
Gunter Stolz

Applied Mathematics University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States 
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
"Gunter Stolz"


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Robert J. Sims grad student 2001 UAB
Eman F. Hamza grad student 2007 UAB
Roger A. Nichols grad student 2010 UAB
Jacob W. Chapman grad student 2013 UAB
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Abdul-Rahman H, Sims R, Stolz G. (2020) On the regime of localized excitations for disordered oscillator systems Letters in Mathematical Physics. 110: 1159-1189
Abdul-Rahman H, Sims RJ, Stolz G. (2018) Correlations in disordered quantum harmonic oscillator systems: The effects of excitations and quantum quenches Contemporary Mathematics. 31-47
Elgart A, Klein A, Stolz G. (2018) Droplet localization in the random XXZ model and its manifestations Journal of Physics A. 51
Fischbacher C, Stolz G. (2018) Droplet states in quantum XXZ spin systems on general graphs Journal of Mathematical Physics. 59: 51901
Elgart A, Klein A, Stolz G. (2018) Manifestations of Dynamical Localization in the Disordered XXZ Spin Chain Communications in Mathematical Physics. 361: 1083-1113
Elgart A, Klein A, Stolz G. (2017) Many-body localization in the droplet spectrum of the random XXZ quantum spin chain Journal of Functional Analysis. 275: 211-258
Karpeshina Y, Lee Y, Shterenberg R, et al. (2017) Ballistic Transport for the Schrödinger Operator with Limit-Periodic or Quasi-Periodic Potential in Dimension Two Communications in Mathematical Physics. 354: 85-113
Abdul-Rahman H, Nachtergaele B, Sims R, et al. (2017) Localization properties of the disordered XY spin chain Annalen Der Physik. 529: 1600280
Stolz G. (2016) Many-body localization for disordered Bosons New Journal of Physics. 18
Abdul-Rahman H, Nachtergaele B, Sims R, et al. (2016) Entanglement Dynamics of Disordered Quantum XY Chains Letters in Mathematical Physics. 106: 649-674
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