University of Pennsylvania

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Vibhanshu AbhishekCommerce-Business Economics, Marketing Business Administration Operations and Information Management2012 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Omar AbuzzahabModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics Mathematics2013 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Kursat AkerMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2004 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Sivan Aldor-NoimanStatistics Statistics2012 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Per AlexanderssonRepresentation theory and combinatorics
Sathyanarayan AnandStatistics Statistics2012 Robert A. Stine (grad student)
Matias AtriaNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry2002 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
Seunghee BaekBiostatistics Biology, Statistics Biostatistics and Epidemiology2010 Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student), Scarlett L. Bellamy (grad student)
Thomas BaileysMathematics Education2011 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Anthony BakMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2007 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Deborah S. BakanElementary Education, Language and Literature Education, Mathematics Education2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Gergely BanaLogic, Information Assurance2004 Andre Scedrov (grad student)
Clark BarwickProfessor of Mathematics2005 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Laurel A. BastoneBiostatistics Biology, Genetics2007 Mary Putt (grad student)
Jeffrey BehMathematics2003 Percy Deift (grad student)
Cengiz Y. BelentepeStatistics2005 Abraham Wyner (grad student)
Scarlett L. BellamyBiostatistics, Statistics
Oren Ben-BassatProfessor of Mathematics2006 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Jesse BerlinBiostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics
Renato G. BettiolDifferential geometry, Global analysis
Karthikeyan BhargavanComputer Science2003 Carl A. Gunter (grad student)
Subhrajit BhattacharyaApplication of algebraic & differential topology and Riemannian geometry to problems of robot motion planning, coverage and exploration Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics2012 Maxim Likhachev (grad student)
Simon J. BillingeMolecular Physics, Materials Science Engineering, Statistics Takeshi Egami (grad student)
Jonathan BlockK-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras
Alexei BorodinGroup Representations, Lie Groups2001 Alexandre Kirillov (grad student)
Morton BotelElementary Education, Language and Literature Education, Mathematics Education
Broderick L. BoxleyTeacher Training Education, Mathematics Education2006 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Eric T. BradlowMarketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics
Michael BraunMarketing Business Administration, Statistics, General Economics2006 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Andrew E. BresslerModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics2009 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Lawrence D. BrownStatistics
Andreas BujaStatistics
Frederick M. ButlerAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory2004 James Haglund (grad student)
Jungyoon ByunAlgebraic Deformation Theory, Structure of Algebras, Quantum Groups, Probabilistic Inference in Law2005 Murray Gerstenhaber (grad student)
Yiqing CaiTopological Methods in Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics and Computational Science2013 Robert Ghrist (grad student)
Tony CaiStatistics
Bing CaiBiostatistics Biology, Epidemiology, Statistics2010 Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student)
Eugenio CalabiDifferential Geometry, Non-Linear PDE
Lois M. CampbellReading Education, Secondary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2005 Morton Botel (grad student)
Mahir B. CanAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory2006 James Haglund (grad student)
Maria S. CepedaPublic Health, Pharmacy2002 Brian L. Strom (grad student)
Rohit ChadhaLogic, Information Assurance2003 Andre Scedrov (grad student)
Ching-li ChaiAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Lisha ChenStatistics2006 Andreas Buja (grad student)
Ted ChinburgNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry
Choongtze ChuaStatistics, Finance2003 Dean P. Foster (grad student)
Shaokun Chuai2011 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Fan R. Chung GrahamMathematics, Applied Mathematics1974 Herbert S. Wilf (grad student)
Tobias H. ColdingMathematics Mathematics1992 Christopher Croke (grad student)
Scott CorryArithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory2007 Florian Pop (grad student)
Christopher CrokeDifferential Geometry
Ann CrottySecondary Education, Sciences Education, Women's Studies2008 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Tony H. CuiMarketing Business Administration2005 Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student)
Shiliang CuiOperations Research Operations and Information Management2014 Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student)
Justin M. CurryTopological Methods in Applied Mathematics Mathematics2014 Robert Ghrist (grad student)
Calder DaenzerK-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras2007 Jonathan Block (grad student)
Peter DalakovProfessor of Mathematics2008 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Shoshana R. DanielBiostatistics Biology2008 Marshall Joffe (grad student)
