Marvin L. Adams

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Nuclear Engineering, Mathematics
"Marvin Adams"


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Kevin T. Clarno grad student 2004 Texas A & M
Brian D. Lansrud grad student 2005 Texas A & M
Joseph C. Stone grad student 2007 Texas A & M
Alexander E. Maslowski Olivares grad student 2008 Texas A & M
Joshua J. Jarrell grad student 2010 Texas A & M
Zeyun Wu grad student 2010 Texas A & M
Hayes F. Stripling grad student 2013 Texas A & M


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Darrell D. E. Long collaborator (Computer Science Tree)
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Grosskopf M, Bingham D, Adams ML, et al. (2020) Generalized Computer Model Calibration for Radiation Transport Simulation Technometrics. 1-13
Adams MP, Adams ML, Hawkins WD, et al. (2020) Provably optimal parallel transport sweeps on semi-structured grids Journal of Computational Physics. 407: 109234
Hanuš M, Harbour LH, Ragusa JC, et al. (2019) Uncollided flux techniques for arbitrary finite element meshes Journal of Computational Physics. 398: 108848
Lau CY, Adams ML. (2017) Discrete Ordinates Quadratures Based on Linear and Quadratic Discontinuous Finite Elements over Spherical Quadrilaterals Nuclear Science and Engineering. 185: 36-52
Kumar A, Morel JE, Adams ML. (2015) A new indirect measure of diffusion model error Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 163: 24-33
Stehle ND, Anistratov DY, Adams ML. (2014) A hybrid transport-diffusion method for 2D transport problems with diffusive subdomains Journal of Computational Physics. 270: 325-344
Morel JE, Ragusa JC, Adams ML, et al. (2013) Asymptotic PN-Equivalent SN+1 Equations Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. 42: 3-20
Stripling HF, Anitescu M, Adams ML. (2013) A generalized adjoint framework for sensitivity and global error estimation in time-dependent nuclear reactor simulations Annals of Nuclear Energy. 52: 47-58
Pautz SD, Pandya TM, Adams ML. (2011) Scalable parallel prefix solvers for discrete ordinates transport in multidimensions Nuclear Science and Engineering. 169: 245-261
Van Der Holst B, Tóth G, Sokolov IV, et al. (2011) Crash: A block-adaptive-mesh code for radiative shock hydrodynamics - Implementation and verification Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 194
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