Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
François Aragoastronomy, optics1805 Siméon-Denis Poisson (research assistant)
Aymeric Baradat2019 Yann Brenier (grad student), Daniel Han-Kwan (grad student)
Joseph Bertrand18441856 Charles François Sturm (research scientist)
Jean-Baptiste Biot1797 Gaspard Monge (grad student), Pierre-Simon Laplace (grad student)
Jean-Michel Bony
Charles BossutGeometry, civil engineering
Nicolas Brigouleix2020 François Golse (grad student), Daniel Han-Kwan (grad student)
Kleber Carrapatoso
Eugène-Charles Catalan18331835 Gabriel Lame (grad student)
Michel Chasles1814 Siméon-Denis Poisson (grad student)
Jean-Yves CheminNavier-Stokes equations, Incompressible fluid
Gustave Choquet
Camille Coron Sylvie Méléard (grad student)
Stefanos Cyparissos Mathematics1884 Camille Jordan (grad student)
Raphaël Danchin1996 Jean-Yves Chemin (grad student)
Michel Demazure Alexander Grothendieck (grad student)
Camille Marie Ennemond
Louis-Benjamin Francoeur17981804 Gaspard de Prony (research assistant), Sylvestre Lacroix (grad student), Gaspard Monge (grad student)
François GolseMathematics
Charles Goulaouicpartial differential equations Jacques-Louis Lions (grad student)
Daniel Han-Kwan
Thomas Archer Hirst1853 Gabriel Lame (post-doc)
Marie Georges Humbert1885 Charles Hermite (grad student), Camille Marie Ennemond (grad student)
Mikaela Iacobelli2015 François Golse (grad student)
Sylvestre Lacroix17941799 Gaspard Monge (research scientist)
Laurent LaflecheMathematics20162019 François Golse (grad student)
Claude Le Bris Mathématiques1993 Pierre-Louis Lions (grad student)
Urbain Le Verrier18451846 Felix Savary (grad student), Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (grad student), François Arago (research scientist), Michel Chasles (research scientist)
Louis Lefébure de Fourcy18071811 Sylvestre Lacroix (grad student)
Philippe Gérard LeFloch1988 Jean-Claude Nédélec (grad student)
Paul Pierre LévyMathematics
C. L. Ferdinand LindemannMathematics1873 Camille Jordan (post-doc), Michel Chasles (post-doc), Charles Hermite (post-doc)
Benoît B. Mandelbrotmathematics, fractals, economics, information theory, fluid dynamics1952 Paul Pierre Lévy (grad student)
Yvan MartelPartial differential equations from mathematical physics
George François Paul Marie MatheronGeostatistics, Mathematical Morphology, Porous Media1965 Robert Fortet (grad student)
Sylvie Méléardprobability theory, stochastic processes, particle systems, and stochastic differential equations
Gaspard MongeGeometry
Iván Moyano2016 Karine Beauchard (grad student), Daniel Han-Kwan (grad student)
Jean-Claude Nédélec
Robert Pallu de la BarrièreMathematics
Julius Plückercathode rays that led eventually to the discovery of the electron18231825 Sylvester Lacroix (grad student)
Henri Poincarémathematics18731879 Charles Hermite (grad student), Alfred Cornu (grad student), Edmond Laguerre (grad student), Pierre-Ossian Bonnet (grad student), Jean Resal (grad student)
Siméon-Denis Poisson1800 Joseph Louis Lagrange (grad student), Pierre-Simon Laplace (grad student)
Samir Salem
Felix Savary1823 André-Marie Ampère (research assistant)
Laurent Schwartz
Joseph Alfred Serret18561861 Urbain Le Verrier (research scientist), Louis-Benjamin Francoeur (grad student)
Carla Andrea Taramasco Toro2011 Jacques Demongeot (grad student)
François Vigneron2006 Jean-Yves Chemin (grad student)
Jozef Wierusz-Kowalski1893 Pierre Curie (research scientist)
Xu YuanNonlinear dispersive and wave equations Mathematics20182021 Yvan Martel (grad student)
Hieronymus Georg Zeuthen18631865 Michel Chasles (grad student)