Khanh Dao DucProbability and stochastic processes, computational biology
Percy DeiftMathematics
Dragos DeliuProfessor of Mathematics2011 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Ricky DerPartial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging2010 Charles Epstein (grad student)
Vladimir DergachevGroup Representations, Lie Groups2000 Alexandre Kirillov (grad student)
Dennis DeturckPartial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry
Jason DeVitoDifferential Geometry2011 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Nuria Diaz-TenaStatistics2001 Paul Shaman (grad student)
William C. DickinsonDifferential Geometry2000 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Colin DiemerAlgebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics2010 Antonella Grassi (grad student)
Jimmy DilliesMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2006 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Shanshan DingModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics Mathematics2014 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Ron DonagiMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory
Ron DondgiMathematics, Applied Mathematics
J. Mark Donovan Biostatistics2006 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Tobias DyckerhoffProfessor of Mathematics2010 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Ryan EberhartModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry Mathematics2013 David Harbater (grad student)
Robert Mortimer Ellis Mathematics1953 Walter Helbig Gottschalk (grad student)
Angelo F. Elmi2009 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Charles EpsteinPartial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging
John EtnyreMathematics
Warren John EwensPharmacology, Biostatistics Biology, Medicine and Surgery, Genetics, Pathology
Peter S. FaderMarketing Business Administration, Statistics
Weimin FangDifferential Geometry2000 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
John T. FarrarPublic Health, Neuroscience Biology, Oncology2004 Brian L. Strom (grad student)
David FaveroProfessor of Mathematics2009 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Matthew S. FeelyOperations Research, Public Administration, Public and Social Welfare, Environmental Sciences2004 Howard Kunreuther (grad student)
David FithianNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry2008 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
Donald Alexander Flanders1927 John Robert Kline (grad student)
Dean P. FosterStatistics
Peter J. FreydProgramming Semantics, Categorical Algebra and Geometric Logic, Topology and Knot Theory
Stephen J. FryeSurgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups2001 Julius Shaneson (grad student)
Xin FuStatistics, Mathematics2009 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Joanna L. FueyoPharmacology, Biostatistics Biology, Medicine and Surgery, Genetics, Pathology2002 Warren John Ewens (grad student)
Igar FukiStatistics Statistics2013 Linda Zhao (grad student)
J. Michael G. FellGroup Representations and Operator Algebras
Long-Long GaoBiostatistics Biology2007 Marshall Joffe (grad student)
Alberto Garcia-RabosoProfessor of Mathematics Mathematics2013 Tony Pantev (grad student)
David Garfinkelmetabolic modeling, numerical solution of nonlinear ODEs
Edward GeorgeStatistics
Murray GerstenhaberAlgebraic Deformation Theory, Structure of Algebras, Quantum Groups, Probabilistic Inference in Law
Irina GheorghiciucMathematics2004 Herbert S. Wilf (grad student)
Robert GhristTopological Methods in Applied Mathematics
Darren B. GlassNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry2002 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
Herman R. GluckDifferential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Topology of Manifolds
Alex L. GoldsteinStatistics Statistics2014 Andreas Buja (grad student)
Hanfeng GongStatistics2002 Linda Zhao (grad student)
Alwyn E. GoodloeComputer Science, Mathematics2008 Carl A. Gunter (grad student)
Edwin P. GordonMathematics Education, Elementary Education, Black Studies, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Walter Helbig Gottschalk
Suresh Govindarajanstring theory, mathematical physics19861991 Burt Ovrut (grad student)
Antonella GrassiAlgebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics
David S. Greenstein1957 Isaac J. Schoenberg (grad student)
Robert A. GreevyStatistics2004 Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student)
Philip GressmanHarmonic Analysis and PDE's, Geometric Combinatorics, Geometric Analysis
Sandra D. Griffith Biostatistics2012 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Linda M. GruendkenArithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory2011 Florian Pop (grad student)
Stefano GuerraMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2007 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Matthew W. GuerraBiostatistics Biology2011 Justine Shults (grad student)
Carl A. GunterComputer Science, Mathematics
Wensheng Guo
Mengye Guo Biostatistics2009 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Shuvra GuptaModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2010 David Harbater (grad student)
Meredith d. HaabElementary Education, Reading Education2001 Morton Botel (grad student)
Márton HablicsekDerived Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Combinatorial Geometry
James HaglandTheoretical Mathematics
James HaglundAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory
Steffanie M. HalberstadtBiostatistics Biology2011 Mary D. Sammel (grad student)
Wei HanMechanical Engineering, Statistics Applied Mathematics and Computational Science2013 Abraham Wyner (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Handorf Biostatistics2012 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
David HarbaterModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry
Julia HartmannAlgebraic structures and their symmetries
Hilaf HassonModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry Mathematics2012 David Harbater (grad student)
Chenxu HeDifferential Geometry2009 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Brett HemenwayNetworks: Security and Privacy, Theory: Algorithms and Complexity
Pilar HerrerosProfessor of Mathematics2009 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Mohamad A. HindawiDifferential Geometry2005 Christopher Croke (grad student)
Corey A. HoelscherDifferential Geometry2007 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Armin HolschbachArithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory2008 Florian Pop (grad student)
Peter H. HuBiostatistics Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics2004 Jesse Berlin (grad student)
Jianhua HuangStatistics
Ka-Chuen HuiMarketing Business Administration2008 Eric T. Bradlow (grad student)
Rebecca A. HuttoMathematics Education, Elementary Education2006 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Ryan HyndAnalysis of partial differential equations arising in stochastic optimal control, continuum mechanics, and the calculus of variations
Mehmet U. IsikProfessor of Mathematics2011 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Aaron D. JaggardMathematics2003 Herbert S. Wilf (grad student)
Christopher JankowskiProfessor of Mathematics2009 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Shane T. Jensen
Joonwoo JeongSoft Matter Physics, Liquid Crystals Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20122014 Tom C. Lubensky (post-doc), Arjun G. Yodh (post-doc), Peter Collings (post-doc)
Lucy L. JinFinance Finance2013 A Craig MacKinlay (grad student)
Taisong JingAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Mathematics2014 Ching-li Chai (grad student)
Marshall JoffeBiostatistics Biology
Marshall JotteeBiostatistics Biology, Statistics
Richard V. KadisonHilbert space
Hyunsuk KangPartial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging2003 Charles Epstein (grad student)
Qiang KangFinance, Theory Economics, Commerce-Business Economics2002 A Craig MacKinlay (grad student)
Adam KapelnerStatistics, Computer Science, General Economics Statistics2014 Abba M. Krieger (grad student)
Tolga KarayaylaMathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Ron Dondgi (grad student)
Jonathan KarivModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics Mathematics2013 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Jerry L. KazdanPartial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Applications of PDE
Lee KennardDifferential Geometry Mathematics2012 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Martin KerinDifferential Geometry2008 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Madeeha KhalidMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2003 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Marcus A. KhuriPartial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Applications of PDE2003 Jerry L. Kazdan (grad student)
Clara Yuri Kim Biostatistics2005 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Carin Joo Kim Biostatistics2008 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Alexandre KirillovGroup Representations, Lie Groups
John Robert Kline1916 Robert Lee Moore (grad student)
George A. KnoxMarketing Business Administration2006 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Farrah KoonceAdministration Education, Elementary Education2006 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models
Eric O. KormanK-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras Mathematics2014 Jonathan Block (grad student)
Robert T. Krafty2007 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Abba M. KriegerStatistics
Howard KunreutherMarketing Business Administration, Statistics, General Economics
Enkeleida LakuriqiProfessor of Mathematics2008 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Jean M. LandisReading Education, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Teacher Training Education2004 Morton Botel (grad student)
Felix LazebnikMathematics1987 Herbert S. Wilf (grad student)
General LeeComputational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury Maria Neimark Geffen (research assistant)
Claus G. LehrModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2001 David Harbater (grad student)
Benjamin E. LeibyBiostatistics Biology2006 Mary D. Sammel (grad student)
Paul LevandeAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory Mathematics2012 James Haglund (grad student)
Mihails LevinsStatistics2003 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Shuxiang LiStatistics2000 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Xuefeng LiStatistics2003 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Jialun LiFinance Applied Economics2012 Kent Smetters (grad student)
Yimei Li Biostatistics2010 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Tian LiangTheoretical Mathematics2010 James Hagland (grad student)
