Crispin Wright

Philosophy New York University, New York, NY, United States 
"Crispin Wright"


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Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett grad student Oxford (Philosophy Tree)
Casimir Lewy grad student Cambridge (Philosophy Tree)


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Philip Ebert grad student University of St Andrews
Patrick Greenough grad student University of St Andrews (Philosophy Tree)
Andrew Hamilton grad student Durham University
Daniel Waxman grad student NYU (Physics Tree)
Jose Zalabardo grad student (Philosophy Tree)
Duncan Pritchard grad student 1996-2000 University of St Andrews
Ross P. Cameron grad student 2006 UVA
Nikolaj JLL Pedersen grad student 2006 Yonsei University
Marcus Rossberg grad student 2006
J. Robert G. Williams grad student 2006 University of Leeds
Michael J. Raven grad student 2003-2009 NYU (Philosophy Tree)
Dean Chapman grad student 2013 NYU
BETA: Related publications


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Carter M, Davey A, Wright C, et al. (2016) Capturing patient experience: a qualitative study of implementing real-time feedback in primary care. The British Journal of General Practice : the Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Wright C, Campbell J, McGowan L, et al. (2016) Interpreting multisource feedback: online study of consensus and variation among GP appraisers. The British Journal of General Practice : the Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Baxter H, Winder R, Chalder M, et al. (2010) Physical activity as a treatment for depression: the TREAD randomised trial protocol. Trials. 11: 105
Wright C. (2009) Foreword: on becoming a philosopher Synthese. 171: 359-364
Hale B, Wright C. (2009) Focus restored: Comments on John MacFarlane Synthese. 170: 457-482
Wright C. (2008) Fear of relativism Philosophical Studies. 141: 379-390
Wright C. (2007) Rule‐Following Without Reasons: Wittgenstein'S Quietism And The Constitutive Question Ratio. 20: 481-502
Hale B, Wright C. (2007) Abstraction and Additional Nature Philosophia Mathematica. 16: 182-208
Wright C. (2006) Vagueness‐related Partial Belief and the Constitution of Borderline Cases Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 73: 225-232
Wright C. (2005) Intuition, Entitlement and the Epistemology of Logical Laws Dialectica. 58: 155-175
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