Linear PDE | | | | |
Lois M. Campbell | Reading Education, Secondary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education | | | 2005 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Mahir B. Can | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | 2006 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Maria S. Cepeda | Public Health, Pharmacy | | | 2002 | Brian L. Strom (grad student) |
Rohit Chadha | Logic, Information Assurance | | | 2003 | Andre Scedrov (grad student) |
Ching-li Chai | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | | | | |
Lisha Chen | Statistics | | | 2006 | Andreas Buja (grad student) |
Ted Chinburg | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | | |
Choongtze Chua | Statistics, Finance | | | 2003 | Dean P. Foster (grad student) |
Shaokun Chuai | | | | 2011 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Fan R. Chung Graham | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | | | 1974 | Herbert S. Wilf (grad student) |
Tobias H. Colding | Mathematics | Mathematics | | 1992 | Christopher Croke (grad student) |
Scott Corry | Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory | | | 2007 | Florian Pop (grad student) |
Christopher Croke | Differential Geometry | | | | |
Ann Crotty | Secondary Education, Sciences Education, Women's Studies | | | 2008 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Tony H. Cui | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2005 | Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student) |
Shiliang Cui | Operations Research | Operations and Information Management | | 2014 | Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student) |
Justin M. Curry | Topological Methods in Applied Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2014 | Robert Ghrist (grad student) |
Calder Daenzer | K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras | | | 2007 | Jonathan Block (grad student) |
Peter Dalakov | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2008 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Shoshana R. Daniel | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2008 | Marshall Joffe (grad student) |
Khanh Dao Duc | Probability and stochastic processes, computational biology | | | | |
Percy Deift | Mathematics | | | | |
Dragos Deliu | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2011 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Ricky Der | Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging | | | 2010 | Charles Epstein (grad student) |
Vladimir Dergachev | Group Representations, Lie Groups | | | 2000 | Alexandre Kirillov (grad student) |
Dennis Deturck | Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry | | | | |
Jason DeVito | Differential Geometry | | | 2011 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Nuria Diaz-Tena | Statistics | | | 2001 | Paul Shaman (grad student) |
William C. Dickinson | Differential Geometry | | | 2000 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Colin Diemer | Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics | | | 2010 | Antonella Grassi (grad student) |
Jimmy Dillies | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2006 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Shanshan Ding | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | Mathematics | | 2014 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Ron Donagi | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | | |
Ron Dondgi | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | | | | |
J. Mark Donovan | | Biostatistics | | 2006 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Tobias Dyckerhoff | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2010 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Ryan Eberhart | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | Mathematics | | 2013 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Robert Mortimer Ellis | | Mathematics | | 1953 | Walter Helbig Gottschalk (grad student) |
Angelo F. Elmi | | | | 2009 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Charles Epstein | Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging | | | | |
John Etnyre | Mathematics | | | | |
Warren John Ewens | Pharmacology, Biostatistics Biology, Medicine and Surgery, Genetics, Pathology | | | | |
Peter S. Fader | Marketing Business Administration, Statistics | | | | |
Weimin Fang | Differential Geometry | | | 2000 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
John T. Farrar | Public Health, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology | | | 2004 | Brian L. Strom (grad student) |
David Favero | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2009 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Matthew S. Feely | Operations Research, Public Administration, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Sciences | | | 2004 | Howard Kunreuther (grad student) |
David Fithian | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | 2008 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
Donald Alexander Flanders | | | | 1927 | John Robert Kline (grad student) |
Dean P. Foster | Statistics | | | | |
Peter J. Freyd | Programming Semantics, Categorical Algebra and Geometric Logic, Topology and Knot Theory | | | | |
Stephen J. Frye | Surgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups | | | 2001 | Julius Shaneson (grad student) |
Xin Fu | Statistics, Mathematics | | | 2009 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Joanna L. Fueyo | Pharmacology, Biostatistics Biology, Medicine and Surgery, Genetics, Pathology | | | 2002 | Warren John Ewens (grad student) |
Igar Fuki | Statistics | Statistics | | 2013 | Linda Zhao (grad student) |
J. Michael G. Fell | Group Representations and Operator Algebras | | | | |
