Hans Ellegren

Evolutionary Biology Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden 
avian genome evolution
"Hans Ellegren"


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Luohao Xu research assistant (FlyTree)
Jochen Wolf post-doc (FlyTree)
Lori Lawson Handley post-doc 2000-2002 University of Uppsala
Judith Mank post-doc 2006-2008 Uppsala
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Smeds L, Huson LSA, Ellegren H. (2024) Structural genomic variation in the inbred Scandinavian wolf population contributes to the realized genetic load but is positively affected by immigration. Evolutionary Applications. 17: e13652
Viluma A, Flagstad Ø, Åkesson M, et al. (2022) Whole-genome resequencing of temporally stratified samples reveals substantial loss of haplotype diversity in the highly inbred Scandinavian wolf population. Genome Research
Chase MA, Ellegren H, Mugal CF. (2021) Positive selection plays a major role in shaping signatures of differentiation across the genomic landscape of two independent Ficedula flycatcher species pairs. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Ottenburghs J, Honka J, Müskens GJDM, et al. (2020) Recent introgression between Taiga Bean Goose and Tundra Bean Goose results in a largely homogeneous landscape of genetic differentiation. Heredity
Rettelbach A, Nater A, Ellegren H. (2019) How Linked Selection Shapes the Diversity Landscape in Flycatchers. Genetics
Smeds L, Kojola I, Ellegren H. (2019) The evolutionary history of grey wolf Y chromosomes. Molecular Ecology
Nadachowska-Brzyska K, Burri R, Ellegren H. (2019) Footprints of adaptive evolution revealed by whole Z chromosomes haplotypes in flycatchers. Molecular Ecology
Warmuth VM, Ellegren H. (2019) Genotype-free estimation of allele frequencies reduces bias and improves demographic inference from RADSeq data. Molecular Ecology Resources
Bolívar P, Guéguen L, Duret L, et al. (2019) GC-biased gene conversion conceals the prediction of the nearly neutral theory in avian genomes. Genome Biology. 20: 5
Merilä J, Sheldon BC, Ellegren H. (2019) QUANTITATIVE GENETICS OF SEXUAL SIZE DIMORPHISM IN THE COLLARED FLYCATCHER, FICEDULA ALBICOLLIS. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 52: 870-876
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