Bjorn Eraker, Ph.D.

2001 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Finance, Statistics
"Bjorn Eraker"


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Nicholas G. Polson grad student 2001 Chicago
 (Do stock prices and volatility jump? Reconciling evidence from spot and option prices.)
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Eraker B, Wu Y. (2017) Explaining the negative returns to volatility claims: An equilibrium approach Journal of Financial Economics. 125: 72-98
Eraker B, Shaliastovich I, Wang W. (2016) Durable Goods, Inflation Risk, and Equilibrium Asset Prices Review of Financial Studies. 29: 193-231
Eraker B, Wang J. (2015) A non-linear dynamic model of the variance risk premium Journal of Econometrics. 187: 547-556
Eraker B, Ready M. (2015) Do investors overpay for stocks with lottery-like payoffs? An examination of the returns of OTC stocks Journal of Financial Economics. 115: 486-504
Eraker B, Chiu CW, Foerster AT, et al. (2015) Bayesian mixed frequency VARs Journal of Financial Econometrics. 13: 698-721
Eraker B. (2013) The performance of model based option trading strategies Review of Derivatives Research. 16: 1-23
Eraker B. (2008) Affine general equilibrium models Management Science. 54: 2068-2080
Eraker B, Shaliastovich I. (2008) An equilibrium guide to designing affine pricing models Mathematical Finance. 18: 519-543
Eraker B. (2008) A Bayesian view of temporary components in asset prices Journal of Empirical Finance. 15: 503-517
Eraker B. (2004) Do stock prices and volatility jump? Reconciling evidence from spot and option prices Journal of Finance. 59: 1367-1403
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