Long-Long Gao | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2007 | Marshall Joffe (grad student) |
Alberto Garcia-Raboso | Professor of Mathematics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
David Garfinkel | metabolic modeling, numerical solution of nonlinear ODEs | | | | |
Edward George | Statistics | | | | |
Murray Gerstenhaber | Algebraic Deformation Theory, Structure of Algebras, Quantum Groups, Probabilistic Inference in Law | | | | |
Irina Gheorghiciuc | Mathematics | | | 2004 | Herbert S. Wilf (grad student) |
Robert Ghrist | Topological Methods in Applied Mathematics | | | | |
Darren B. Glass | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | 2002 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
Herman R. Gluck | Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Topology of Manifolds | | | | |
Alex L. Goldstein | Statistics | Statistics | | 2014 | Andreas Buja (grad student) |
Hanfeng Gong | Statistics | | | 2002 | Linda Zhao (grad student) |
Alwyn E. Goodloe | Computer Science, Mathematics | | | 2008 | Carl A. Gunter (grad student) |
Edwin P. Gordon | Mathematics Education, Elementary Education, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies | | | | |
Walter Helbig Gottschalk | | | | | |
Suresh Govindarajan | string theory, mathematical physics | | 1986 | 1991 | Burt Ovrut (grad student) |
Antonella Grassi | Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics | | | | |
David S. Greenstein | | | | 1957 | Isaac J. Schoenberg (grad student) |
Robert A. Greevy | Statistics | | | 2004 | Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student) |
Philip Gressman | Harmonic Analysis and PDE's, Geometric Combinatorics, Geometric Analysis | | | | |
Sandra D. Griffith | | Biostatistics | | 2012 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Linda M. Gruendken | Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory | | | 2011 | Florian Pop (grad student) |
Stefano Guerra | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2007 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Matthew W. Guerra | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2011 | Justine Shults (grad student) |
Carl A. Gunter | Computer Science, Mathematics | | | | |
Wensheng Guo | | | | | |
Mengye Guo | | Biostatistics | | 2009 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Shuvra Gupta | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2010 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Meredith d. Haab | Elementary Education, Reading Education | | | 2001 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Márton Hablicsek | Derived Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Combinatorial Geometry | | | | |
James Hagland | Theoretical Mathematics | | | | |
James Haglund | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | | |
Steffanie M. Halberstadt | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2011 | Mary D. Sammel (grad student) |
Wei Han | Mechanical Engineering, Statistics | Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | | 2013 | Abraham Wyner (grad student) |
Elizabeth A. Handorf | | Biostatistics | | 2012 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
David Harbater | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | | |
Julia Hartmann | Algebraic structures and their symmetries | | | | |
Hilaf Hasson | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | Mathematics | | 2012 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Chenxu He | Differential Geometry | | | 2009 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Brett Hemenway | Networks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity | | | | |
Pilar Herreros | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2009 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Mohamad A. Hindawi | Differential Geometry | | | 2005 | Christopher Croke (grad student) |
Corey A. Hoelscher | Differential Geometry | | | 2007 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Armin Holschbach | Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory | | | 2008 | Florian Pop (grad student) |
Peter H. Hu | Biostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics | | | 2004 | Jesse Berlin (grad student) |
Jianhua Huang | Statistics | | | | |
Ka-Chuen Hui | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2008 | Eric T. Bradlow (grad student) |
Rebecca A. Hutto | Mathematics Education, Elementary Education | | | 2006 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Ryan Hynd | Analysis of partial differential equations arising in stochastic optimal control, continuum mechanics, and the calculus of variations | | | | |
Mehmet U. Isik | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2011 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Aaron D. Jaggard | Mathematics | | | 2003 | Herbert S. Wilf (grad student) |
Christopher Jankowski | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2009 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Shane T. Jensen | | | | | |
Joonwoo Jeong | Soft Matter Physics, Liquid Crystals | Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy | 2012 | 2014 | Tom C. Lubensky (post-doc), Arjun G. Yodh (post-doc), Peter Collings (post-doc) |
Lucy L. Jin | Finance | Finance | | 2013 | A Craig MacKinlay (grad student) |
Taisong Jing | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | Mathematics | | 2014 | Ching-li Chai (grad student) |
Marshall Joffe | Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Marshall Jottee | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics | | | | |
Richard V. Kadison | Hilbert space | | | | |
Hyunsuk Kang | Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging | | | 2003 | Charles Epstein (grad student) |
