Vadim Marmer, Ph.D.

2005 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Vadim Marmer"


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Donald W.K. Andrews grad student 2005 Yale
 (Nonlinearity in econometric forecasting and inference.)


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Hugo B Jales grad student 2012-2015 UBC
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Kojevnikov D, Marmer V, Song K. (2020) Limit Theorems for Network Dependent Random Variables Journal of Econometrics
Andrews DWK, Marmer V, Yu Z. (2019) On Optimal Inference in the Linear IV Model Quantitative Economics. 10: 457-485
Ma J, Marmer V, Shneyerov AA. (2019) Inference for First-Price Auctions with Guerre, Perrigne, and Vuong's Estimator Journal of Econometrics. 211: 507-538
Feir D, Lemieux T, Marmer V. (2016) Weak Identification in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 34: 185-196
Gao X, Hnatkovska V, Marmer V. (2014) Limited participation in international business cycle models: A formal evaluation Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 39: 255-272
Marmer V, Shneyerov A, Xu P. (2013) What model for entry in first-price auctions? A nonparametric approach Journal of Econometrics. 176: 46-58
Marmer V, Otsu T. (2012) Optimal comparison of misspecified moment restriction models under a chosen measure of fit Journal of Econometrics. 170: 538-550
Hnatkovska V, Marmer V, Tang Y. (2012) Comparison of misspecified calibrated models: The minimum distance approach Journal of Econometrics. 169: 131-138
Marmer V, Shneyerov A. (2012) Quantile-based nonparametric inference for first-price auctions Journal of Econometrics. 167: 345-357
Andrews DWK, Marmer V. (2008) Exactly distribution-free inference in instrumental variables regression with possibly weak instruments Journal of Econometrics. 142: 183-200
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