Saunders Mac Lane

1964 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Saunders Lane"


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I. Paul Bernays grad student 1934 Universität Göttingen
 (Abgekürzte Beweise im Logikkalkul (Abbreviated Proofs in the Logical Calculus))
Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl grad student 1934 Universität Göttingen
 (Abgekürzte Beweise im Logikkalkul (Abbreviated Proofs in the Logical Calculus))


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Irving Kaplansky grad student 1941 Harvard
Anil Nerode grad student 1956 Chicago
John Griggs Thompson grad student 1959 Chicago
Robert M. Solovay grad student 1964 Chicago
Steven Awodey grad student 1997 (Computer Science Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Lane SM. (2000) Contrary Statements About Mathematics Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 32: 527-527
Lane SM. (1999) The origins of mathematical abstraction Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 143: 309-311
Lane SM. (1997) The PNAS way back then Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94: 5983-5985
Lane SM. (1997) Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories. By F. William Lawvere & Steven Schanuel American Mathematical Monthly. 104: 985-987
Lane S. (1996) Structure in Mathematics Philosophia Mathematica. 4: 174-183
Lane SM. (1995) Mathematics at Göttingen under the Nazis Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 42: 1134-1138
Lane SM. (1985) Whose mathematical judgment? The Mathematical Intelligencer. 7: 52
Lane SM. (1983) The health of mathematics The Mathematical Intelligencer. 5: 53-56
Lane SM. (1981) Mathematical Models: A Sketch for the Philosophy of Mathematics American Mathematical Monthly. 88: 462-472
Lane SM. (1980) Mathematics. Science (New York, N.Y.). 209: 104-10
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