University of Rochester

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Levent AkantElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Sarada G. Rajeev (grad student)
Sibel Akmehmet SekerlerGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Technology of Education2008 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Esen Aksoy YaziciMathematics School of Arts and Sciences2014 Jonathan Pakianathan (grad student)
Anthony L. AlmudevarBiostatistics Biology, Statistics
Jennifer L. AshtonPolicy Education, Special Education, Middle School Education, Mathematics Education2010 David Hursh (grad student)
Nicole AsmussenGeneral School of Arts and Sciences2011 Lawrence Rothenberg (grad student)
Saria S. AwadallaStatistics School of Medicine and Dentistry2012 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
Craig BarclaySecondary Education, Technology of Education, Mathematics Education
Muhammet A. BasGeneral, International Law and Relations2007 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Christopher A. BeckStatistics2005 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
Karen L. BenedictPhysical Education, Middle School Education, Educational Psychology Education2010 Martha Mock (grad student)
Noreen S. BojeEarly Childhood Education, Educational Psychology Education, Special Education2009 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Raffaella BorasiMathematics Education
Brian BrentMathematics Education, Technology of Education
Lisa C. BuckshawAdministration Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2006 Brian Brent (grad student)
Cynthia H. CallardMathematics Education2001 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Tianlang Chen
Kevin A. CoffeyGuidance and Counseling Education, Gender Studies2008 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Matthew E. CoppenbargerMathematics2001 Richard Lavine (grad student)
Michael CranstonMathematics
Rita F. D'AoustEducational Psychology Education, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies2008 David Hursh (grad student)
Daniel O. da SilvaMathematics, Applied Mathematics School of Arts and Sciences2012 Dan-Andrei Geba (grad student)
Andy DavidsonMathematics Education, Technology of Education2004 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Stephen P. DemanchickGuidance and Counseling Education2007 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Kim J. DyceFaucetteAdministration Education2005 Brian Brent (grad student)
Sara EapenBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2002 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
Adi Eldar-LissaiCommerce-Business Economics, Public Health, Mass Communications, Marketing Business Administration, Geography2010 Charles E. Phelps (grad student)
Michelle L. Erklenz-WattsSociology of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education2000 David Hursh (grad student)
Suresh EswarathasanMathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Allan Greenleaf (grad student)
Songying FangInternational Law and Relations2006 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Raluca FeleaMathematics2004 Allan Greenleaf (grad student)
Changyong FengBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2002 David Oakes (grad student)
Judith FonziMathematics Education, Teacher Training Education2003 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Michael GageMathematics
Patricia A. GalinskiSecondary Education2007 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Dan-Andrei GebaMathematics, Applied Mathematics
Raymond J. GiamartinoEarly Childhood Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2003 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Lorraine A. GianvecchioDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Cognitive Psychology2002 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Kathleen R. GiglioSciences Education, Elementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education Teaching and Curriculum2014 David Hursh (grad student)
Alejandro Gomez HenaoMathematics, Applied Mathematics School of Arts and Sciences2013 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Steven M. GonekMathematics
Leslie GoodElementary Education, Mathematics Education, Teacher Training Education2009 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Allan GreenleafMathematics
Hua HeBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2008 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
Xiaomin HeBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2006 David Oakes (grad student)
Susan M. HildenbrandTeacher Training Education2009 Martha Mock (grad student)
Banesh Hoffmann
Gary E. HollibaughPublic Administration, Organizational School of Arts and Sciences2012 Lawrence Rothenberg (grad student)
Zhuang HouMathematics School of Arts and Sciences2014 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Li-Shan HuangBiostatistics Biology, Statistics
