Charles Spearman

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Charles Edward Spearman"

(1863 - 1945)

Mean distance: 16.31 (cluster 13)


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Francis Galton research assistant
 (British anthropometric survey)
Felix Krueger research assistant (LinguisTree)
Wilhelm Wundt grad student University of Leipzig


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Raymond B. Cattell research assistant UCL
Li Chen grad student UCL
John William Cox grad student UCL
Meyer Fortes grad student UCL (LinguisTree)
M. V. Gopalaswamy grad student UCL
Bernard Hart grad student UCL
Henry Kaiser grad student UCL
William Line grad student UCL
Walter Guy Sleight grad student UCL
Charles Slocombe grad student UCL
William Stephenson grad student UCL
Edward Webb grad student UCL
Gustav Adolf Wohlgemuth grad student UCL
Karl J. Holzinger post-doc UCL
David Wechsler research scientist 1914-1918
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