Qiang Kang | Finance, Theory Economics, Commerce-Business Economics | | | 2002 | A Craig MacKinlay (grad student) |
Adam Kapelner | Statistics, Computer Science, General Economics | Statistics | | 2014 | Abba M. Krieger (grad student) |
Tolga Karayayla | Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | | | 2011 | Ron Dondgi (grad student) |
Jonathan Kariv | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | Mathematics | | 2013 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Jerry L. Kazdan | Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Applications of PDE | | | | |
Lee Kennard | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | | 2012 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Martin Kerin | Differential Geometry | | | 2008 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Madeeha Khalid | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2003 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Marcus A. Khuri | Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Applications of PDE | | | 2003 | Jerry L. Kazdan (grad student) |
Clara Yuri Kim | | Biostatistics | | 2005 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Carin Joo Kim | | Biostatistics | | 2008 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Alexandre Kirillov | Group Representations, Lie Groups | | | | |
John Robert Kline | | | | 1916 | Robert Lee Moore (grad student) |
George A. Knox | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2006 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Farrah Koonce | Administration Education, Elementary Education | | | 2006 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Konrad P. Kording | Motor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models | | | | |
Eric O. Korman | K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras | Mathematics | | 2014 | Jonathan Block (grad student) |
Robert T. Krafty | | | | 2007 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Abba M. Krieger | Statistics | | | | |
Howard Kunreuther | Marketing Business Administration, Statistics, General Economics | | | | |
Enkeleida Lakuriqi | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2008 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Jean M. Landis | Reading Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Training Education | | | 2004 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Felix Lazebnik | Mathematics | | | 1987 | Herbert S. Wilf (grad student) |
General Lee | Computational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury | | | | Maria Neimark Geffen (research assistant) |
Claus G. Lehr | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2001 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Benjamin E. Leiby | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2006 | Mary D. Sammel (grad student) |
Paul Levande | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | Mathematics | | 2012 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Mihails Levins | Statistics | | | 2003 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Shuxiang Li | Statistics | | | 2000 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Xuefeng Li | Statistics | | | 2003 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Jialun Li | Finance | Applied Economics | | 2012 | Kent Smetters (grad student) |
Yimei Li | | Biostatistics | | 2010 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Tian Liang | Theoretical Mathematics | | | 2010 | James Hagland (grad student) |
Yen-chi R. Lin | Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging | | | 2000 | Charles Epstein (grad student) |
Dongyu Lin | Statistics | | | 2009 | Dean P. Foster (grad student) |
Bruce H. Lindsey | Mathematics Education, Individual and Family Studies, Secondary Education | | 1975 | | George L. Gerstein (post-doc) |
Xiong Liu | | | | 2000 | Richard V. Kadison (grad student) |
Ziyue Liu | | | | 2010 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Chengcheng Liu | | | | 2011 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Tzu-yu Liu | Statistical learning from high-dimensional and small sample size problems, optimization, structured variable selection, density estimation, functional data analysis | | | | |
Linxu Liu | Statistics | | | 2004 | Edward George (grad student) |
Naiping Liu | Statistics | | | 2004 | Jianhua Huang (grad student) |
Tao Liu | | Biostatistics | | 2006 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
A. R. Localio | Biostatistics Biology, Public Health | | | 2005 | Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student) |
Chuan Long | Statistics | | | 2002 | Abraham Wyner (grad student) |
Jing Long Hoelscher | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2007 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Zhentao Lu | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | Mathematics | | 2013 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
R Duncan Luce | mathematics, psychology | | | | |
Michael T. Lugo | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | | | 2010 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Shaun Lysen | Statistics | | | 2009 | Andreas Buja (grad student) |
Zongming Ma | Statistics | | | | |
A Craig MacKinlay | Finance, Theory Economics, Statistics | | | | |
Jeremy Magland | Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging | | | 2004 | Charles Epstein (grad student) |
Ryan Manion | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | Mathematics | | 2014 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Jeremy R. Manning | memory, ECoG, fMRI, brain network dynamics, Bayesian models | | 2006 | 2011 | Robert Sekuler (grad student), David H. Brainard (collaborator), Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student) |