Yen-chi R. LinPartial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging2000 Charles Epstein (grad student)
Dongyu LinStatistics2009 Dean P. Foster (grad student)
Bruce H. LindseyMathematics Education, Individual and Family Studies, Secondary Education1975 George L. Gerstein (post-doc)
Xiong Liu2000 Richard V. Kadison (grad student)
Ziyue Liu2010 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Chengcheng Liu2011 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Tzu-yu LiuStatistical learning from high-dimensional and small sample size problems, optimization, structured variable selection, density estimation, functional data analysis
Linxu LiuStatistics2004 Edward George (grad student)
Naiping LiuStatistics2004 Jianhua Huang (grad student)
Tao Liu Biostatistics2006 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
A. R. LocalioBiostatistics Biology, Public Health2005 Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student)
Chuan LongStatistics2002 Abraham Wyner (grad student)
Jing Long HoelscherModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2007 David Harbater (grad student)
Zhentao LuMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory Mathematics2013 Ron Donagi (grad student)
R Duncan Lucemathematics, psychology
Michael T. LugoModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics2010 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Shaun LysenStatistics2009 Andreas Buja (grad student)
Zongming MaStatistics
A Craig MacKinlayFinance, Theory Economics, Statistics
Jeremy MaglandPartial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging2004 Charles Epstein (grad student)
Ryan ManionModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry Mathematics2014 David Harbater (grad student)
Jeremy R. Manningmemory, ECoG, fMRI, brain network dynamics, Bayesian models20062011 Robert Sekuler (grad student), David H. Brainard (collaborator), Michael Jacob Kahana (grad student)
Wenxin MaoStatistics2000 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
John M. MarisOncology, Biostatistics Biology, Bioinformatics Biology
Vadim A. MarkelOptical tomography, optics and photonics of nanostructures, radiative transport theory, fundamental electromagnetic theory and homogenization
Denise K. MaroneHigher Education, Adult and Continuing Education2001 Morton Botel (grad student)
Karen D. MarquissPublic Administration, Organizational, Management Business Administration, Environmental Sciences2007 Howard Kunreuther (grad student)
Sarah K. MasonAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory2006 James Haglund (grad student)
Laurentiu G. MaximSurgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups2005 Julius Shaneson (grad student)
Janice L. McBrideEarly Childhood Education, Reading Education2002 Morton Botel (grad student)
Blakeley B. McShaneStatistics2010 Abraham Wyner (grad student)
Sukhendu MehrotraProfessor of Mathematics2005 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Ricardo A. MendesDifferential Geometry2011 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Vasiliki V. MenexasCurriculum and Instruction Education, Secondary Education, Tests and Measurements Education2001 Morton Botel (grad student)
Kewei MingStatistics2000 Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student)
Wendy W. MoeMarketing Business Administration2000 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Robin MoggBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2009 Marshall Joffe (grad student)
Pieter MostertNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry Mathematics2014 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
Natasha M. MurrayTeacher Training Education, Mathematics Education, Secondary Education2005 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Andres I. Musalem SaidMarketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics2006 Eric T. Bradlow (grad student)
Nadia MykyseyElementary Education, Reading Education2004 Morton Botel (grad student)
Vidit NandaAlgebraic topology, computational dynamics and discrete geometry
Hui NieStatistics2011 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Don Normancognitive science, computer science, design19591962 R Duncan Luce (grad student)
Haggai M. NuchiDifferential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Topology of Manifolds Mathematics2014 Herman R. Gluck (grad student)
Davor ObradovicComputer Science2001 Carl A. Gunter (grad student)
Andrew ObusModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2009 David Harbater (grad student)
John OlsenDifferential Geometry2009 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Chieh Ou YangFinance, Climate Change2010 Howard Kunreuther (grad student)
M. F. PacManagement Business Administration, General Economics, Commerce-Business Economics Operations and Information Management2012 Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student)
Pranav PanditProfessor of Mathematics2011 Tony Pantev (grad student)
Osbert PangStatistics2009 Edward George (grad student)
Greta C. PanovaAlgebraic and enumerative combinatorics, aspects of and applications to algebra, representation theory, probability and statistical mechanics, biology
Tony PantevProfessor of Mathematics
Athanasios PapoulisProbability & Stochastic Processes Mathematics1950 John Robert Kline (grad student)
Young-Hoon ParkMarketing Business Administration2002 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Robert J. ParsleyPartial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry2004 Dennis Deturck (grad student)
George W. Patterson1958 Murray Gerstenhaber (grad student)
