Fabian T. Pfeffer, Ph.D.

2010-2010 Sociology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Social Structure and Development, American Studies, European Studies
"Fabian Pfeffer"
Cross-listing: SocTree


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Adam Gamoran grad student 2010 UW Madison (EduTree)
 (Dissertation commitee member)
Robert M. Hauser grad student 2010 UW Madison
 (Dissertation co-chair, "Wealth and Opportunity in the United States and Germany")
Timothy M. Smeeding grad student 2010 Syracuse (EduTree)
 (Dissertation committee member)
Erik Olin Wright grad student 2010 UW Madison (SocTree)
 (Dissertation co-chair, "Wealth and Opportunity in the United States and Germany")
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Pfeffer FT, Fomby P, Insolera N. (2020) The Longitudinal Revolution: Sociological research at the 50-year milestone of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Annual Review of Sociology. 46: 83-108
Pfeffer FT, Killewald A. (2018) Generations of Advantage. Multigenerational Correlations in Family Wealth. Social Forces; a Scientific Medium of Social Study and Interpretation. 96: 1411-1442
Pfeffer FT. (2018) Growing Wealth Gaps in Education. Demography
Hällsten M, Pfeffer FT. (2017) Grand Advantage: Family Wealth and Grandchildren's Educational Achievement in Sweden. American Sociological Review. 82: 328-360
Killewald A, Pfeffer FT, Schachner JN. (2017) WEALTH INEQUALITY AND ACCUMULATION. Annual Review of Sociology. 43: 379-404
Pfeffer FT, Schoeni RF. (2016) How Wealth Inequality Shapes Our Future. The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences : Rsf. 2: 2-22
Pfeffer FT, Schoeni RF, Kennickell A, et al. (2016) Measuring Wealth and Wealth Inequality: Comparing Two U.S. Surveys. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement. 41: 103-120
Pfeffer FT, Hertel FR. (2015) How Has Educational Expansion Shaped Social Mobility Trends in the United States? Social Forces; a Scientific Medium of Social Study and Interpretation. 94: 143-180
Pfeffer FT. (2015) Equality and quality in education. A comparative study of 19 countries. Social Science Research. 51: 350-68
Pfeffer FT. (2014) Multigenerational Approaches to Social Mobility. A Multifaceted Research Agenda. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 35: 1-12
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