Mark S. Granovetter

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Mark Granovetter"


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Harrison C. White grad student 1965-1970 Harvard


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Walter W. Powell grad student 1978 SUNY Stony Brook
Chi-nien Chung grad student 2000 Stanford
Valery Yakubovich grad student 2001 Stanford
Emilio J. Castilla grad student 2002 Stanford
Lionel Chew grad student 2002 Stanford
James A. Evans grad student 2004 Stanford
Stoyan V. Sgourev grad student 2004 Stanford
Byung-Soo Kim grad student 2005 Stanford
Keiichi Takaki grad student 2005 Stanford
Young-Choon Kim grad student 2006 Stanford
Jennifer van Stelle grad student 2006 Stanford
Sean F. Everton grad student 2007 Stanford
Denis Trapido grad student 2008 Stanford
Christof Brandtner grad student 2012-2015 Stanford
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Granovetter M. (2009) Comment on "Capitalist Entrepreneurship: Making Profit through the Unmaking of Economic Orders" (by Thorbjørn Knudsen and Richard Swedberg) Capitalism and Society. 4: 1-12
Ferrary M, Granovetter M. (2009) The role of venture capital firms in Silicon Valley's complex innovation network Economy and Society. 38: 326-359
Granovetter M. (2005) The Impact of Social Structure on Economic Outcomes Journal of Economic Perspectives. 19: 33-50
Yakubovich V, Granovetter M, McGuire P. (2005) Electric charges: The social construction of rate systems Theory and Society. 34: 579-612
Granovetter M. (2003) Ignorance, Knowledge, and Outcomes in a Small World Science. 301: 773-774
Granovetter M. (1999) Coase Encounters and Formal Models: Taking Gibbons Seriously Administrative Science Quarterly. 44: 158-162
Koelble TA, Cook KS, Levi M, et al. (1995) The New Institutionalism in Political Science and Sociology@@@The Limits of Rationality@@@The Sociology of Economic Life@@@Rediscovering Institutions@@@The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis@@@Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis Comparative Politics. 27: 231
Granovetter M. (1995) Coase Revisited: Business Groups in the Modern Economy Industrial and Corporate Change. 4: 93-130
Podolny J, Granovetter M, Swedberg R. (1994) The Sociology of Economic Life.@@@Explorations in Economic Sociology. Contemporary Sociology. 23: 868
Granovetter M, Gerlach ML. (1994) Alliance Capitalism: The Social Organization of Japanese Business. Contemporary Sociology. 23: 3
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