Elena PavelescuMathematics2008 John Etnyre (grad student)
Robin PemantleModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics
Cherng-tiao PerngAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry2005 Ching-li Chai (grad student)
Dennis S. PerryCurriculum and Instruction Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Administration Education2005 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Xin PiaoSocial Psychology2003 Howard Kunreuther (grad student)
Michael PimsnerOperator Algebras
Emil PitkinStatistics Statistics2014 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Vassilis PolimenisFinance, Theory Economics, Statistics2001 A Craig MacKinlay (grad student)
Florian PopArithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory
Gerald J. PorterComputer Graphics and Instructional Use of Computers, Homotopy Theory, Algebraic Topology
Robert T. PowersMathematical Physics, Operator Algebras
Rachel PriesModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2000 David Harbater (grad student)
Kathleen J. PropertBiostatistics Biology
Prashant K. PurohitMechanical Engineering MEAM20052006 Philip C Nelson (post-doc)
Mary PuttBiostatistics Biology, Genetics
Zhihua QiaoStatistics2006 Jianhua Huang (grad student)
Li Qin2004 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Marco RadeschiDifferential Geometry Mathematics2012 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Johann RafelskiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Mathematics Physics Abraham Klein (post-doc)
Raja M. Raja AhmadStatistics, Computer Science Statistics2014 Eric T. Bradlow (grad student)
Jagmohan S. RajuMarketing Business Administration, General Economics, Statistics
Justin K. RisingStatistics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Statistics2013 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Jordan RoduStatistics Statistics2014 Dean P. Foster (grad student)
Zvi RosenAlgebra, combinatorics, statistics, and biology
Paul R. RosenbaumStatistics
Christopher G. RowanEpidemiology, Statistics2010 Brian L. Strom (grad student)
Paul D. RoweLogic, Information Assurance2009 Andre Scedrov (grad student)
Andrew RupinskiGroup Representations, Lie Groups2010 Alexandre Kirillov (grad student)
Joan M. RushtonEducation, Medicine and Surgery, Higher Education2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Maria SabitovaNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry2005 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
S. SajeeshMarketing Business Administration2008 Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student)
Mary D. SammelBiostatistics Biology
Donna R. SandersonCurriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education2001 Morton Botel (grad student)
Julie K. SavitchSpecial Education2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Andre ScedrovLogic, Information Assurance
Zachary ScherrAlgebra, Number Theory
Stephan SchonenbergerMathematics2005 John Etnyre (grad student)
David A. SchweidelMarketing Business Administration, Statistics2006 Peter S. Fader (grad student)
Madineh Sedigh-SarvestaniNeuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering Neuroscience20142016 Diego Contreras (post-doc)
Erin ServilloAdministration Education, Special Education, Individual and Family Studies2008 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
David ShaleMathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory
Paul ShamanStatistics
Julius ShanesonSurgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups
Stephen S. ShatzAlgebraic Geometry, Complex Geometry, Arithmetic Geometry
Junhao Shen2004 Richard V. Kadison (grad student)
Haipeng ShenStatistics2003 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Clayton ShonkwilerPartial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry2009 Dennis Deturck (grad student)
Justine ShultsBiostatistics Biology
Charles SiegelMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory Mathematics2012 Ron Donagi (grad student)
William SimmonsModel theory, differential algebra, mathematical logic
Kent SmettersApplied Mathematics
Erik C. SobelComputer Vision19851989 Charles Randy Gallistel (grad student), Thomas W. Abrams (grad student)
Chunwei SongAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory2004 James Haglund (grad student)
Saul SternbergMathematical psychology
Robert A. StineStatistics
Robert StrainNonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics
Brian L. StromEpidemiology, Statistics
Jonathan R. StroudStatistics, Finance
Tianxiang SuMechanical Engineering, Molecular Physics, General Biophysics2011 Prashant K. Purohit (grad student)
Sneha D. SubramanianModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics Mathematics2014 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Upender SubramanianMarketing Business Administration2009 Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student)
Wenguang SunBiostatistics Biology2008 Tony Cai (grad student)
Aditya SurapaneniK-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras Mathematics2014 Jonathan Block (grad student)
Robert H. SwendsenCondensed Matter Physics, Statistics Physics1971 Herbert Bernard Callen (grad student)
Matthew TaiGroup Representations, Lie Groups Mathematics2014 Alexandre Kirillov (grad student)
Shuichiro TakedaAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry2006 Ching-li Chai (grad student)
Thomas R. Ten HaveBiostatistics Biology