Wenxin Mao | Statistics | | | 2000 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
John M. Maris | Oncology, Biostatistics Biology, Bioinformatics Biology | | | | |
Vadim A. Markel | Optical tomography, optics and photonics of nanostructures, radiative transport theory, fundamental electromagnetic theory and homogenization | | | | |
Denise K. Marone | Higher Education, Adult and Continuing Education | | | 2001 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Karen D. Marquiss | Public Administration, Organizational, Management Business Administration, Environmental Sciences | | | 2007 | Howard Kunreuther (grad student) |
Sarah K. Mason | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | 2006 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Laurentiu G. Maxim | Surgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups | | | 2005 | Julius Shaneson (grad student) |
Janice L. McBride | Early Childhood Education, Reading Education | | | 2002 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Blakeley B. McShane | Statistics | | | 2010 | Abraham Wyner (grad student) |
Sukhendu Mehrotra | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2005 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Ricardo A. Mendes | Differential Geometry | | | 2011 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Vasiliki V. Menexas | Curriculum and Instruction Education, Secondary Education, Tests and Measurements Education | | | 2001 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Kewei Ming | Statistics | | | 2000 | Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student) |
Wendy W. Moe | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2000 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Robin Mogg | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics | | | 2009 | Marshall Joffe (grad student) |
Pieter Mostert | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | Mathematics | | 2014 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
Natasha M. Murray | Teacher Training Education, Mathematics Education, Secondary Education | | | 2005 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Andres I. Musalem Said | Marketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics | | | 2006 | Eric T. Bradlow (grad student) |
Nadia Mykysey | Elementary Education, Reading Education | | | 2004 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Vidit Nanda | Algebraic topology, computational dynamics and discrete geometry | | | | |
Hui Nie | Statistics | | | 2011 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Don Norman | cognitive science, computer science, design | | 1959 | 1962 | R Duncan Luce (grad student) |
Haggai M. Nuchi | Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Topology of Manifolds | Mathematics | | 2014 | Herman R. Gluck (grad student) |
Davor Obradovic | Computer Science | | | 2001 | Carl A. Gunter (grad student) |
Andrew Obus | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2009 | David Harbater (grad student) |
John Olsen | Differential Geometry | | | 2009 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Chieh Ou Yang | Finance, Climate Change | | | 2010 | Howard Kunreuther (grad student) |
M. F. Pac | Management Business Administration, General Economics, Commerce-Business Economics | Operations and Information Management | | 2012 | Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student) |
Pranav Pandit | Professor of Mathematics | | | 2011 | Tony Pantev (grad student) |
Osbert Pang | Statistics | | | 2009 | Edward George (grad student) |
Greta C. Panova | Algebraic and enumerative combinatorics, aspects of and applications to algebra, representation theory, probability and statistical mechanics, biology | | | | |
Tony Pantev | Professor of Mathematics | | | | |
Athanasios Papoulis | Probability & Stochastic Processes | Mathematics | | 1950 | John Robert Kline (grad student) |
Young-Hoon Park | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2002 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Robert J. Parsley | Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry | | | 2004 | Dennis Deturck (grad student) |
George W. Patterson | | | | 1958 | Murray Gerstenhaber (grad student) |
Elena Pavelescu | Mathematics | | | 2008 | John Etnyre (grad student) |
Robin Pemantle | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | | | | |
Cherng-tiao Perng | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | | | 2005 | Ching-li Chai (grad student) |
Dennis S. Perry | Curriculum and Instruction Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Administration Education | | | 2005 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Xin Piao | Social Psychology | | | 2003 | Howard Kunreuther (grad student) |
Michael Pimsner | Operator Algebras | | | | |
Emil Pitkin | Statistics | Statistics | | 2014 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Vassilis Polimenis | Finance, Theory Economics, Statistics | | | 2001 | A Craig MacKinlay (grad student) |
Florian Pop | Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory | | | | |
Gerald J. Porter | Computer Graphics and Instructional Use of Computers, Homotopy Theory, Algebraic Topology | | | | |
Robert T. Powers | Mathematical Physics, Operator Algebras | | | | |
Rachel Pries | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2000 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Kathleen J. Propert | Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Prashant K. Purohit | Mechanical Engineering | MEAM | 2005 | 2006 | Philip C Nelson (post-doc) |
Mary Putt | Biostatistics Biology, Genetics | | | | |
Zhihua Qiao | Statistics | | | 2006 | Jianhua Huang (grad student) |