Haijun HuangMathematics2008 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
David HurshPolicy Education, Special Education, Middle School Education, Mathematics Education
Ollivier HyrienStatistics
Lynne D. JarrellGeneral, General, Public and Social Welfare2001 Charles E. Phelps (grad student)
Jinhee JoGeneral School of Arts and Sciences2012 Lawrence Rothenberg (grad student)
April JourdanGuidance and Counseling Education, Developmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Arnab KarTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics, General Physics Arts and Sciences2014 Sarada G. Rajeev (grad student)
Alexander KasiukovMathematics2001 Saul Lubkin (grad student)
Jeremy T. KedzioraGeneral School of Arts and Sciences2013 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Johannes Henricus Bernardus Kempermannumber theory, group theory, analysis including asymptotic expansions, functional equations, mathematical biology, probability, and statistics
Shaza KhanSociology of Education, Secondary Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Bilingual and Multicultural Education2009 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Howard KirschenbaumSecondary Education, Technology of Education, Mathematics Education
John E. KolassaBiostatistics Biology, Statistics
James T. KostStatistics2001 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
Govind S. KrishnaswamiElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2004 Sarada G. Rajeev (grad student)
Denise W. KuebelBehavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Recreation2002 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Henry E. KyburgComputer Science, Statistics, Epistemology
Jason R. LaCombeBiostatistics Biology, Statistics2011 Anthony L. Almudevar (grad student)
Barbara LamendolaElementary Education, Public and Social Welfare2002 Brian Brent (grad student)
Jill E. LavigneOccupational Health and Safety, Public Health, Individual and Family Studies2001 Charles E. Phelps (grad student)
Richard LavineMathematics
Huibin LiMathematics2008 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Haofu LiaoComputer Vision; Medical Image Computing Computer Science20152020 Jiebo Luo (grad student)
Daniel M. LinnenbergGuidance and Counseling Education, Adult and Continuing Education2007 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Hangsheng LiuHealth Care Management, Public and Social Welfare2008 Charles E. Phelps (grad student)
Ellen M. LloydSciences Education, Secondary Education2010 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Ronald P Louiuncertain inference, decision, risk, computing, cyber systems, AI and law Philosophy/CS19831987 Henry E. Kyburg (grad student)
Jeanne R. LoysenEarly Childhood Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Teacher Training Education2010 David Hursh (grad student)
Naiji LuMathematics2007 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Saul LubkinMathematics
Stephen J. LundenAdministration Education, Finance Education2007 Brian Brent (grad student)
Ellen A. LuntsSecondary Education, Technology of Education, Mathematics Education2004 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Stephen W. MacAdamTechnology of Education, Administration Education2007 Brian Brent (grad student)
Malcolm Harris MacfarlaneNuclear Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics1959 James Bruce French (grad student)
Vincent J. MancusoSciences Education, Educational Psychology Education2010 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Leonard MandelQuantum Optics
Necia E. MarchettiAdministration Education, Secondary Education, Industrial Psychology2004 Brian Brent (grad student)
Camille A. MartinaSociology of Education2005 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Rosa Mazurett BoyleForeign Language Education, Teacher Training Education2011 Martha Mock (grad student)
Michael P. McDermottStatistics
Rose MerrellGuidance and Counseling Education, Behavioral Psychology, Theater2004 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Micah B. MilinovichMathematics2008 Steven M. Gonek (grad student)
Leonard Jay Mirman1970 Johannes Henricus Bernardus Kemperman (grad student), Lionel W. McKenzie (grad student)
Indrani MitraElementary Education2008 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Martha MockElementary Education, Mathematics Education, Teacher Training Education
Elliott Waters Montrollphase transitions, lattice dynamics, irreversibility, finite temperature quantum statistical physics, and traffic flow
Bo Mou Philosophy Philosophy1996 Theodore Sider (grad student), Richard Feldman (grad student)
Govind S. MudholkarStatistics
Carl E. Mueller
Zokhrab MustafaevMathematics2003 Michael Gage (grad student)
Adrian I. NachmanMathematics
Rajeshwari NatarajanStatistics, Biostatistics Biology2000 Michael P. McDermott (grad student)
David OakesBiostatistics Biology, Statistics
