Jeffrey Kuan

Mathematics Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Jeffrey Kuan"
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Kuan J. (2019) Probability Distributions of Multi-species q-TAZRP and ASEP as Double Cosets of Parabolic Subgroups Annales Henri Poincaré. 20: 1149-1173
Kuan J. (2018) A Multi-species ASEP(q,j) and q-TAZRP with Stochastic Duality International Mathematics Research Notices. 2018: 5378-5416
Kuan J. (2018) An Algebraic Construction of Duality Functions for the Stochastic $${\mathcal{U}_q( A_n^{(1)})}$$ Vertex Model and Its Degenerations Communications in Mathematical Physics. 359: 121-187
Kuan J. (2014) The Gaussian free field in interlacing particle systems Electronic Journal of Probability. 19
Kuan J. (2013) Asymptotics of a Discrete-Time Particle System Near a Reflecting Boundary Journal of Statistical Physics. 150: 398-411
Borodin A, Kuan J. (2010) Random surface growth with a wall and plancherel measures for O(∞) Communications On Pure and Applied Mathematics. 63: 831-894
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