Claude Lebrun

Mathematics Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
"Claude Lebrun"
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LeBrun C. (2020) Bach-Flat Kähler Surfaces Journal of Geometric Analysis. 30: 2491-2514
LeBrun C. (2019) Mass, Kähler manifolds, and symplectic geometry Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 56: 97-112
Hein H, LeBrun C. (2016) Mass in Kähler Geometry Communications in Mathematical Physics. 347: 183-221
LeBrun C. (2016) The Einstein–Maxwell Equations and Conformally Kähler Geometry Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1-33
Lebrun C. (2015) Edges, orbifolds, and Seiberg-Witten theory Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 67: 979-1021
LeBrun C. (2015) The Einstein-Maxwell equations, Kähler metrics, and Hermitian geometry Journal of Geometry and Physics. 91: 163-171
LeBrun C. (2015) Einstein metrics, harmonic forms, and symplectic four-manifolds Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 48: 75-85
LeBrun C. (2014) Weyl Curvature, Del Pezzo Surfaces, and Almost-Kähler Geometry Journal of Geometric Analysis. 25: 1744-1772
LeBrun C. (2013) Einstein manifolds and extremal Kähler metrics Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik. 69-94
Atiyah M, Lebrun C. (2013) Curvature, cones and characteristic numbers Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 155: 13-37
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