Marlaine ( Ortiz MangelsHealth Education2005 Howard Kirschenbaum (grad student)
Jonathan PakianathanMathematics
Emanuel Palsu-AndriescuMathematics2008 Allan Greenleaf (grad student)
Alexander T. PearsonStatistics2010 Derick R. Peterson (grad student)
Anne M. PerraultInformation Science, Sciences Education, Secondary Education, Technology of Education2006 David Hursh (grad student)
Derick R. PetersonStatistics
Kim L. PettigCurriculum and Instruction Education, Elementary Education, Mathematics Education2002 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Charles E. PhelpsMedicine and Surgery, Biostatistics Biology
Xing QiuMathematics2004 Michael Cranston (grad student)
Sarada G. RajeevTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics, General Physics
Adam J. RameyGeneral, Statistics2010 Lawrence Rothenberg (grad student)
Kristopher W. RamsayInternational Law and Relations2005 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Douglas C RavenelMathematics
Steven RiceMusic, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics Eastman School of Music2014 Allan Schindler (grad student)
Cecilia Rios AguilarLanguage and Literature Education, Reading Education, Hispanic American Studies2007 Brian Brent (grad student)
Eleanor D. RosenfieldHigher Education, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies, Guidance and Counseling Education2003 Brian Brent (grad student)
Maria RotaSpecial Education, Teacher Training Education, Early Childhood Education2011 Martha Mock (grad student)
Lawrence RothenbergGeneral, Statistics
Andrew SalchMathematics2008 Douglas C Ravenel (grad student)
Jill S. SansouciAdministration Education2007 Brian Brent (grad student)
Mark J. SansouciAdministration Education2008 Brian Brent (grad student)
Peter C. SaracinoSciences Education, Ecology Biology, Secondary Education2010 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Allan SchindlerMusic, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
Susan M. SchultzSpecial Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education2005 Brian Brent (grad student)
Patricia M. SchwertCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2002 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Marc D. ShapiroGeneral, Environmental Sciences2000 Lawrence Rothenberg (grad student)
Curtis SignorinoGeneral, Statistics
Karen H. SoanesElementary Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2007 David Hursh (grad student)
Vivekananda L. SondhiMathematics2000 Steven M. Gonek (grad student)
Arthur P. SpirlingGeneral, Statistics2008 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Shikhar SrivastavaMultimodal LLMs, Continual Learning Department of Computer Science2023 Christopher Kanan (grad student)
Carol Y. St. GeorgeElementary Education, Individual and Family Studies2009 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Morton SteinElementary Education, Teacher Training Education, Sciences Education2006 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Anthony H. StephensBehavioral Psychology, Mental Health, General Religion2003 Craig Barclay (grad student)
Lillie StoneTeacher Training Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education2012 Martha Mock (grad student)
E. (George) C. George SudarshanGeneral Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics1958 Robert Eugene Marshak (grad student)
Barbara M. SurashSecondary Education, Administration Education2007 Brian Brent (grad student)
Wan TangMathematics2004 Allan Greenleaf (grad student)
Ahmer S. TararInternational Law and Relations, General2003 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Lili TianStatistics2001 Govind S. Mudholkar (grad student)
Edward A. TraceyAdult and Continuing Education, Vocational Education2014 Brian Brent (grad student)
John J. Van NielSciences Education, Community College Education, Educational Psychology Education2010 Raffaella Borasi (grad student)
Lesley A. WagnerBiostatistics Biology, General Biology, General2008 Govind S. Mudholkar (grad student)
Hongyue WangStatistics2007 Govind S. Mudholkar (grad student)
Antai WangStatistics2002 David Oakes (grad student)
Hongkun WangBiostatistics Biology, Health Care Management2005 Hongwei Zhao (grad student)
Taehee WhangGeneral, International Law and Relations2007 Curtis Signorino (grad student)
Gregory E. WildingStatistics2003 Govind S. Mudholkar (grad student)
Matthew A. WojtestaGeneral School of Medicine and Dentistry2012 Charles E. Phelps (grad student)
Zhixin WuMathematics2007 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Heng XueMathematics2007 Carl E. Mueller (grad student)
Zhengyuan Yang
Quanzeng YouComputer Science
Gail Sellers Youngtopology, n-dimensional analysis, complex variables, and mathematics education
Jianbo Yuan Computer Science20142019 Jiebo Luo (grad student)
Yilian ZhangMathematics2004 Adrian I. Nachman (grad student)
Hongwei ZhaoBiostatistics Biology, Health Care Management