Charles Lewis
Affiliations: | Fordham University, Bronx, NY, United States |
Psychometrics Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Tests and Measurements Education, Mathematics EducationGoogle:
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Lewis C, Chajewski M, Rupp AA. (2018) Digital ITEMS Module 1: Reliability in Classical Test Theory. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. 37: 71-72 |
Tryon WW, Patelis T, Chajewski M, et al. (2017) Theory construction and data analysis Theory & Psychology. 27: 126-134 |
Osenbach JE, Lewis C, Rosenfeld B, et al. (2014) Exploring the longitudinal trajectories of posttraumatic stress disorder in injured trauma survivors. Psychiatry. 77: 386-97 |
van der Linden WJ, Lewis C. (2014) Bayesian Checks on Cheating on Tests. Psychometrika |
Allen V, Rahman N, Weissman A, et al. (2014) The Situational Test of Emotional Management - Brief (STEM-B): Development and validation using item response theory and latent class analysis Personality and Individual Differences |
Khan A, Lewis C, Lindenmayer JP. (2011) Use of non-parametric item response theory to develop a shortened version of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Bmc Psychiatry. 11: 178 |
Rosenfeld B, Pessin H, Lewis C, et al. (2011) Assessing hopelessness in terminally ill cancer patients: development of the Hopelessness Assessment in Illness Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment. 23: 325-36 |
Casabianca JM, Budescu DV, Fyffe DC, et al. (2010) Abstract: A Comparison of Classification Techniques for Diagnosis in an Alzheimer's Study. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 45: 1021 |
Lewis C, Khan A, Souvlis T, et al. (2010) A randomised controlled study examining the short-term effects of Strain-Counterstrain treatment on quantitative sensory measures at digitally tender points in the low back. Manual Therapy. 15: 536-41 |
Tryon WW, Lewis C. (2008) An inferential confidence interval method of establishing statistical equivalence that corrects Tryon's (2001) reduction factor. Psychological Methods. 13: 272-7 |