Anthony M. Kwasnica
Affiliations: | Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Environmental Economics, Agricultural Economics, Land Use PlanningGoogle:
"Anthony Kwasnica"
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Kwasnica AM, Velthuis R, Williams J. (2019) Did You See What I Saw? Interpreting Others' Forecasts When Their Information Is Unknown Review of Finance. 23: 325-361 |
Davis AM, Katok E, Kwasnica AM. (2014) Should sellers prefer auctions a laboratory comparison of auctions and sequential mechanisms Management Science. 60: 990-1008 |
Banerjee S, Kwasnica AM, Shortle JS. (2014) Information and Auction Performance: A Laboratory Study of Conservation Auctions for Spatially Contiguous Land Management Environmental and Resource Economics. 61: 409-431 |
Kwasnica AM, Sherstyuk K. (2013) Multiunit auctions Journal of Economic Surveys. 27: 461-490 |
Banerjee S, Kwasnica AM, Shortle JS. (2012) Agglomeration bonus in small and large local networks: A laboratory examination of spatial coordination Ecological Economics. 84: 142-152 |
Sohn JW, Kwasnica AM, Mullen T. (2012) Human traders across multiple markets: Attracting intra-marginal traders under economic experiments Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 118: 109-126 |
Sarkar S, Kwasnica AM. (2011) On delays in project completion with cost reduction: An experiment Southern Economic Journal. 77: 557-584 |
Davis AM, Katok E, Kwasnica AM. (2011) Do auctioneers pick optimal reserve prices? Management Science. 57: 177-192 |
Kogan S, Kwasnica AM, Weber RA. (2011) Coordination in the presence of asset markets American Economic Review. 101: 927-947 |
Katok E, Kwasnica AM. (2008) Time is money: The effect of clock speed on seller's revenue in Dutch auctions Experimental Economics. 11: 344-357 |