Patrick Bayer

Economics Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Patrick Bayer"


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Edward Kung grad student Duke
Alvin D. Murphy grad student 2008 Duke
Elliot Anenberg grad student 2011 Duke
Aurel Hizmo grad student 2011 Duke
Erika Martinez grad student 2011 Duke
Kyle Mangum grad student 2008-2012 Duke
BETA: Related publications


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Bayer P, Aklin M. (2020) The European Union Emissions Trading System reduced CO emissions despite low prices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Bayer P, Geissler C, Mangum K, et al. (2020) Speculators and Middlemen: The Strategy and Performance of Investors in the Housing Market Review of Financial Studies
Bayer P, Casey M, Ferreira F, et al. (2017) Racial and ethnic price differentials in the housing market Journal of Urban Economics. 102: 91-105
Bayer P, Ferreira F, Ross SL. (2016) The vulnerability of minority homeowners in the housing boom and bust American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 8: 1-27
Aklin M, Bayer P, Harish SP, et al. (2014) Information and energy policy preferences: a survey experiment on public opinion about electricity pricing reform in rural India Economics of Governance. 15: 305-327
Anenberg E, Bayer P. (2013) Endogenous sources of volatility in housing markets: the joint buyer-seller problem Social Science Research Network. 2013: 1-57
Bayer P, McMillan R. (2012) Tiebout sorting and neighborhood stratification Journal of Public Economics
Bayer P, Khan S, Timmins C. (2011) Nonparametric identification and estimation in a Roy model with common nonpecuniary returns Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 29: 201-215
Arcidiacono P, Bayer P, Hizmo A. (2010) Beyond signaling and human capital: Education and the revelation of ability American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 2: 76-104
Bayer P, Ellickson B, Ellickson PB. (2010) Dynamic asset pricing in a system of local housing markets American Economic Review. 100: 368-372
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