Li Qin | | | | 2004 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Marco Radeschi | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | | 2012 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Johann Rafelski | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Mathematics | Physics | | | Abraham Klein (post-doc) |
Raja M. Raja Ahmad | Statistics, Computer Science | Statistics | | 2014 | Eric T. Bradlow (grad student) |
Jagmohan S. Raju | Marketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics | | | | |
Justin K. Rising | Statistics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics | Statistics | | 2013 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Jordan Rodu | Statistics | Statistics | | 2014 | Dean P. Foster (grad student) |
Zvi Rosen | Algebra, combinatorics, statistics, and biology | | | | |
Paul R. Rosenbaum | Statistics | | | | |
Christopher G. Rowan | Epidemiology, Statistics | | | 2010 | Brian L. Strom (grad student) |
Paul D. Rowe | Logic, Information Assurance | | | 2009 | Andre Scedrov (grad student) |
Andrew Rupinski | Group Representations, Lie Groups | | | 2010 | Alexandre Kirillov (grad student) |
Joan M. Rushton | Education, Medicine and Surgery, Higher Education | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Maria Sabitova | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | 2005 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
S. Sajeesh | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2008 | Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student) |
Mary D. Sammel | Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Donna R. Sanderson | Curriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education | | | 2001 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Julie K. Savitch | Special Education | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Andre Scedrov | Logic, Information Assurance | | | | |
Zachary Scherr | Algebra, Number Theory | | | | |
Stephan Schonenberger | Mathematics | | | 2005 | John Etnyre (grad student) |
David A. Schweidel | Marketing Business Administration, Statistics | | | 2006 | Peter S. Fader (grad student) |
Madineh Sedigh-Sarvestani | Neuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering | Neuroscience | 2014 | 2016 | Diego Contreras (post-doc) |
Erin Servillo | Administration Education, Special Education, Individual and Family Studies | | | 2008 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
David Shale | Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory | | | | |
Paul Shaman | Statistics | | | | |
Julius Shaneson | Surgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups | | | | |
Stephen S. Shatz | Algebraic Geometry, Complex Geometry, Arithmetic Geometry | | | | |
Junhao Shen | | | | 2004 | Richard V. Kadison (grad student) |
Haipeng Shen | Statistics | | | 2003 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Clayton Shonkwiler | Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry | | | 2009 | Dennis Deturck (grad student) |
Justine Shults | Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Charles Siegel | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | Mathematics | | 2012 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
William Simmons | Model theory, differential algebra, mathematical logic | | | | |
Kent Smetters | Applied Mathematics | | | | |
Erik C. Sobel | Computer Vision | | 1985 | 1989 | Charles Randy Gallistel (grad student), Thomas W. Abrams (grad student) |
Chunwei Song | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | 2004 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Saul Sternberg | Mathematical psychology | | | | |
Robert A. Stine | Statistics | | | | |
Robert Strain | Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics | | | | |
Brian L. Strom | Epidemiology, Statistics | | | | |
Jonathan R. Stroud | Statistics, Finance | | | | |
Tianxiang Su | Mechanical Engineering, Molecular Physics, General Biophysics | | | 2011 | Prashant K. Purohit (grad student) |
Sneha D. Subramanian | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | Mathematics | | 2014 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Upender Subramanian | Marketing Business Administration | | | 2009 | Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student) |
Wenguang Sun | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2008 | Tony Cai (grad student) |
Aditya Surapaneni | K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras | Mathematics | | 2014 | Jonathan Block (grad student) |
Robert H. Swendsen | Condensed Matter Physics, Statistics | Physics | | 1971 | Herbert Bernard Callen (grad student) |
Matthew Tai | Group Representations, Lie Groups | Mathematics | | 2014 | Alexandre Kirillov (grad student) |
Shuichiro Takeda | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | | | 2006 | Ching-li Chai (grad student) |
Thomas R. Ten Have | Biostatistics Biology | | | | |
Necati Tereyagoglu | General Economics, Statistics, Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology | Operations and Information Management | | 2012 | Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student) |
Walter E. Theseira | General Economics, Theory Economics | | | 2009 | Kent Smetters (grad student) |
Nelly Toll | Curriculum and Instruction Education, Art Education, Language and Literature Education, Social Sciences Education | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Henry Towsner | Mathematical logic | | | | |
James J. Tripp | Mathematics | | | 2005 | John Etnyre (grad student) |
Joe-Kai Tsay | Logic, Information Assurance | | | 2008 | Andre Scedrov (grad student) |
Elizabeth A. Tuleja | Sciences Education, Speech Communication | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Shane E. Underwood | Finance | | | 2004 | A Craig MacKinlay (grad student) |
