Harold P. Benson

Information Systems and Operations Management University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Operations Research, Mathematics
"Harold Benson"



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Thomas L. Morin grad student 1976 Northwestern (E-Tree)
 (A bicriterion mathematical programming approach for nutrition planning in developing nations with an application to Colombia, South America)


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Ysemin Aksoy grad student Tulane
George Boger grad student
D Lee grad student UF Gainesville
Serpil Sayin grad student UF Gainesville
Erjiang Sun grad student 2000 UF Gainesville
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Yenipazarli A, Benson HP, Erenguc S. (2016) A branch-and-bound algorithm for the concave cost supply problem International Journal of Production Research. 54: 3943-3961
Benson HP. (2015) Using concave envelopes to globally solve the nonlinear sum of ratios problem Journal of Global Optimization. 22: 343-364
Benson HP. (2012) An outcome space algorithm for optimization over the weakly efficient set of a multiple objective nonlinear programming problem Journal of Global Optimization. 52: 553-574
Benson HP. (2010) Branch-and-bound outer approximation algorithm for sum-of-ratios fractional programs Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 146: 1-18
Benson HP. (2010) Simplicial branch-and-reduce algorithm for convex programs with a multiplicative constraint Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 145: 213-233
Benson HP, Sun E. (2009) Branch-and-reduce algorithm for convex programs with additional multiplicative constraints European Journal of Operational Research. 199: 1-8
Benson HP. (2008) Global maximization of a generalized concave multiplicative function Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 137: 105-120
Benson HP. (2007) A simplicial branch and bound duality-bounds algorithm for the linear sum-of-ratios problem European Journal of Operational Research. 182: 597-611
Benson HP. (2007) Matthias Ehrgott, Multicriteria Optimization (second ed.), Springer (2005) ISBN 3-540-21398-8 323 pages European Journal of Operational Research. 176: 1961-1964
Benson HP. (2007) Solving sum of ratios fractional programs via concave minimization Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 135: 1-17
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