Debra Lewis

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
"Debra Lewis"
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Lewis D. (2013) Relative Critical Points Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications. 9: 38
Chossat P, Lewis D, Ortega J, et al. (2003) Bifurcation of relative equilibria in mechanical systems with symmetry Advances in Applied Mathematics. 31: 10-45
Fassò F, Lewis D. (2001) Stability Properties of the Riemann Ellipsoids Archive For Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 158: 259-292
Lewis D. (1998) Stacked Lagrange Tops Journal of Nonlinear Science. 8: 63-102
Lewis D, Ratiu TS. (1996) Rotating n-gon/kn-gon Vortex Configurations Journal of Nonlinear Science. 6: 385-414
Derks G, Lewis D, Ratiu TS. (1995) Approximations with curves of relative equilibria in Hamiltonian systems with dissipation Nonlinearity. 8: 1087-1113
Lewis D, Simo JC. (1994) Conserving algorithms for the dynamics of Hamiltonian systems on lie groups Journal of Nonlinear Science. 4: 253-299
Lewis D. (1993) Bifurcation of liquid drops Nonlinearity. 6: 491-522
Lewis D, Ratiu T, Simo JC, et al. (1992) The heavy top: a geometric treatment Nonlinearity. 5: 1-48
Lewis D. (1992) Lagrangian block diagonalization Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 4: 1-41
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