Seokho Lee, Ph.D.

2009 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"Seokho Lee"


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Raymond J. Carroll grad student 2009 Texas A & M
 (Principal components analysis for binary data.)
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Coull BA, Lee S, McGee G, et al. (2019) Corrections for measurement error due to delayed onset of illness for case-crossover designs. Biometrics
Lee S, Kim S. (2019) Marginalized lasso in sparse regression Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 48: 396-411
Lee S, Shin H, Lee SH. (2016) Label-noise resistant logistic regression for functional data classification with an application to Alzheimer's disease study. Biometrics
Shin H, Lee S. (2016) An RKHS approach to robust functional linear regression Statistica Sinica
Lee H, Park YM, Lee S. (2015) Principal Component Regression by Principal Component Selection Communications For Statistical Applications and Methods. 22: 173-180
Lee S, Lim J, Sohn I, et al. (2015) Two sample test for high-dimensional partially paired data Journal of Applied Statistics
Shin H, Lee S. (2015) Canonical correlation analysis for irregularly and sparsely observed functional data Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 134: 1-18
Kim K, Lee S. (2014) Logistic Regression Classification by Principal Component Selection Communications For Statistical Applications and Methods. 21: 61-68
Lee S, Huang JZ. (2014) A biclustering algorithm for binary matrices based on penalized Bernoulli likelihood Statistics and Computing. 24: 429-441
Lee S, Shin H, Billor N. (2013) -type smoothing spline estimators for principal functions Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 66: 89-100
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