Jason T. Turner, Ph.D.

2008 Philosophy Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"Jason Turner"


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Theodore Sider grad student 2008 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (Ontology, quantification, and fundamentality.)


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Yilmaz Dogukan Ozlu grad student University of Arizona (Philosophy Tree)
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Turner J. (2013) Compatibilism and the free will defense Faith and Philosophy. 30: 125-137
Turner J. (2009) The incompatibility of free will and naturalism Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 87: 565-587
Nahmias EA, Morris SG, Nadelhoffer T, et al. (2006) Is Incompatibilism Intuitive Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 73: 28-53
Turner J, Nahmias EA. (2006) Are the folk agent-causationists? Mind & Language. 21: 597-609
Nahmias E, Morris SG, Nadelhoffer T, et al. (2005) Surveying Freedom: Folk Intuitions about free will and moral responsibility Philosophical Psychology. 18: 561-584
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