James C. Bremer, Ph.D.

2007 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"James Bremer"


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Ronald Coifman grad student 2007 Yale
 (Adaptive multiscale analysis of graphs and applications.)
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Bremer J. (2020) A quasilinear complexity algorithm for the numerical simulation of scattering from a two-dimensional radially symmetric potential Journal of Computational Physics. 410: 109401
Bremer J, Pang Q, Yang H. (2020) Fast algorithms for the multi-dimensional Jacobi polynomial transform Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Bremer J. (2019) An algorithm for the rapid numerical evaluation of Bessel functions of real orders and arguments Advances in Computational Mathematics. 45: 173-211
Bremer J. (2018) An algorithm for the numerical evaluation of the associated Legendre functions that runs in time independent of degree and order Journal of Computational Physics. 360: 15-38
Bremer J. (2017) On the Numerical Calculation of the Roots of Special Functions Satisfying Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations Siam Journal On Scientific Computing. 39
Bremer J, Rokhlin V. (2017) On the nonoscillatory phase function for Legendre's differential equation Journal of Computational Physics. 350: 326-342
Bremer J, Rokhlin V. (2016) Improved estimates for nonoscillatory phase functions Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A. 36: 4101-4131
Heitman Z, Bremer J, Rokhlin V. (2015) On the existence of nonoscillatory phase functions for second order ordinary differential equations in the high-frequency regime Journal of Computational Physics. 290: 1-27
Bremer J. (2015) On the numerical solution of second order ordinary differential equations in the high-frequency regime Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Heitman Z, Bremer J, Rokhlin V, et al. (2015) On the asymptotics of Bessel functions in the Fresnel regime Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 39: 347-356
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