A F. Desmond

University of Guelph (Canada), Guelph, Ontario, Canada 
"A Desmond"
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Desmond AF. (2018) Discussion of “Birnbaum‐Saunders distribution: A review of models, analysis, and applications” Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 35: 50-53
Desmond AF, Yang Z. (2016) Asymptotically refined score and GOF tests for inverse Gaussian models Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 1-27
Zhang Y, Lu X, Desmond AF. (2016) Variable Selection in a Log–Linear Birnbaum–Saunders Regression Model for High-Dimensional Survival Data via the Elastic-Net and Stochastic EM Technometrics. 58: 383-392
Desmond AF, Cíntora González CL, Singh RS, et al. (2012) A mixed effects log-linear model based on the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 56: 399-407
Xie C, Singh RS, Desmond AF. (2012) Hierarchical quasi-likelihood approach to frailty models with non-parametric risk effects Journal of Applied Statistical Science. 20: 91-99
Dixon SN, Darlington GA, Desmond AF. (2011) A competing risks model for correlated data based on the subdistribution hazard Lifetime Data Analysis. 17: 473-495
Xu R, McNicholas PD, Desmond AF, et al. (2011) A first passage time model for long-term survivors with competing risks International Journal of Biostatistics. 7
Balka J, Desmond AF, McNicholas PD. (2011) Bayesian and likelihood inference for cure rates based on defective inverse Gaussian regression models Journal of Applied Statistics. 38: 127-144
Desmond AF, Yang ZL. (2011) Score tests for inverse Gaussian mixtures Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 27: 633-648
Balka J, Desmond AF, McNicholas PD. (2009) Review and implementation of cure models based on first hitting times for Wiener processes Lifetime Data Analysis. 15: 147-176
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