Paul Damien

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Paul Damien"
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Kirschenmann T, Damien P, Walker S. (2018) Bayesian estimation of the Cox model under different hazard rate shape assumptions via slice sampling Journal of Applied Statistics. 45: 2295-2306
Ho C, Damien P, Walker S. (2017) Bayesian mode regression using mixtures of triangular densities Journal of Econometrics. 197: 273-283
Belyi D, Popova E, Morton DP, et al. (2017) Bayesian failure-rate modeling and preventive maintenance optimization European Journal of Operational Research. 262: 1085-1093
Braun M, Damien P. (2016) Scalable rejection sampling for Bayesian hierarchical models Marketing Science. 35: 427-444
Zantek PF, Hanson T, Damien P, et al. (2015) A decision dependent stochastic process model for repairable systems with applications Operations Research Perspectives. 2: 73-80
Li L, Hanson T, Damien P, et al. (2014) A bayesian nonparametric test for minimal repair Technometrics. 56: 393-406
Leu R, Damien P. (2014) Bayesian shape analysis of the complex Bingham distribution Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 149: 183-200
Lima LMM, Popova E, Damien P. (2014) Modeling and forecasting of Brazilian reservoir inflows via dynamic linear models International Journal of Forecasting. 30: 464-476
Kirschenmann T, Popova E, Damien P, et al. (2014) Decision dependent stochastic processes European Journal of Operational Research. 234: 731-742
Wang Y, Kockelman KM, Damien P. (2014) A spatial autoregressive multinomial probit model for anticipating land-use change in Austin, Texas Annals of Regional Science. 52: 251-278
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