Senthil K. Veeraraghavan | General Economics, Statistics, Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology | | | | |
David S. Vela-Vick | Mathematics | | | 2009 | John Etnyre (grad student) |
Mirko Visontai | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | Mathematics | | 2012 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Jeanne Vissa | Teacher Training Education, Mathematics Education | | | | |
Patricia O. Wachholz | Vocational Education, Business Education | | | 2000 | Morton Botel (grad student) |
Miaoyan Wang | Statistical Theory and Methodology, Machine Learning, Statistical Genetics | | | | |
Anduo Wang | Logic, Information Assurance | Computer and Information Science | | 2013 | Andre Scedrov (grad student) |
Yusong Wang | Marketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics | | | 2002 | Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student) |
Hao Wang | | Biostatistics | | 2009 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Frank W. Warner | Differential Geometry | | | | |
Oliver P. Watson | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | | | 2003 | Ching-li Chai (grad student) |
Brian J. Weber | 4-manifolds, Spin geometry, quantum geometry, symplectic geometry | | | | |
Xuexin Wei | Computational neuroscience | | 2011 | 2015 | Vijay Balasubramanian (grad student), Alan A. Stocker (grad student) |
Zhaoting Wei | K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras | Mathematics | | 2013 | Jonathan Block (grad student) |
Jonathan Weinberg | Statistics, Finance | | | 2006 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Haomin Wen | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | | 2014 | Christopher Croke (grad student) |
Michael Wibmer | Differential and functional equations and their symmetries | | | | |
Michael R. Wierzbicki | | Epidemiology and Biostatistics | | 2013 | Wensheng Guo (grad student) |
Herbert S. Wilf | Mathematics | | | | |
Tak Kwong Wong | Partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, analysis | | | | |
Caitlin Wood Sklar | Elementary Education, Educational Psychology Education | | | 2007 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Stephanie E. Wood-Garnett | Administration Education, Elementary Education, Special Education | | | 2008 | Jeanne Vissa (grad student) |
Yuehui Wu | Biostatistics Biology | | | 2004 | Kathleen J. Propert (grad student) |
Abraham Wyner | Statistics | | | | |
Yin Xia | Statistics | Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | | 2013 | Tony Cai (grad student) |
Lechao Xiao | Harmonic Analysis | | | | |
Jichun Xie | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics Biology | | | 2011 | Tony Cai (grad student) |
JunTian Xu | Statistics | | | 2007 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Xinyi Xu | Statistics | | | 2005 | Edward George (grad student) |
Ning Yan | Group Representations, Lie Groups | | | 2001 | Alexandre Kirillov (grad student) |
Charles Yang | Language acquisition, language change, computational linguistics, general linguistics | | | | |
Lingfeng Yang | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics | | | 2007 | Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student) |
Shirley L. Yap | Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry | | | 2005 | Dennis Deturck (grad student) |
Dmytro Yeroshkin | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | | 2014 | Wolfgang Ziller (grad student) |
Cui Yin | Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry | | | 2003 | David Harbater (grad student) |
Haitao Yin | Public Administration, General Economics, Management Business Administration, Environmental Sciences | | | 2006 | Howard Kunreuther (grad student) |
Gui-shuang Ying | | Biostatistics | | 2004 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Meesue Yoo | Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory | | | 2009 | James Haglund (grad student) |
Frank B. Yoon | Statistics | | | 2009 | Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student) |
Shilin Yu | Noncommutative geometry, complex analytic/algebraic geometry and representation theory | | | | |
Haiping Yuan | Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry | | | 2005 | Ted Chinburg (grad student) |
Yuang-Sheng Zhang | Mathematics | | | 2001 | Herbert S. Wilf (grad student) |
Ren Zhang | Statistics | | | 2002 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Xingtan Zhang | Applied Mathematics | Applied Mathematics and Computational Science | | 2013 | Kent Smetters (grad student) |
Liangyue Zhang | Statistics | | | 2004 | Jianhua Huang (grad student) |
Rongmei Zhang | Biostatistics Biology, Statistics | | | 2011 | Marshall Jottee (grad student) |
Mingyuan Zhang | Statistics, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2009 | Marshall Joffe (grad student) |
Jiameng Zhang | | Biostatistics | | 2004 | Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student) |
Linda Zhao | Statistics | | | | |
Zhanyun Zhao | Statistics, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2003 | Lawrence D. Brown (grad student) |
Ilia H. Zharkov | Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory | | | 2000 | Ron Donagi (grad student) |
Xiaochen Zhou | Differential Geometry | Mathematics | | 2011 | Christopher Croke (grad student) |
Yuecheng Zhu | Algebraic geometry, Mirror symmetry | | | | |
Tong Zhu | Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics | | | 2009 | Robin Pemantle (grad student) |
Xiaoting Zhu | Finance | | | 2001 | A Craig MacKinlay (grad student) |
Wolfgang Ziller | Differential Geometry | | | | |
Ying Zong | Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | | | 2008 | Ching-li Chai (grad student) |