Ruth J. Williams
Affiliations: | University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA |
"Ruth Williams"Children
Sign in to add traineeHans C. Gromoll | grad student | 2001 | UCSD |
Steven L. Bell | grad student | 2003 | UCSD |
Aubin R. Whitley | grad student | 2003 | UCSD |
Weining Kang | grad student | 2005 | UCSD |
Sumit Bhardwaj | grad student | 2008 | UCSD |
Michael S. Kinnally | grad student | 2009 | UCSD |
Vladimir Pesic | grad student | 2011 | UCSD |
David Lipshutz | grad student | 2013 | UCSD |
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Anderson DF, Higham DJ, Leite SC, et al. (2019) On Constrained Langevin Equations and (Bio)Chemical Reaction Networks Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. 17: 1-30 |
Mulvany JA, Puha AL, Williams RJ. (2019) Asymptotic behavior of a critical fluid model for a multiclass processor sharing queue via relative entropy Queueing Systems. 93: 351-397 |
Steiner PJ, Williams RJ, Hasty J, et al. (2016) Criticality and Adaptivity in Enzymatic Networks. Biophysical Journal. 111: 1078-87 |
Lipshutz D, Williams RJ. (2015) Existence, uniqueness, and stability of slowly oscillating periodic solutions for delay differential equations with nonnegativity constraints Siam Journal On Mathematical Analysis. 47: 4467-4535 |
Cookson NA, Mather WH, Danino T, et al. (2011) Queueing up for enzymatic processing: correlated signaling through coupled degradation. Molecular Systems Biology. 7: 561 |
Mather WH, Hasty J, Tsimring LS, et al. (2011) Factorized time-dependent distributions for certain multiclass queueing networks and an application to enzymatic processing networks Queueing Systems. 69: 313-328 |
Kinnally MS, Williams RJ. (2010) On Existence and Uniqueness of Stationary Distributions for Stochastic Delay Differential Equations with Positivity Constraints Electronic Journal of Probability. 15: 409-451 |
Kang WN, Kelly FP, Lee NH, et al. (2009) State space collapse and diffusion approximation for a network operating under a fair bandwidth sharing policy Annals of Applied Probability. 19: 1719-1780 |
Gromoll HC, Williams RJ. (2009) Fluid limits for networks with bandwidth sharing and general document size distributions. Annals of Applied Probability. 19: 243-280 |
Bhardwaj S, Williams RJ. (2009) Diffusion approximation for a heavily loaded multi-user wireless communication system with cooperation Queueing Systems. 62: 345-382 |