Necati TereyagogluGeneral Economics, Statistics, Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology Operations and Information Management2012 Senthil K. Veeraraghavan (grad student)
Walter E. TheseiraGeneral Economics, Theory Economics2009 Kent Smetters (grad student)
Nelly TollCurriculum and Instruction Education, Art Education, Language and Literature Education, Social Sciences Education2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Henry TowsnerMathematical logic
James J. TrippMathematics2005 John Etnyre (grad student)
Joe-Kai TsayLogic, Information Assurance2008 Andre Scedrov (grad student)
Elizabeth A. TulejaSciences Education, Speech Communication2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Shane E. UnderwoodFinance2004 A Craig MacKinlay (grad student)
Senthil K. VeeraraghavanGeneral Economics, Statistics, Marketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
David S. Vela-VickMathematics2009 John Etnyre (grad student)
Mirko VisontaiAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory Mathematics2012 James Haglund (grad student)
Jeanne VissaTeacher Training Education, Mathematics Education
Patricia O. WachholzVocational Education, Business Education2000 Morton Botel (grad student)
Miaoyan WangStatistical Theory and Methodology, Machine Learning, Statistical Genetics
Anduo WangLogic, Information Assurance Computer and Information Science2013 Andre Scedrov (grad student)
Yusong WangMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Commerce-Business Economics2002 Jagmohan S. Raju (grad student)
Hao Wang Biostatistics2009 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Frank W. WarnerDifferential Geometry
Oliver P. WatsonAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry2003 Ching-li Chai (grad student)
Brian J. Weber4-manifolds, Spin geometry, quantum geometry, symplectic geometry
Xuexin WeiComputational neuroscience20112015 Vijay Balasubramanian (grad student), Alan A. Stocker (grad student)
Zhaoting WeiK-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras Mathematics2013 Jonathan Block (grad student)
Jonathan WeinbergStatistics, Finance2006 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Haomin WenDifferential Geometry Mathematics2014 Christopher Croke (grad student)
Michael WibmerDifferential and functional equations and their symmetries
Michael R. Wierzbicki Epidemiology and Biostatistics2013 Wensheng Guo (grad student)
Herbert S. WilfMathematics
Tak Kwong WongPartial differential equations, fluid dynamics, analysis
Caitlin Wood SklarElementary Education, Educational Psychology Education2007 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Stephanie E. Wood-GarnettAdministration Education, Elementary Education, Special Education2008 Jeanne Vissa (grad student)
Yuehui WuBiostatistics Biology2004 Kathleen J. Propert (grad student)
Abraham WynerStatistics
Yin XiaStatistics Applied Mathematics and Computational Science2013 Tony Cai (grad student)
Lechao XiaoHarmonic Analysis
Jichun XieBiostatistics Biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics Biology2011 Tony Cai (grad student)
JunTian XuStatistics2007 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Xinyi XuStatistics2005 Edward George (grad student)
Ning YanGroup Representations, Lie Groups2001 Alexandre Kirillov (grad student)
Charles YangLanguage acquisition, language change, computational linguistics, general linguistics
Lingfeng YangBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2007 Thomas R. Ten Have (grad student)
Shirley L. YapPartial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry2005 Dennis Deturck (grad student)
Dmytro YeroshkinDifferential Geometry Mathematics2014 Wolfgang Ziller (grad student)
Cui YinModern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry2003 David Harbater (grad student)
Haitao YinPublic Administration, General Economics, Management Business Administration, Environmental Sciences2006 Howard Kunreuther (grad student)
Gui-shuang Ying Biostatistics2004 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Meesue YooAlgebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory2009 James Haglund (grad student)
Frank B. YoonStatistics2009 Paul R. Rosenbaum (grad student)
Shilin YuNoncommutative geometry, complex analytic/algebraic geometry and representation theory
Haiping YuanNumber Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry2005 Ted Chinburg (grad student)
Yuang-Sheng ZhangMathematics2001 Herbert S. Wilf (grad student)
Ren ZhangStatistics2002 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Xingtan ZhangApplied Mathematics Applied Mathematics and Computational Science2013 Kent Smetters (grad student)
Liangyue ZhangStatistics2004 Jianhua Huang (grad student)
Rongmei ZhangBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2011 Marshall Jottee (grad student)
Mingyuan ZhangStatistics, Biostatistics Biology2009 Marshall Joffe (grad student)
Jiameng Zhang Biostatistics2004 Daniel F. Heitjan (grad student)
Linda ZhaoStatistics
Zhanyun ZhaoStatistics, Biostatistics Biology2003 Lawrence D. Brown (grad student)
Ilia H. ZharkovMathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory2000 Ron Donagi (grad student)
Xiaochen ZhouDifferential Geometry Mathematics2011 Christopher Croke (grad student)
Yuecheng ZhuAlgebraic geometry, Mirror symmetry
Tong ZhuModern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics2009 Robin Pemantle (grad student)
Xiaoting ZhuFinance2001 A Craig MacKinlay (grad student)
Wolfgang ZillerDifferential Geometry
Ying ZongAlgebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry2008 Ching-li Chai (grad student)